Super God

Chapter 1355: Roll?

Yun Feiyang fell into the Golden Blade Cliff along with Jin Yang Beast. The warriors in the distance did not dare to come near. First, the son of Jin Family had not left, and second, in case Jin Jin Beast rushed out again, it would be troublesome.

How to do?

They don't want to leave, they want to continue to absorb the attributes of the gold system, so they can only wait in place, and this is three hours.

"There is no movement below, the guy may be dead."

"Dare to be bold and approach the Jin Yi beast, it is strange to die." Everyone agreed that the young man with the sword had fallen, and I was afraid that even the body was swallowed.

"Master, what shall we do?"

The Golden Family Martial Arts Road.

"Go, look over."

Jin Yuliang walked carefully with his men.

The people stopped and looked down at the cliff, and found that it was still dark, filled with a creepy breath.


Jin Yuliang said lightly: "Boy, let you get away, but if you don't, you will die."

A warrior from the Jin family laughed: "There is no shortage of people who are so stunned in this world."

Jin Yuliang said: "Go, let's go back."

This time I failed to catch the Jin Ye Beast, so I had to go back and let my men practice well, strive to strengthen the final printing net, and then take it down.


However, when he was about to take his men away, a sudden gust of wind came from the bottom of the cliff, and he immediately saw Jin Yi Beast flying up again.

"not good!"

Jin Yuliang retreated with his men, but it was still one step behind. Jin Yi Beast rushed up, and the violent wind he carried was extremely powerful, and he flew them out directly.



Jin Yuliang and the Jin family martial arts fell in embarrassment outside the Baizhang. There were many wounds similar to sword marks on his body, and the blood was rushing.


The huge Jin Yi beast hung in the air and roared with its head up.

On his head, Yun Fei sat cross-legged, his mouth slightly raised, and a stern smile.

"Lying trough!"

"This guy is alive?!"

The warrior in the distance widened his eyes.

"How... how possible!"

Jin Yuliang, who endured the pain, blinked in disbelief.

Jin Yi Beast fell lightly on the edge of the cliff, staring at the warriors of the Jin Family, Shen said: "Master, do you want to kill them."

the host? ?

Jin Yuliang and others were dumbfounded.

There is only one possibility for the fierce beast to be called ‘master’. This person has made a contract with it and accepted it as a contract beast!

My goodness.

That guy fell under the cliff, just a few hours, what the **** did he do to surrender a rare nine-grade and half-cent gold-level beast?

Yun Feiyang did nothing.

He just relied on strong soul power to penetrate the spirit defense line of Jin Yishou, so that the other party could deeply understand what life is better than death.


Yun Feiyang jumped down and stood in front of Jin Yuliang, laughing: "Boy, did you just let me go away?"


Jin Yi Beast roared.

Jin Yuliang was cold and sweating, and immediately smiled with a smile on his face: " kidding."

Being able to surrender the nine-grade fierce beasts, he could understand no matter how silly, the man with the sword in front of him was not easy to mess with.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Since it's a joke, I won't pursue it anymore, hurry up."


Jin Yuliang hurriedly turned around.

Now he can't help but disappear quickly with his men, so as not to be targeted by this guy.

Yun Feiyang added: "I'm letting you get away, not kidding, but still very serious."

Jin Yuliang's face changed suddenly, and he fisted, "Friend, it's too much to deceive you to do this."

He can leave with his tail on, but ‘rolling away’ is definitely not acceptable.

"To bully too much?"

Yun Feiyang smiled faintly.


The Jin Yi Beast roared again, and the strong gold wind screamed, blowing Jin Yuliang's body with scars and pain.

Yun Feiyang is telling him that Lao Tzu bullied you, how?

The warriors in the distance are dark.

Golden Blade Cliff is very close to the Jin Family, but it has always been a land of no owner.

Even for a long time, the strong were sent to station, and outsiders were not allowed to enter half of the steps.

The casual martial arts warriors can't contend with a family that has the highest rank of nine ranks. They can only choose to endure. It is also a very pleasant thing to witness someone abuse the Jin family's lineage today.

"Come on?"

Yun Feiyang said lightly.

In the meantime, the golden beast standing behind him, the giant eyes wide open, and the golden attributes of the whole body became strong. Obviously, he was about to prepare for another wave of eruption.

Jin Yuliang clenched his fists.

Although ten thousand did not want to roll, they were afraid of dying and did not dare to resist. They compromised and said, "Ok... I roll!"

Lying on the ground, like a ball, rolled to the distance.

The Jinjia warriors were angry.

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Don't stand still, go with your master."

The Jinjia warriors rolled away one by one according to Jin Yuliang's method, which was in stark contrast to the bullish flying.

After Jin Yuliang and his men rolled away, Yun Feiyang jumped back to Jin Yi Beast and said, "Let's go."

"Observe, master."


The golden beast flew up and soon disappeared over the golden blade cliff.

"Who the **** is this man, he can surrender a nine-grade beast so easily!"

"Identity is definitely unusual."

"The Jin family in this area has always been awe-inspiring, and now the heirs are humiliated, I am afraid it is difficult to swallow this breath."

"The man surrendered to a nine-grade beast, and the Jin family might not dare to move him."

"Jin Yi Beast has a gold attribute blessing at Golden Blade Cliff, and its power is strengthened. Once he leaves, his strength will definitely be greatly reduced. If the Jin family dispatches too elders, they might dare to move him."

Yun Feiyang heard the discussion of everyone, but he didn't pay attention to it, but continued to hurry and prepare to return to the Hall of Pride.

But not long after walking, there was a sudden burst of strong breath thousands of miles Hm? "

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly.

He felt this strong breath, as if it was a state of ascension, and it was very powerful.

"Can it be..."

Yun Feiyang was startled: "Someone wants to break through the half-cent immortal consummation?"

The promotion momentum has also made many warriors feel that they are deeply shocked in their hearts. After all, this terrifying promotion momentum has never been seen in their lives!

After a long walk, Jin Yuliang, who had just stood up, said excitedly: "It is too elder! His old man must be breaking through the half-cent perfection!"

The Jinjia warriors are also overjoyed.

If the elders break through successfully, it will be a great event!


Suddenly, a distant sky, a stream of light straight into the sky, as if the sky and earth are connected together.

For most of the ethereal world, you can see this streamer, and it also alarmed many powerful people.

Outside the hall of the Pride Temple, Huangfu Yi raised his eyes to the heavenly streamer and looked solemnly: "Another half-cent immortal consummation is about to be born."

Elder Dao said: "From the point of view, it should be the elder Jin Xingyao of the Jin family."

"Jin Xingyao?"

Huang Fuyi smiled and said, "I remember that when someone bullied his family's heirs, he personally went to chase down."


The elder said: "The people who were chased and killed were also very energetic family heirs. Jin Xingyao didn't care at all.

"It seems that it is necessary to remind the arrogant sons to go out, and Mo Yao will easily provoke the Jin family, so as not to be beaten by him."

The elders said with a big smile: "The pride of the elders are all in their hearts and will not provoke the Jins."

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