Super God

Chapter 1419: Fenghuaxueyue, shot!

In the world, there is silence.

All the warriors were staring at the light curtain, their eyes flashing in shock.

In the picture, the old man in the robe of Tianlong Realm stood on the spot, and his turbid eyes flashed with pain.

"Tick, tick."

The blood splashed and blended into the red soil.

Yun Feiyang's fist penetrated his chest, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and a dark smile appeared.

The smile makes people shudder and creepy!


The old man in robes was splitting his eyes, and the pain of tearing his heart and lungs struck Zhihai.


Yun Feiyang drew his fist.


The old man in the robe fell to the ground, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

When it is about to fall.

He couldn't figure out why the young man who was abused by himself suddenly became so strong.

I can’t even figure it out. I’ve obviously been seriously injured. Why can I kill myself?

The old man in robe had no time to think about it. His thoughts eventually disappeared and he became a corpse.


The waist tag hanging on him shattered.

Yun Feiyang's identity card trembled slightly, and out of 5,000 merit points out of thin air.

"The old man!"

The two martial arts dragons next to him were indignant.

"Boy, die!"

One of the half immortals was fully consummated, and his eyes were full of murderous enthusiasm.


Yun Feiyang didn't dodge, didn't defend, and was directly shot out.


A spit of blood spewed out.

When the outsider saw the situation, he immediately concluded that he should be seriously injured after killing the old man.

Another warrior in Tianlong Realm also realized it.


He rushed up in anger, exerted his powerful martial arts, and blasted Yun Fei again on his chest.


Yun Feiyang was blown out again.

"Oh shit!"

When the ghost saw the sorrow, he roared angrily, and the terrifying demon qi broke out, which would kill the two martial arts dragons.


Yun Feiyang snorted coldly, standing upset and grinning: "They are my prey."

Between the speeches, the handprints spread, and the dark clouds above the sky condensed.

"Is this...Awesome!"

"It's just turning hands!"

The warriors from all circles exclaimed.

In the battle with the Lingwu Realm, Yunfei raised his hands and brought them great shock.

Witnessed again today, it must be very exciting.

It's just that many people worry that if the guy is seriously injured and shows off his hands, will the power be discounted?


At this moment, in the billowing black cloud, the two sky-turning hands were resolutely suppressed.

The goal is exactly two half-cents of great consummation.

"Die to me!"

Yunfei Yang snorted.



In the end, the two pairs seemed to be from the endless starry sky, with ancient atmosphere, directly suppressed on the earth.

After a while, the dust dispersed and recovered as before.

Two half-cents of Tianlong Realm were fully consummated, flesh and blood flew down inside the pit, and apparently had fallen.



The identity of the duo broke.

Two thousand merit points are integrated into Yunfeiyang's waist card.

The two were quite wrong. If the old man holding the robe left, he would definitely not fall.

But he attacked Yunfeiyang.

You know, that guy is already seriously injured. Once attacked by the Confederate martial arts, it is equivalent to triggering the condition of obtaining merit points.


Ghost sadly said: "Are you all right?"


Yunfei Yangpan sat down and said, "Help me protect the Fa."


When he saw the sorrow, he leaned in and immediately watched around.


Yun Feiyang quickly runs the attributes of life and quickly repairs damaged meridians.

No fight back, no defense.

He was frequently attacked by three Tianlong Realm strongmen, and his injuries were not light.

Fortunately, the energy nucleus in the body is different from that of ordinary people, otherwise it will be difficult to kill a strong period and two strong men who have just entered the semi-central perfection.



"All of them hurt like this, and they can kill three Tianlong Realm strongmen!"

"Absolute idol."

"I said, as long as Yun Feiyang appears, he will not let the big guy down!"

The warriors from all walks of life competed for discussion.

Now, they really cast their hearts on the five bodies that Yun Feiyang worships.

Being so violently abused by others, not only did it not fall down, but also a strong counterattack, who can do it for others?

However, many warriors wondered.

That guy is obviously strong, why should he be abused? Is there any bad habits, like to be abused?


Everyone hit a clever mind, silently chanting the two words change and attitude!




Four men in black flew by and fell within the range of Yun Feiyang's healing.

They were fully armed, only their eyes were bare, and there was no breath around them, even on the light curtain.

This is definitely a very professional killer.

The eyes of the four people were always locked on Yun Feiyang, and their eyes gradually became colder.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the two men in black rushed out, waved their arms, and exploded with several flashes of light.


The ghost protecting the law seemed to be conscious of sorrow and stepped on the ground violently, and the devil screamed out, forming a defensive enchantment.



Several hidden devices were blocked.

"Oh shit!"

Ghost saw angrily and said: "Hidden weapons hurt people, despicable and shameless!"



At this moment, two other men in black came rushing from the side, and the long sword pierced the void, revealing an extremely eerie breath.

"Sky Demon Ancestral Body!"

Ghost saw a roar of sorrow, three layers of Heavenly Demon Ancestral Body opened.


Yun Feiyang surrounded his body and was quickly shrouded by the defensive enchantment formed by the magic energy of the five sides to achieve defense without dead ends.


Ghostly, he raised his arms and attacked the two men in black.

Fortunately, the other party's dexterous body, easy to avoid, quickly disappeared into the dark.

"What about people?"

Ghostly, he looked around and found no target.


"Hidden heads and tails, what kind of heroes are there, there are three hundred rounds to fight against Lao Tzu!"

Ghostly cursed.

However, the four men in black hiding in the dark discussed the next tactics with the technique of sound transmission.

"I just shot four people, seems to be a killer?"

"This kind of dress up This speed is definitely a killer!"

"I went, and Yunfeiyang offended anyone, even the killer entered the extraterritorial battlefield."

The crowd collapsed.

Many realm masters frowned.

They are implicitly aware that the four men in black are of extraordinary strength. If it is not a stable period, it may be...the peak period!


The acting little **** in the palace was angry.

Only he knows that the four are sent by his father.

Yun Feiyang was healing, what a good assassination opportunity, but he was stopped by the burly man.

"Lord, don't be angry."

Zuo Shi smiled and said: "That guy's strength is just a period of stability, it is simply impossible to contend with the four semi-central perfections of the peak period."

"Not bad."

Acting little **** Lord sneered.


At this moment, the four killers hidden in the dark acted.

This time, their goal was no longer Yun Feiyang, but a sorrow.

"I depend!"

Seeing ghosts and seeing four people rushing, all of them were stronger than themselves, and suddenly their eyes widened.


He roared angrily, inspiring the strongest nine-layer heavenly ancestral body.

However, I was preparing to rush over, but heard Yun Feiyang's rumor: "Just defense, don't rush out!"


After Yunfei lifted up, the heaven and earth attributes quickly condensed, forming a vortex.

Obviously, this is the glory of accumulating energy!

"come on!"

Seeing a ghost in front of Yun Feiyang, he shouted: "Lao Tzu let you see today, what is the strongest defense!"



Within a hundred feet, countless defensive barriers emerged.



The four people of Fenghuaxueyue bombarded each with their own martial arts, but they only broke the encirclement.

End of this chapter

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