Super God

Chapter 1267: Let you down

For ten days.

Xuan Jiuzhong's speed shocked everyone.

However, Jie Dan does not mean Cheng Dan, so next, it will take time to refine, and there can be no slack.


The chaotic flame is still burning, and Xuan Jiuzhong still maintains the state of alchemy.

No hurry.

Complimented by many Dan Dao strong.

Besides, Yun Feiyang.

At this moment, he was not influenced by Xuan Jiuzhong's formation of the Pill, he was in his own rhythm, while controlling the flame, while staring at everything.

The degree of calmness is not worse than that of Xuan Jiu.


Half a day later, three flames shrouded in flames erupted, and a light scent diffused.

Obviously, it's also a fright.

Many strong men were surprised, but they also shook their heads when they smelled the smell of the medicine.

Undoubtedly, in terms of fragrance, Yunfei Yang's knot pill must be weaker than Xuan Jiuzhong.

A strong man said: "Even if this child is the last one, the quality will certainly not be medium."

"The outcome is determined."

Other Dandao strong men had judgment in their hearts, while Jiu Banxian and Qiu Yishui frowned.

Although the aroma is strong and can not ultimately determine the quality of the medicine, but basically there is not much change.

Yunfeiyang's Jindan is refined, the highest quality, I am afraid that it is the highest limit.


Jiu Banxian said anxiously.

It’s nothing to say, but it’s about life and death, but it’s not good.

Qiu Yishui is also extremely nervous, but still hopeful, this guy will do miracles!

"Xuan Gongzi's smell is stronger than Yun Feiyang's, and the quality must be higher than him."

"In front of the strongest Dao Dao genius like Xuan Gongzi, even if there is a purple lotus industry fire, it will not work."

"This man will die soon."


Yun Feiyang and Xuan Jiuzhong have formed a pill, and then, the last part is the pill.

Again, it takes time.

Practitioners who watch the battle are more patient than readers, and are not in a hurry.

one day.

Two days.

Five days!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

In the Dan furnace covered by the chaotic fire, a clear voice was heard, and it was passed on to the Yanwuchang of Yuehua Dan Palace.

"Xuan Gongzi Dan is done!"

"Yipin Jindan, made in fifteen days, this is really fast!"

The Dan who came to watch the battle immediately talked about it, and the kind of worship and admiration was more intense.

The Beimingba, who was always tense with thought, was also completely relaxed, with a smile on his face, and said: "Old wine, accept it."

Jiu Banxian said lightly: "You haven't won or lost points yet, you accept a fart."

"Yes, too."

Beimingba smiled.

Many Dao Dao strongmen next to him shook their heads secretly. Although the victory or defeat had not yet been scored, the ending was already doomed.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

At this moment, there was a crackling sound in the dan furnace covered by the purple lotus fire.

Obviously, Dan Cheng!

"So fast?"

Many Dandao powerhouses did not expect that Yun Feiyang would follow closely and become an alchemist.


Xuan Jiuzhong, as the Emperor Dan, refined Jin Dan within fifteen days. Although everyone was surprised, they took it for granted.

However, Yun Feiyang, the eleventh-ranking king, became a pill at such a rapid rate, making them difficult to understand.

"Cheng Dan is fast, poor quality, or refining waste Dan, it doesn't make any sense." Humane.

"Not bad."

Everyone expressed support.

Therefore, at this moment, they have fixed their eyes on Xuan Jiuzhong, hoping that he will show what quality of medicine.

Look forward to it.

Xuan Jiuzhong recovered the chaotic fire and waved it with his hand. The Dan furnace flew up and fell in front of the container. Ten freshly baked Dan furnaces rolled down one by one.

No doubt, Mandan!

"In only fifteen days, Mandan was refined, and Master Xuan was so powerful!"

"Not only Mandan!"

A strong Daoist Daoist, looking at the ten full-bodied, round and clear potions in the bowl, solemnly said: "It's all perfect quality!"


Everyone was shocked.

"The outcome is divided."

A strong Dan Road said.

Mandan, the perfect quality, is one step faster than Yunfeiyang. Everyone on the scene agreed that Xuan Jiuzhong won.

The wine half fairy is ugly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't deny that Xuan Jiuzhong's performance was impeccable, and the Chinese medicine was also impeccable.


Beimingba laughed.


My disciple is faster than you, and is the perfect quality of Mandan. What ability do you have to resist?


When Xuan Jiuzhong's immortality medicine came out, everyone knew that the game was over and the victory and defeat were divided.

Even if Yun Feiyang is the perfect quality of Mandan, he will lose even if he is one step behind in time.


With the strength of this guy's eleventh grade Dan King, and the fragrance of the medicine just now, even Mandan is by no means perfect quality.


Yun Feiyang withdrew the three flames and said, "You are stronger than I thought."

Xuan Jiuzhong smiled and said: "Liang Dan."

Yun Feiyang shrugged his shoulders, then waved his hand, Dan furnace flew out, hung on the bowl, began to spit out pills.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Elixir all fell into the bowl, the number is ten.

Obviously, Mandan!

It's just that when all the medicines rolled down, the whole Yanwuchang burst into laughter, because all the medicines were dark.

"Hahaha, it's a waste pill!"

"Awesome, it turned out to be a waste pot!"

Many daggers laughed straight.

Even a superb palace lord like Beimingba is a little bit of a stoic boy.

Jiu Banxian's mouth twitched, but his heart was cold and cold.

Just as everyone laughed, the ten elixirs placed in the bowl shivered slightly, and then appeared thin slits.


"Will Dan explode?"

"Pooh haha!"

Many Dan people laughed even harder.

"a bunch of idiots."

Yun Feiyang said lightly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, the dark-colored elixir ruptured, a soft sound came, and when the appearance fell off, the light erupted instantly.

The light is dazzling, like the sun, and those who are laughing are disturbed by the flashing light, and it is difficult to open the eyes.

In an instant.

The laughter on Yanwuchang came to an abrupt end.

Beimingba and other Dan Dao strongmen changed their complexion, Yuan Nian quickly shone the flash of the immortal medicine, and a deep horror appeared in his eyes!


Weaken the The original dark-colored panacea seems to be reborn and transformed into colorful panacea. The rich fragrance diffuses and makes people relax


Many Dan Dao strong eyes widened.

Jiu Banxian was also embarrassed, but quickly recovered, stood up, and laughed unscrupulously!

As a veteran Dan Dao strong, he instantly judged that no matter the color or fragrance of the pill, Yunfeiyang's Jindan is stronger than Xuan Jiuzhong's Jindan!

Better than perfect.

Then only one possibility is super perfect quality!

Super perfection is another level of medicine in the medicine world, and this quality almost never appears, because, since ancient times, this quality of medicine has appeared only nine times!

"I'm sorry." Yun Feiyang looked at Xuan Jiuzhong and those who had laughed before, and said, "It disappoints you."

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