Super God

Chapter 1367: If I were a sword, the sword would not work!

On the same day, the thirteen stars in the star list, the sound of being eliminated sounded, and the participants in the Red Blood Continent were shocked. Novel www.しWX

Hou Ziguang is notoriously infamous, but unexpectedly, he will be eliminated so quickly, which is incredible.

Who did it?

The first person to exclude Huang Shan was the simple reason. Huang Shan mixed with him, even if eliminated, it would never be so early.

Could it be that it is a domineering sword?

Everyone thought of the arrogant son of the 15th star list. After all, the person he usually hates most is the shameless man Hou Ziguang.

Moreover, in the ranking battle that year, because of Hou Ziguang's insolence and shamelessness, he was finally defeated by him, and the ranking was reduced from fourteen to fifteen.

No matter who it is, the elimination of Hou Ziguang, many contestants are very happy, because that guy is good at being insignificant and good at sneak attacks.

After he was eliminated, at least he didn't have to be cautious to guard against it. Someone would approach quietly, yelling from behind.

"Who eliminated the wretched guy?"

Ba Dao was sitting on a boulder, and he was puzzled. He participated in the Star Training, not for points. He mainly wanted to find an opportunity to beat Hou Ziguang hard.

Because he really couldn't get used to it, that younger generation, relying on trivial means, defeated himself in the ranking battle.


Suddenly, Ba Dao frowned slightly, the three injuries on his left face trembled slightly, and turned to look into the distance, and he saw a man with a sword walking slowly.

"It's him!"

Yun Feiyang, who was approaching, also found the man with the sword on the boulder, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, saying, "See Ji Feiya."


Ba Dao laughed.


Yun Feiyang responded and continued walking forward. Obviously, he did not intend to solve this pride.

The experience of star list is based on survival. As long as he does not provoke himself, he will not take the initiative to eliminate participants because of the 10,000 points.


Pa Dao stood up and said loudly: "You carry a strange sword every day, it should be Kendo."

Yun Fei said: "Slightly understand one or two."


Ba Da jumped forward and landed in front of him. He arched his hand and said, "I Ba Mou wants to show you how to teach your kendo, please also enjoy your face."


There are no surprises when watching the pride of the dad against the Ba Dao. After all, this guy often declares that the knife is more practical than the sword.

Now it is strange that Yun Feiyang, who is carrying a sword, does not take the opportunity to challenge to verify his theory.


Yun Feiyang refused.

Ba Dao was quite stunned. He did not expect that this arrogant man who dared offend the prince and dare to offend Huang Shan would refuse to accept his challenge.


He asked.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "You can't beat me."

Many war watchers collapsed.

Just now, Hou Ziguang was abused. They recognized Yun Feiyang's strength, but they didn't think they could beat the Ba knife, because Ba Dao's understanding of the knife method was perfect.

In addition to the top ten pride sons on the Stars List, other pride sons will fight with one of their weapons, and it will be very difficult to win him.


Ba Da laughed, and smiled boldly, saying: "Since that is the case, I really want to learn from you."


The gold wire ring knife came out, and the tip of the knife fell to the ground with a bang, shaking the ground slightly trembling, obviously heavy.


Dadaodao: "Think about it, beat me."

Between the speeches, a thick breath that only the swordsman had swept through, making Yun Feiyang frown slightly.

He has also seen a lot of strong sword cultivators, and it is the first time he has seen such a strong one.

"Not at all."

The space was slightly distorted, and the black demon sword from Nine Nether Realms emerged. Yun Feiyang gripped the hilt of the sword and fluttered out of the sheath, "Then fight."

Dadaodao: "Why don't you have a sword you are carrying?"

"Because..." Yun Feiyang originally wanted to say that he wanted to use it, and others had to agree, but he still changed his mouth: "You are not qualified yet."

Being despised like this, someone else will definitely get angry, but the overbearing smile is ‘hahaha’, saying: “Good tone!”


Not far from the boulder, is a flat area without any weeds, Yun Feiyang stood upright holding the black magic sword.

Hundreds of feet ahead, Ba Dao held his gold wire ring knife, his eyes flashing with excitement.

The warrior in the ethereal world focused on the light curtain where the two were, looking forward to a strong confrontation between the sword and the sword.


Ba Dao said: "The sword technique I practice is called Ba Tian Yi Dao. No matter whether it is against the enemy or learning from each other, I have always only made a knife. If you can crack it, Ba Mou will admit defeat."

"It's a coincidence." Yun Feiyang laughed: "I also like to have only one sword, if you can crack it, you will win."


Ba Dao smiled and said: "It seems that you and I are quite fate."

"bring it on."

Yun Fei said.

Ba Dao withdrew his smile, holding his hands on the handle of the knife, his muscles suddenly increased, and blue muscles appeared, and a strong force poured into the knife along the meridians.


In an instant, the violent knife gas exploded from the knife body and swept to the surroundings. Fang Yuan was stirred relentlessly and the space shivered!

"So strong!"

Everyone was shocked.

Yun Feiyang looked dignified.

This kind of strength can only be seen by the spread of the sword alone. This person cannot be underestimated.


Yun Feiyang raised the Dark Demon Sword, and the harsh sword intention spread around him, covering the area where the sword was full of qi.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The stones that were originally made by the air pressure of the sword were pulled by the sword gas, and burst out of them, hanging over the clouds and flying, showing a huge swirl.


Suddenly, the rotation speed of the vortex accelerated, gradually forming a sword shape, as high as thirty feet!

"Using countless stones to condense into a sword, is it that Brother Fei Yang exhibited Wan Jian Guizong?"

Yan Shuang said in his heart.


The great sword formed, and the more horrible sword spread.

Yun Feiyang, standing below, suddenly gave the illusion that he is the sword and the sword is him.

Not an illusion.


Now Yun Feiyang has merged with the giant sword, regardless of each other, and has entered the third realm of Wanjian Guizong-if I am a sword, there is no sword in the world!

"A strong sword..."

Feeling the wanton sword spirit, the overbearing mind stunned, and at the same time his eyes flashed a strong fighting intent.


He raised his knife violently and shouted, "Ba Tian's knife!"

The gold wire ring knife cuts through the void and instantly forms a giant blade shadow formed by the condensing of the knife gas, the length is not weaker than the giant sword!


The huge sword shadow carries the momentum to cut through came suddenly, and the space formed a long crack!

The blade of the ba knife is not hidden at all, go all out!

Because he is facing Yun Feiyang, this person is worthy of doing so, and it is worth doing his best to cut the strongest knife of his life.

The violent sword shadow, roaring, can be said to shake the world, and the cloud flying above the Baizhang, gently waving the black magic sword, said: "If I am a sword, the sword will not work!"


The giant sword hung in the sky, carrying horror momentum, such as collapsed mountain, daringly greeted the strongest sword of the Ba Dao!


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