Super God

Chapter 1368: Come and fight again

Yun Feiyang realized the third realm of the forbidden Wanjian return to the former ancestor, but to practice the authentic divine skill Wanjian return to the ancestor, you need to re-understand.

Fortunately, this guy's qualifications against the sky are not blowing. As early as when he went to the Hall of Pride, he already realized the third level of reality.

Due to character reasons, the third realm of comprehension is also if I am a sword, and there is no sword in the world.

In the face of strong swordsmen like Ba Dao, Yun Feiyang exhibited for the first time.

Undoubtedly, the third realm evolved by the real magical skill is definitely stronger than the forbidden technique transformed by Liu Rou!


Yun Feiyang waved the Dark Demon Sword, and the giant sword slammed down, carrying the cold spirit to destroy the sky and destroy everything!

"Lying trough!"


The warriors watched the sword and martial arts of the two people converging, and with the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, the sky dome was torn apart, and the mind was completely shocked!

This kind of sword showdown is extremely rare among the top half immortals, enough to describe with horror!

Many strong men do not want to miss this scene, locking the light curtain one after another, watching the sword and sword slowly approaching.


Eventually, the sword and the sword touched, and a deafening loud noise came through the light curtain, and everyone's eyes and ears rose.

This is still the outside world, so there is such a noise, one can imagine how unimaginable it will be in the war zone of the Red Continent!

"call out!"

The regional light curtain disappeared instantly.

Obviously, the confrontation between the Great Sword and the Great Sword formed a terrible force, thus destroying the projection array of the Red Continent!

"Damn it!"

The strong men who practiced swords and swords almost spit out blood. At this juncture, it was a great pity in life to fail to witness the confrontation of swords with your own eyes!

"call out!"

Not long afterwards, the projection array method appeared again, and the strong man in the crash quickly looked at it, and saw the sword against the area, and the dust slowly fell.

Two deep and long space cracks.

Eye-catching in everyone's vision!

They knew that this was left behind by Yun Feiyang and Ba Dao who cut out the sword and martial arts, because the power is too strong, and it takes a while to heal.

Not the point.

The point is, who loses and wins?

At the same time, all the warriors who watched the light curtain looked down and saw that Yun Feiyang and Ba Dao were still standing in the same place.

In the Baizhang area where they are separated, a huge crack suddenly appeared, like a cliff, not deep!


Everyone took a breath.

You must know that the cracks that are present are very long. From the perspective of the light curtain, you can’t see the end at all.

The red continent is based on the ethereal world, regardless of the cracks in the space or the hardness of the ground.

The confrontation between the two men with one sword and one sword, it was so terrible and terrifying to cut such a long crack!

The crowd looked at Yun Feiyang and Ba Dao in this way, while the two stood motionless, staring at each other.

Who loses? Who wins?

Or is it about the same?


Suddenly, Pa Dao spit out blood, and his face was pale, and the gold wire ring knife dropped and fell to the ground.


Ba Da suddenly burst into laughter, and there was a lot of joy in the laugh, saying: "A good move, if I am a sword, the knife will not work!"

"Yun Feiyang!" He closed his laughter, his eyes admired deeply and said, "You won, I lost."

The voice just fell, his body suddenly leaned, and finally fell to the ground, but the knee was not bent.

This nine-pin peak and half immortal immersed in the sword for life, has experienced countless battles in his life, winning and losing.

The battle with Yun Feiyang, although it was only a move, although lost, but the persuasion of losing was frank, and the loss was frank.

This is a true warrior, and he is not seeking to win or lose. He is seeking to be able to fight against the real strong, even if he loses, he has no regrets.

"Just lost?"

The pride of the pride temples, their eyes widened one by one, obviously, the defeat of Ba Dao was unexpected.

"Brother Feiyang is too strong!"

Yanshuang clenched his fists and said, "I must also work hard to break through, and strive to reach the peak as soon as possible, into the half-central perfection, and he cannot be thrown away too far!"


Ba Dao lost and fell.

But everyone's eyes were still locked on Yun Feiyang, because the guy was still standing there, unmoved.

"The blade of the Ba Dao is also extremely powerful. This guy is afraid that he has also suffered a lot of backlashes." Someone said.

Other prides agree.

The horrible confrontation just now will definitely produce a horrible counter-attack. The Da knife was injured by the shock, and the blood spitting from the shock. Yun Feiyang did nothing. They did not believe it.

In fact?

Yun Feiyang is really something.

At this moment, he suppressed the boiling blood in the body, and finally did not spray out along the throat, and the life attributes kept pouring out, repairing the damaged meridians.

In the battle with Ba Dao, he won.

But winning is very difficult.

If the opponent has a little more power, or has a better understanding of the sword technique, this time the sword confrontation, I am afraid that both defeats will end.


After the damaged meridians were repaired, Yun Feiyang exhaled a turbid breath, slightly pale, and gradually turned red.


The black demon sword is sheathed.

Yun Feiyang turned and left, leaving only the Ba Dao with damaged meridians and severe energy consumption, while he gathered a trace of strength and shouted, "Come and fight again!"

"Come and fight again!"

Yun Feiyang stopped and replied 15th in the star list, eliminated. "

Hong Liang's voice spread across the red continent, and the pride of the hiding place changed one by one.

"Sure enough, the roar of the earthquake mountain shake just now is definitely a domineering sword!"

Many arrogant thought of the scene just now, shocked.

Although they were very far from the area where Yun Feiyang and Ba Dajian were fighting, and did not see swords contending, they also felt horror from the earthquake.


There are a lot of prides, smelling the faint sword gas coming from the air. Obviously the Ba Dao is fighting a strong Kendo.

"Who is it to defeat the hegemony knife known for its swordsmanship?"

Everyone guessed.

They don't think it's Huang Shan, because according to regulations, the top ten stars in the Stars List prohibit the use of weapons during training.

Qihuang in the eleventh star list?

Or the twelve scenes in the Stars List?


Although these two are the proud sons of Huang Shan in this competition, they are not proficient in kendo or swords, and it is definitely difficult to defeat Ba Dao.

and many more.

sword? sword! ! !

Suddenly, anyone who is thinking about this issue can't help but think of a person, and that person is Yun Feiyang!

Among all the contestants, only he and Ba Dao, one back sword and one back sword.

Yun Feiyang entered the Hall of Pride, and the dragon sword, which was bound by chains and had a crimson scabbard, attracted much attention.

Many people faintly feel that this sword is extraordinary, but they have never seen Yun Feiyang use it, so they don't know whether his swordsmanship is strong or weak.

"Is it really him who defeated Ba Dao?"

Many people secretly said.

But I still don't want to believe more.

After all, Yun Feiyang ranks low on the Stars List. How could it be possible to eliminate the Star XV's hegemony.

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