Super God

Chapter 1296: God of War is awesome

Under the leadership of Zhuge Jin, millions of soldiers of the Ling clan were like locusts crossing the border, no grass was growing, the three prisons of the Jing clan were occupied, and the last black rope prison was also broken in many cities.

It can be said that in the face of well-trained and powerful spirit clan, the Jing clan is absolutely crushed by death.

At the moment, they have retreated on a large scale, abandoned many cities with no strategic significance, and stationed in the black rope city.

This is the last bastion and the last place that can be persisted. If it is broken, everything will be lost.

It's hard to imagine.

The elites who originally occupied the Nine Nine Four Prisons will be reduced to such a tragic reminder in a short time.

What is more tragic is that from beginning to end, Zhong Sunting did not know, and what kind of hatred he had against the alien who suddenly struck.

"Zhong Sun Ting!"

In the midair of the black rope prison city, the charming pink fist clenched, and the bright eyes flashed a murderous opportunity, saying: "Do you still know me."

Zhong Sunting squinted slightly, startled: "Are you the daughter of the demon master?!"

As the main general who once participated in the attack on the demon clan, why would he forget the princess of the demon clan.

"So it turns out."

Zhong Sunting understood that this powerful ethnic group was the rescuer this woman had found.

"Before ten thousand years, you sperm and ghost clan, together to destroy my demon clan, today, I will destroy your sperm!" Youmei said with hate.

Zhong Sunting sneered: "It's ridiculous to destroy my elite."


Between the speeches, a long sword with a dark scent gradually appeared in the void, and the sword body was condensed with a dark air.

Youmei frowned: "I didn't expect the master's black demon sword to be in your hands."

"Dark Sword?"

Yun Fei said: "Is it strong?"

Ghostly whispered: "This sword comes from the real martial arts domain, and its quality has already surpassed that of heaven."

Overriding the sky.

It seems that this sword should be a second fairy.

Yun Feiyang's eyes brightened.

The last general of this elite, Dan Tian’s energy not only helps his realm improve, but his weaponry is also very good.


Zhong Sun Tingjian pointed to Yun Feiyang and said coldly: "Boy, you killed my four brothers. Today, you will sacrifice with your head!"

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "I want to see if you have the ability to take off my head."

"Feiyang, this man has a black demon sword, and his strength is strong, so he can't fight hard." Youmei whispered.

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang smiled, but flew wisely to the distance, and Zhong Sun Ting followed, and the two stopped in tacit understanding in the Black Rope City two thousand miles away.

"Old guy, remember, you and I are fighting each other, don't want to hurt others, otherwise, I don't mind, wipe the black rope prison on the spot." Yun Feiyang laughed.

Zhong Sunting's face was somber.


Suddenly, he stepped out into the void, and the black demon sword waved violently, slashing towards the void.


The black qi wave, carrying strong essence, condensed into a crescent shape in the air, and burst out.

The great treasures of the Sixth Grade Half Immortals and the Second Immortals are really terrifying.

With just a sword, everything in the world is turned into nothingness, and the space is completely broken.

Clouds flying in mid-air can also clearly feel the strong pressure generated by flying sword energy.

"Sixth grade and fifth grade are only one grade apart, but the strength is a world apart!" Yun Feiyang murmured.


He didn't care anything, the Wuling Excalibur was out of the sheath, his hands were held by the hilt, and he slashed toward the black sword.


The sword energy condensed to the strong sword intention, like the rushing sea wave, washed away from the bottom, and finally collided with the black sword.

There was no explosion.

Two terrible sword qi, showing a confrontation, a gurgling wave erupted like a flame, burning all around!

With a range of two thousand miles, they are all shrouded in ruthless and overbearing swordsmanship and swordsmanship. Once entered, the warriors under the sixth grade and half fairy will definitely die!

"Let's hide away."

Luo Mu and others were a little worried and retreated to the rear immediately, but their eyes were always locked in the two sword qi. As an audience, they were shocked that this power was really terrible.

Zhong Sunting was also shocked. He used the master's sword, and his quality was up to the second fairy weapon. After the sword was cut, the other party even carried it!

This person is very strong.

It was no accident that the four brothers were killed.


The more majestic essence gas exploded, the black sword gas with glue, the power increased greatly, and it was suppressed severely.

Yun Fei raised his brows tightly.

The strength of the other party is constantly improving, making him difficult to support, and can only be suppressed by Jian Qi!


The black sword qi occupies the wind, and finally wipes out Yun Feiyang's sword qi directly, and continues to blow down.


Yun Feiyang stepped on the step of drunk shadow, quickly avoided, holding the sword and the tiger's mouth was numb.

This is not a gap in strength, but a gap in treasure. After all, the Black Demon Sword is the second fairy weapon, and the Five Spirits Sword is just the first product of the Heaven Order.


Zhong Sunting once again stepped into a huge body, and the black demon sword crossed the void, forming a sword spirit!


The stronger black sword gas exploded before, Yun Feiyang did not dare to fight hard, and immediately exploded.


After evading, the black sword gas chopped on the ground, forming a deep trench of thousands of miles.

Zhong Sun Ting was not discouraged by a blow, and was not discouraged. He waved the Dark Demon Sword again, and flew to Yunfei.



Two sword spirits erupted suddenly, sprinting from two directions, blocking the possibility of avoiding left and right.

Faced with this situation, Yun Feiyang could only wield his sword, but the sword energy he formed was easily broken.


The second black sword qi came from another aspect and directly engulfed Yun Feiyang.

Broken space, black air lingers.


A stream of light flew out of the diffuse black sword gas.

Yun Feiyang stabilized his body, emitting white light all over his body. The Taixu platinum battle armor had been put on his body and he resisted a sword. Although he spent a lot of magical power on the battle armor, he was safe.

"Sixth-and-a-half-celestial being equipped with a second fairy, the strength is really strong." He retracted the Wuling Excalibur and said, "I can only move really."


The space is distorted, and a war halberd with a strong breath appears slowly. Obviously, it is Ling Tian war halberd!


Yun Feiyang held the war halberd with one hand, and a strong air wave suddenly broke out around him, disturbing the surroundings.

The white-running battle armor is cloaked, holding a battle halberd and standing in the sky.

Looking at Yun Feiyang's high back, the faint ghost faintly remembered that when he first came to God Realm, he saw the strong man who fought against the gods.

"Brother Feiyang's pretense is even This kind of hand-raising is full of deep breath, which makes Luo Mu feel ashamed.

Zhong Sun Ting always locked in the battle halberd, solemnly said: "Second Fairy Tool?"

"Are you surprised?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Zhong Sunting was surprised, but with a sneer, he raised the black demon sword and slashed the powerful black sword again.


Yun Feiyang's wrist turned around, Lingtian battle halberd turned happily, when it stopped, the halberd spike stabbed.



Black Jianqi was smashed instantly.

Zhong Sunting's expression changed, and at this time, Yun Feiyang flew with a battle halberd, spurting a shot out of a dragon, a violent breath, as if overturning the mountains and the sea.

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