Super God

Chapter 1356: Xianmen!

The Half Immortal Great Consummation is the strongest state in all realms. The strongmen who break through to this level are extremely rare. Even the ethereal realm, one of the strongest four realms, has not entered the strongmen for at least a thousand years.

Therefore, the Jin family had the shining light to advance directly into the sky, which immediately attracted the envy of the Ninth Pinnacle Powerhouse.


Some people said with emotion: "I don't know if I can live in that life, can I take that step?"

He has been in the pinnacle of the Ninth Pinnacle for half a thousand years. Although it is only a small step away, it is like a dip.

Achieving the strongest state in Wanjie depends not only on qualification but also on luck. The chance of success is less than 1%.


When the streamer appeared, more than half of the warriors and strong men in the ethereal world turned their eyes.

Some are envious, others are bitter.


Yun Fei said: "Unexpectedly, such a vision will appear when we enter the half-century consummation."

"Master, let's withdraw as soon as possible. This advanced person is probably the elder of the Jin family." Jin Yi animal said.

It has fought many times with Jin Xingyao, and is familiar with the old man's character. Once he reaches the semi-central perfection, he will definitely come to capture himself.

"Jin family is too elder?"

Yun Fei frowned.


At this moment, the streamer penetrated the sky, and the space gradually cracked, as if torn apart by a pair of big hands.


Within the cracks of the space, there was a stream of empty and turbulent flow, carrying a whimsical atmosphere, and a quaint gate appeared.

"what is this?"

Yun Feiyang looked startled.

Jin Yi Beast said: "Master, this is the Immortal Gate."


Yun Fei raised his brows tightly.

The door that gradually appeared in the crack, the breath of breath contained the supreme mystery, which shocked his heart.

At that moment, Yun Feiyang felt that he was too small in front of this door, like the sand of the universe, so unremarkable.

It's not just him who has this feeling.

Anyone who sees the warrior of Xianmen, even if he has entered the semi-central consummation, has a very small feeling.

"Seeing Xianmen again, I still feel like ants." Huangfu Yi said bitterly.

The elder said: "I don't know, can Jin Xingyao open the fairy gate?"


Huang Fuyi firmly said: "Among the worlds, there are fewer than ten people who can open the fairy gate since ancient times."

The elder shook his head and said: "I think too much."


"Where does this fairy gate come from."

Yun Fei said.

He saw Xianmen for the first time and listened to Xianmen for the first time.

Jin Yi Beast Road: "According to the real martial arts domain."

"Zhenwu Shenyu?"

Yun Feiyang was surprised.

Jin Yi Beast continued: "Master, your humans will summon the Immortal Gate after entering the semi-central perfection, and if you blast it away, you can enter the Realm God Realm."

Yun Feiyang's face changed and said, "You mean, this fairy gate can lead to the real martial arts realm?"

Jin Yi animal said: "Yes."

Yun Feiyang raised his eyes to the immortal gate that was about to appear, his eyes flashing hot.

To the real martial arts domain.

What a temptation!


At this moment, the immortal gate that flew out of the endless starry sky was completely stabilized between heaven and earth, and its height was about ten thousand feet, just like a high mountain that could not be crossed.

The Xianmen consists of two doors, and the streamer flashes above it, containing the laws of heaven and earth.

Under Yun Feiyang's eyes, his mind was shocked again, and at the same time he felt more and more that he was so small in front of this thing that he couldn't be any smaller.


At this moment, an old man who had to send hair flew up, standing above the fairy gate, his eyes flashing fanatically.

He is Jin Xingyao.

"It really is too elder!"


Jin Yuliang and Jin Jiawu were ecstatic.


Jin Xingyao, standing in front of Xianmen, spread his arms and flew out of the Xianmen, and his body was instantly integrated into the body. His realm moved from the peak of Nine Pins to the semi-central perfection in one fell swoop.

Breakthrough is inevitable.

Many strong people care about whether he can blast open the immortal gate and enter the real martial arts realm of the infinite hope of all living creatures!


Jin Xingyao's right palm turned into a fist under the attention of many people, and a powerful force exploded, punching past.

At the moment of punching, most of the ethereal world fell into silence, and many strong men breathed still.

Whether it is a failure or a miracle, just in one punch!


In the end, Jin Xingyao punched on the huge immortal gate, and the strong force caused a circle of visible ripples and scattered outward.


The hallowed immortal gate standing in the sky was immobile.


Huangfu Yi shook his head.

Because knowing that it will be the result, many strong players can understand the failure of Jin Xingyao. After all, since ancient times, less than ten people have been able to do this.


After Jin Xingyao's failure, the Immortal Gate gradually disappeared between heaven and earth, the terrifying laws of heaven and earth completely disappeared, and the ethereal world returned to normal again.

"Not blasting?"

Yun Fei said.

Jin Yi Beast Road: "Master, I have lived in the ethereal world for tens of thousands of years. I have seen many half-cents of great immortals bombard the Xianmen. No one has succeeded so far."

Yun Fei said: "It seems very difficult."

"Master, let's go quickly."

Jin Yi Beast said: "If the elder Jin family knew that the heirs were humiliated, they would definitely kill them."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

However, just about to leave, Jin Yuliang flew to the sky and cried out in tears: "Too elder, someone bullies me!"


Jin Xingyao, who had just advanced to the Half-Fairy Great Consummation, heard the words and said angrily: "Who is that, so bold!"


Jin Yuliang pointed to Yun Feiyang in the distance and hatedly said: "Too elder, it is him!"

Jin Xingyao looked in the direction, and Yun Feiyang, who was suddenly locked in the was slightly surprised when he saw the golden beast.

Jin Yuliang hurriedly said: "Too elders, this person not only bullied the kid, but also snatched the gold beast that our Jin family was looking for."

Jin Xingyao glanced at the murderous opportunity and said, "Boy, look for death!"


In the interim, the power of terror broke out suddenly, turned into a big hand, and relentlessly suppressed to Yunfeiyang.

"Master, run away!"

Jin Yi beast exclaimed.

However, just after the sound ended, I felt a flower in front of me, and instantly came to a strange plane.

Yun Feiyang's income of Jin Yishou flying to the mainland, the huge powerful hand, has been decisively pressed down, making him too late to dodge!


There was a loud noise.

Yun Feiyang's area was suddenly bombarded with a large fingerprint.

The warrior near the Golden Blade Cliff witnessed a semi-central Daquan's full shot, terrifying his calf.

"Damn fellow, this is the consequence of you letting the boy off!"

Jin Yuliang raised his eyebrows, and his anger was completely eliminated.


At the next moment, his eyes widened.

Because the central area of ​​the sunken palm print, the golden light screen flickered, and saw the man with the sword back, wearing a silver-white war armor, and his eyes flickered.


Jin Xingyao was quite surprised.

He, who has just broken through the half-cent immortal consummation, has improved his strength more than ten times than before. Under the palm of his hand, he did not shoot this young man?

"Want to kill me?"

Yun Fei's gaze is getting stronger and stronger, the magical power that erupted around him is getting stronger and stronger, and his hair color has gradually changed.

Half golden, half purple!


Ling Tian battle halberd appeared in the void, Yun Feiyang grabbed the handle of the gun and sneered, "You can't!"

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