Super God

Chapter 1297: You all have to die!


There was a loud noise, rippling in the air, the space that was healing itself was hit again, and it was instantly fragmented.


Zhong Sunting's huge body exploded backwards, and stopped until he hit a mountain, but his face appeared horrified.

He obviously already felt that the guy holding the second fairy weapon had a much stronger fighting power!

"Are you a seventh-grade half-cent?"

Zhong Sunting exclaimed.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and smiled, but did not answer. He fought with the halberd and immediately poked three times in a row.

The speed is not fast.

Zhong Sunting held the sword with ease, but his heart was even more frightened, because every blow made by the opponent was understated, as if playing with himself.

It is not a seventh-grade half-cent, and the strength is probably at the peak of the sixth-grade, and it is also in its own!


Yun Feiyang's current strength is indeed at the level of Liupin Peak.

And to achieve this, naturally is also flying the mainland, comprehending Qianxiangong to the fifth level.

That is to say, when Yun Feiyang appeared with soldiers and rescued the ghost, the realm was no longer Tianzun level, but entered a half fairy!

The promotion of the Great Realm gave him the strength not weaker than the Sixth Grade Half Immortal, so he dared to send a large army to appear in Jiu You before he dared to launch a fierce attack.

Afterwards, he successively absorbed the energy of Rondo and Helian Liu. Although the realm was still a first-grade half-cent, but the strength of the outbreak could suppress the sixth-grade half-cent cent like Zhong Sunting.


Yun Feiyang flew up again, Ling Tian battle halberd chopped off, forming a harsh air wave, Zhong Sun Ting can only raise his sword to resist.


Huh! Huh!

Zhong Sunting receded wildly, and the sword-bearing arm came with unspeakable pain, and his eyes were uncertain.


Yun Feiyang withdrew the war halberd, stood in the air, and smiled: "Hurry violently, otherwise, you can only be abused."


Zhong Sunting was furious, but he was still thinking about whether to run or to inspire a **** battle with him.



At this time, several streamers flew in the distance, and it was the ghost clan strongman headed by Shuo Lao.

"Brother Zhongsun, I'll wait to help!" shouted Old Shuo. Zhong Sun Ting, who had planned to escape, was overjoyed and said, "Old Shuo, this person and these aliens are invited by the demon!"


Shuo Lao and others were startled, when they saw below, the daughter of the familiar demon master suddenly understood everything.

"No wonder it will suddenly appear in Jiu You, it turned out to be a rescuer invited by the remaining demon clan." Shuo Lao sneered.

I thought secretly in my heart, fortunately, I arrived in advance, otherwise, once the Jing Clan fell, the next one must be the Ghost Clan.

Yun Feiyang frowned.

The few who came here were obviously of the half-sen level, and the powerful old man named Shuo was not even under Zhong Sun Ting.

"It's a little trouble." Yun Feiyang murmured, and immediately shouted to Luo Mu and others: "Relax."

Luo Mu and others understood that they immediately relaxed their minds and did not resist, and were instantly remitted to the mainland.


Millions of spirit soldiers were also taken in. Their sudden disappearance left Zhong Sunting and Shuo Lao looking dull.

"This person has a treasure to hold life!"

"No wonder it will appear quietly in the Nine Nether Realm, and I haven't even noticed it."

Zhong Sunting and Shuo Lao suddenly realized that their eyes were gleaming and hot. This kind of space that took away millions of troops in an instant was a treasure.

If you get it yourself, you can take the clan into it and take them to the battlefield, you can do it unexpectedly!



Soon, Shuo Lao and others flew and hung in different directions to surround Yun Feiyang.

Counting Zhong Sun Ting, there are two six and a half cents, one fifth and half cents, one fourth and half cents and one third and half cents.

"Sao old!"

Zhong Sun Ting said: "This person's strength, I am afraid that it has reached the peak of the sixth grade."

"Six-pin peak?" Old Shuo said: "No wonder some of your generals will die in his hands."

"There are a lot of treasures in this son, and the halberd held by his hand is also a second fairy." Zhong Sun Ting said.

Old Shuo laughed: "I'm afraid that the armor he is wearing is extraordinary."

"Not bad."

Zhong Sun Ting said: "Can withstand the attacks of my black demon sword, the quality has reached at least high-end quality."

Everyone's eyes are hot.

In their view, Yun Feiyang is a treasure, and if he wants to kill it, he will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Seeing that they were in a high mood, Zhong Sun Ting said: "Old Shuo, I'll get the shot together, take this son down, and distribute the treasures separately."

With his own, it is certainly difficult to solve the peak of the sixth grade, but there is an extra old man of six grades and half cents, and the situation is different from the three half cents.

It doesn't matter whether he can get good things, he just wants Yunfei to die and avenge his four brothers.

"it is good!"

Shuo Lao has no comments.

The other strong ghosts will definitely not say anything, staring at Yun Feiyang, peering at his halberd and armor.

"It seems." Yun Feiyang laughed: "You plan to be together?"


The halberd waved and stood in mid-air. Judging from the momentum, it was clear that it would have to pick five and a half cents.

It's not that I haven't singled out a lot of people. Even today, there are no fears in the face of the five and a half cents.

This is very bullish.


The strong man of the ghost family called Shulao took the trouble first. He took a step in the void and slammed his fists.


The powerful ghost gas erupted in an instant and turned into two huge fists. The roaring ghost gas seemed to dance like a group of ghosts!

Obviously, this is a powerful technique of boxing, otherwise, it will not be so sturdy.

At the same time, Zhong Sun Ting also rushed over, the Dark Demon Sword wielded, and a strong sword spirit swept over.

The two six-grade half-cents, each exhibiting martial arts, came from the left and right, and their power was very explosive.

The other three ghost clan strongmen will definitely not look at them, they have gathered their strength and blasted from the other direction.

Five and a half cents shot together, the world changed greatly, the power was infinite, the Black Rope City two thousand miles away, the disturbed buildings collapsed!

"come on!"

Yun Feiyang shouted, the hand Lingtian battle halberd radiated golden light, and then greeted the first fist struck first.


Fists shattered.


Yun Feiyang's right arm turned around, Lingtian Battle Halberd cut through the void, and the condensed divine power erupted again, directly smashing the black sword gas.


It was at this time that the power formed by the three half-cents, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com hit him, flying him hundreds of feet away.



Shuo Lao and Zhong Sun Ting flew over, and the boxing skills and sword energy blasted down again. Obviously, Yun Fei Yang was not given any breathing opportunities.



In this world, the light flickers and the energy ripples ripple again and again, making the fragmented space difficult to heal.


In the bombing area, Yun Fei flew out, long hair scattered, and his eyes flashed with a strong killing intent.

"Today, you all have to die!"


During the speech, the whole body shone with golden light, and the black hair flying with the wind gradually turned into purple, and a strong breath erupted!

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