Super God

Chapter 1266: Shocked the audience!

Facing the Dao Dao geniuses like Xuan Jiuzhong and the refining of Jin Dan, Yun Feiyang finally sacrificed the purple lotus industry fire. Just fell in love with Lewen Fiction Network www. LWXS520. COM

Not surprisingly.

When everyone witnessed this fire, they realized that the purple lotus industry fire, which had never appeared in the medicine world, set off a huge wave in their hearts!

This is more than surprise.

This is definitely a very strong shock!

Qiu Yishui shook his head secretly.

When she first learned that Yun Feiyang had a third kind of flame, she was still not weaker than Chaolian Fire's Purple Lotus Fire, and she was deeply shocked.

"This kid..."

The half-brewed fairy in the state of foolishness finally recovered and excitedly laughed: "There is such a powerful flame, hahaha!"

He has always thought that Yun Feiyang is not simple, but he did not expect that there will be a purple lotus industry fire, which is really a big surprise.

"My God, it turned out to be Zilian Yehuo!"

"This kind of flame has never appeared in the drug industry records!"

"This person is terrible and has three kinds of flames!" Many Dan Dao strongmen were also deeply shocked.

The audience who had despised him had envy and respect in their eyes.

Ground fire.

Innate true fire.

Purple lotus fire!

Three kinds of flames, one kind higher than one kind, all exist in a person's body, really can't imagine.

"This kid is really not simple, there is a purple lotus industry fire!" Sai said immediately.

"This kind of flame, I heard that it is used to make alchemy and condensed the elixir, which will contain the spirit of Buddha, and the effect is doubled!" Sha Baolong said.

"I said, since he dares to fight against the strongest genius in the pharmaceutical world, he must have two brushes." Li Qifei laughed.

Purple lotus fire.

This brush is too big.

Too many people, dare not think about it!


When Yun Feiyang revealed the purple lotus industry fire, it undoubtedly shocked the audience and also successfully attracted everyone's attention, attracting absolute attention.

Xuan Jiuzhong, who was practicing alchemy, saw Zilian Yehuo, felt the flame, and suppressed his chaotic fire fiercely.

that moment.

The self-confidence in his bones suffered a heavy blow under the fire of Yunfei's purple lotus industry.

If it had not broken through to the level of the Emperor Dan, and his mood was stable, I am afraid it would have affected Alchemy.

Xuan Jiuzhong calmed down and said in secret: "What about the fire of the purple lotus industry."

Yun Feiyang's flame is strong, but this Dan Dao genius still has absolute confidence and can win in the Dan fight.


This person's strength is no more than the eleventh-grade Dan King. Even if there is more inflammation alchemy and purple lotus fire, it is very difficult to refine the first-grade Jindan.

Even if it is made by chance, the quality will never be too high.

Bei Mingba calmed down from the shock and secretly said: "Although this kid has a purple lotus industry fire, he will eventually lose to Jiuzhong."

Many Dan Taoists think so.

Undeniably, Yun Feiyang ignited the purple lotus industry, and indeed shocked them fiercely, but analyzed it rationally.

Eleven Pindan King, to refine a golden pindan, the probability of success, I am afraid less than 10%.

On the other hand, Xuan Jiuzhong not only possesses the strength of the Dan Emperor class, but also has Chaos Fire, and the success rate of refining Jindan is definitely over 90%.

10%, 90%.

This is a huge difference!


At this moment, the purple lotus industry fire suspended in mid-air turned into purple light and merged with the other two flames.


The scorching flame rose, and immediately covered the red furnace, and began to smelt the internal medicinal materials. Under the blessing of the purple lotus industry, the feeling of powerlessness disappeared, making Yunfei feel more relaxed.

"Sure enough, refining Jindan still has to rely on a stronger flame."

brush! brush! brush!

A strain of medicinal plants flew into the Dan furnace.

In a very short time, Yun Feiyang put all the remaining medicinal materials into it and began to skillfully manipulate the three flames.

There is no alchemy alchemy in Yuehua Dan Palace. The three kinds of flames are perfectly integrated. Sometimes they are soaring and sometimes introverted. It can be described as flawless, hidden, and everyone feels like they are watching a Dan Emperor Alchemy!

"Does this person also break through to Dan Emperor?"

"How is it possible that he is not the eleventh rank king?"

"This kind of breath produced during alchemy should only appear in the Dan Emperor!"

Everyone was shocked.

Yun Feiyang is indeed the eleventh-ranking king, but the fusion of the crystals of the Dao Dao, to absorb the understanding of the Dao Dao, is the Dan Emperor!

However, it's just momentum.

However, many Dan Taoist powerhouses witnessed Yun Feiyang's manipulation of flames and the techniques shown during alchemy, which instantly increased the success rate by 10% to 20%!

"This child may be successful, but it is the quality that decides the victory or defeat."

"Pill quality depends on the realm of the pill of Dao. Although this son has the emperor level of the emperor, it is actually the eleven-grade pill king. Even if it is a pill, the quality is only inferior."

The division of the medicine in the medicine world is the same as that of the Little God Realm, which is inferior, medium, superior, excellent and perfect.


Yun Feiyang smiled faintly, and then put his mind on alchemy, closely watching the medicinal materials in the red furnace, so as to fine-tune the flame.


Refining a product of Golden Pill requires not only sufficient strength, but also sufficient time. After the two enter the state of refining the pill, it is destined to take a long time.

one day.

Two days.

Five days...

Time elapsed, no matter the day or night, the two supreme flames were still released.

This is a test of the soul power of the Dan, because one must control the flame temperature, but also use it effectively to avoid waste.

The Dan who came to watch the battle, staring at Yun Feiyang and Xuan Jiuzhong intently, never left, and he was tireless.

And in capturing every subtle movement of the two alchemists, those who have a good understanding will benefit from it.

Dandao is the same as Budo.

Building a car behind closed doors is far less than observing it.

Seven days later.

The beads of sweat appeared on Xuan Jiuzhong's forehead. Obviously, it was very troublesome to control the flame for a long time and observe the red furnace with soul power.

On the other hand, Yun Fei was flying, her face was still filled with a smile, no hurry, no fatigue, no fatigue.

Many Dan Dao strong people secretly marveled, marveled that this child's endurance and soul power is very strong.

The eighth day.

Xuan Jiuzhong's face was pale, his breathing was short, and he was obviously a bit tired.

"This child should have just entered the emperor Dan Emperor, not really stable." There are strong people said.

When he looked at Yunfeiyang, his mouth twitched, because the guy was still not tired, and his forehead didn’t even ooze sweat beads. Alchemy, but nap!

"Is this son's soul power already reached the half-sen level?" the strong man exclaimed.


Suddenly, a wave of gas came from the dan furnace shrouded in chaotic fire, accompanied by a strong medicinal fragrance.


Many Dao Dao strong people's complexion changed.

In just ten days, thousands of medicinal materials were fused to form a pill shape. This speed is too fast!

"From the point of view of the strong fragrance of medicine, the quality should be excellent!"

"In my opinion, it should be perfect."

A few Dan Dao strong men, competing for discussion, looked at Xuan Jiuzhong's eyes with appreciation, such a short time to form a Dan, the quality is above the excellent, it is worthy of being the strongest Dan Wu genius in the pharmaceutical world.

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