Super God

Chapter 1418: Yun Feiyang, being abused!

Five men in black suddenly appeared and disappeared again.

No way, seeing sadness is not only physical, but also very irritable.

Although they were in a stable period of great consummation, in front of that guy, they didn't take any advantage at all.

Even, just a punch was injured.


Seeing a ghost, he withdrew his fist and said, "I haven't had an addiction yet. How did they run away?"

Yun Feiyang was silent.

At the moment, he is guessing who this group of people in black will be sent from.

"North Gate House?"

"Previously killed the five of them in a stable period of half an immortal consummation."

"If the elder Beimen receives the news, he will never send a strong man of this rank to die."

Yun Feiyang ruled out the Beimen family.

Will it be the Dragon Realm?

It shouldn't be possible, after all, he has just become enemies with them and will never send people so quickly.

Moreover, they belong to the same camp, and they did not have the guts to kill themselves.

Then, there is only one possibility.

"God Hidden Empire!"

Yun Feiyang thought of the giant door god.

At that time, it suddenly disappeared like this, and it was difficult to capture my own soul.

"It should be a special secret method."

"It seems that the Shenyin Empire is really its own enemy."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

He used to be unsure whether the Shenyin Empire is an enemy.

It’s clear now.

"Sending five half-cent immortals in the stable period to come, should only be a temptation."

Yun Feiyang rubbed his head and collapsed a little: "Too many enemies are also an annoyance."

"call out!"

"call out!"

Streams of light flew out of Tianxiong City, blocking Yun Feiyang.

The light dissipated, revealing three people, headed by a polite old man in robe, with a strong breath.

From the point of view of clothing, it is obviously the Tianlong Realm Powerhouse.

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly: "The trouble is coming again."


The old man in the robe looked coldly and said: "I heard that you are very arrogant."


Yun Feiyang said lightly.

"very good."

The old robe said coldly: "Today's old age will ignore the identity, to teach you this ignorant younger generation."


Yun Feiyang snorted disdainfully.

The two warriors standing behind the old robe glared.

"What a stare!"

Ghosts were sad and evil.

This master is not weaker than his eyes.


Yun Fei said.


Ghostly backed up sadly.

However, they were still glaring at the two warriors, wishing to stare at them directly with their eyes.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Old guy, come on."


Suddenly, the old man in the robe appeared in front of him, and his thin palm waved, rolling up the endless palm prints.



Yun Fei was hit with several palms in front of his chest, his body staggered back.


The ghost was dumbfounded.

Although the old man looks strong, he is still in a stable period. Shouldn't he avoid it?


The old man in the robe sneered: "I thought how powerful you are as a junior, but that's the case."

"Ha ha."

Yun Feiyang stabilized his body and rubbed his chest.


The old robe attacked again, and the endless palm prints roared, the strength was obviously stronger than before!




Yun Feiyang was all hit again, his body exploded, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with blood.

The warrior who was always watching the light curtain was dumbfounded.

its not right.

Previously in this crazy city, this guy was very aggressive and arrogant. Why was he suddenly so weak?

Is it that the old man in robe is very strong?


At this moment, the old man in robe got close again and began to bombard with storms.



For a time, above the light curtain, everyone witnessed how Yun Feiyang was abused.


"That guy still has today!"

The warriors in the Lingwu world suddenly became excited.

Yun Feiyang was violently abused by the warriors of Tianlong Realm. They were the happiest.

"what's the situation?"

Shen Tianxing, standing in the hall, was also surprised.

The old robe, although infinitely close to the peak period, is still a stable period after all.

With Yun Fei's strength, even if you can't beat it, you won't be abused without any help.

Tired, must be tired!


Suddenly, Shen Tianxing found that Yun Feiyang didn't fight back at all during the abuse.

It feels like letting the other party be violent.


Shen Tianxing was speechless.

It's hard to imagine that this guy is so arrogant that he will be abused by others if he doesn't fight back.

Is it too much, want to experience the feeling of being weak.

"It's so cheap."

Shen Tianxing secretly said.


Yun Feiyang was slapped again, and after a few feet, his black hair was scattered and his face was slightly cruel.

Not only did he not fight back, he didn't even start the defense, he was definitely injured by some attack.


Ghosts can't see anymore.

He will rush to the past, mad at the old man in robe.

"do not move!"

Yun Feiyang sneered.

Seeing anxiously, he clenched his fists in anger and gave up his intention to rush out.

"old man."

Yun Feiyang picked up the scattered black hair and grinned: "Your strength is really weak."

This smile revealed that the teeth on the outside were covered with blood and looked very embarrassed.

Lin Zhixi jade clenched her hands, tingling in the heart, watching her man being abused, she will definitely feel very distressed.


Shen Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and said: "What's wrong with Uncle Yun!"

No one knows what happened to Yun Feiyang.

Only he himself knows that the reason for this is to gain merit points.

The shopkeeper gave Yun Feiyang's extraterritorial battlefield manual, which is different from outsiders, and is unique to his heroic There is a provision that kills the alliance and earns points.

But as a price, the Confederate warriors must first attack themselves and severely injure them.

In this way, during the proper defense, the Confederate warriors are killed to obtain the merit points corresponding to the realm.

Very **** regulations.

But for Yunfeiyang, it's not bad.

Severely injured by the opponent?

It is easy to give up defense and not fight back.

In order to be honored, under the eyes of everyone, he was brutally abused, and the great **** Yun was also very hardworking.

"Unbearable junior."

The old man in robe sneered: "It's so arrogant."


During the speech, a palm slammed in Yun Fei's chest, and his energy exploded, and a palm mark was depressed.


Qi waves burst from Yun Feiyang's back.

The coat was cracked, and the strong muscles exposed from the top were covered with scary palm marks.


Yun Feiyang spurted blood.

At the same time, the waist tag hanging around his waist flashed slightly.

And this is a reminder of serious injury.


Yun Feiyang clasped his right hand on the wrist of the old robe and grinned: "Old dog, are you cool?"


The old man in the robe was startled, and his heart was full of crisis.


Suddenly, Yunfei Yang appeared nine deserted earth behind him, the terror power instantly condensed in the left fist.


"Eat a punch!"


The nine famine town prison fist infused with terror force slammed away directly.

"not good……"

The elder robe looked horrified. He wanted to hide, but Yun Feiyang always held his hand.


There was a loud bang and it passed on the light curtain.

Everyone witnessed with his own eyes that Yun Fei punched through the chest of the old robe!

End of this chapter

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