Super God

Chapter 1422: Arrogant Yuwen Eagle!

"I go?"

"Four killers turned out to be women!"

Through the light curtain, I saw four beautiful women, and the warriors from all walks of life suddenly glared.

In all realms, women practice martial arts innumerably, but there are very few who reach the pinnacle of great consummation.

Therefore, the appearance of the four women in Fenghuaxueyue was revealed, and many male warriors were shocked and shocked at the same time.


Yun Feiyang glanced at the figure of the four and smiled, "I didn't see it, it turned out to be such a beautiful beauty."

Ning Zetian spread his hands and said: "What treasure should be used to hide the figure."


Huo Zhan pointed to his chest: "If there is no hidden treasure, it will definitely swell."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

What this guy said, it sounds so dirty.

The four women of Fenghuaxueyue are full of bitterness, their meridians are seriously damaged, and they have long lost their fighting power.

As a professionally trained killer, this is the first miss.

The price of failure is self-death.

The four female eyes flashed a decisive moment.

But before he had done anything, a massive soul force swept through, and his body and mind could not move at all.

"This beautiful woman."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Don't think about it."

The four goddesses were shocked.

This person's soul power is so powerful, at least it has reached the standard!


Yun Fei said: "I am a soft-hearted person. From today, you can follow me and be a concubine or something."

Ning Zetian and others twitched the corners of their mouths.

This younger brother will enjoy it.

The outside world warriors cast their envy.

The four beauties, each with their own strengths and looks, are also top-notch. It is a kind of happiness to be a concubine.


Shen Xiaoyu said madly: "Uncle Yun is too painful!"

Lin Zhixi shook his head secretly.

She knew that Yun Feiyang took a fancy to the four women and wanted to take it for her own use.

It's just that, speaking in a large audience, aren't you afraid of others misunderstanding, is he a greedy man?

"He seems to be a greedy beauty."

Lin Zhixi secretly said.

"It's so decided."

Yun Fei said: "Four seniors, do you have any comments?"


Ning Zetian and others expressed silence.

Apart from their interest in realm and strength, everything else will be ignored.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the four daughters of Fenghuaxueyue disappeared.

Ning Zetian and others were stunned and instantly judged that they should be included in Yunfeiyang's space container that can hold their lives.


Yun Fei stood up and arched his hand: "Thank you for your success, Yun is not grateful."

"No thanks."

Yulong said lightly: "Come on some benefits."

Yun Feiyang scratched his head and said, "What do you mean?"

Si Wuji smiled and said: "Our elders came from afar, and Yun Xuedi each gave us 100,000 points, which counted as hard work..."

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang suddenly disappeared, and a voice came from a distance: "Goodbye, everyone!"

The corners of the four people's mouth twitched.

This guy is really stingy, not willing to give 100,000 points!


Ning Zetian shook his head and said: "Our trip is in vain."

"no no."

Suddenly, a voice came from the sky, saying: "You didn't come in vain."


The four of them looked up and saw that above the sky, a big bird fluttered its wings, standing above it was Yu Wenying.


Yu Wenying jumped down and landed on the ground, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Si Wuji and others frowned slightly.

Among the top ten stars in the Stars List, Yu Wenying is the most arrogant and very unwilling to see them.


Yuwen Yingdao said: "Unexpectedly, the four of you will enter the extraterritorial battlefield for Yunfeiyang."

"That rascal."

He paused and said, "Is it worth you doing this?"

Si Wuji smiled and said: "The pride of the pride of the pride, no value is not worth it, only should not be done."


Yu Wenying said with a smile: "It seems that you still miss the same feelings."

"let's go."

The four of Si Wuji turned back.

Without much speculation, they are too lazy to ignore this person.


Yu Wenying said lightly: "You are a small **** realm, I am a **** hidden realm, but the relationship is hostile."

"What do you mean?"

Secretary Wuji stopped.

Ning Zetian and the three also stopped, frowning more tightly.

"You can go."

Yu Wenying smiled: "Leave the identity waist card."

The four of Si Wuji are half-cents of the peak period, and each waist card represents 10,000 points.

"If not to stay?"

"Don't stay?"

Yu Wenying shrugged: "Don't blame me for grabbing it."


"What does Yu Wenying mean?"

The pride in the pride temple is furious.

The blood and excitement of everyone was extinguished by the arrival of Yu Wenying.


"That guy riding a big bird seems to be the pride of the pride?"

"What a big bird, that is Kunpeng!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone was shocked.

For them, it is very happy for them to be able to glance at them.

"This person's name is Yu Wenying, and the star list ranks third, from the land of ordinary dust controlled by God's hidden realm."

"No wonder he will join the **** hidden camp."

Many warriors suddenly realized.

The top ten arrogant sons of the four Stars standing in the Little God Realm camp, and Yu Wenying, the third of the Stars standing in the God Hidden Realm, obviously has a good show.


Si Wuji smiled Yu Wenying shrugged and said: "Your strength is far inferior to me, it is better to hand over the waist card. I don't want to make things too ugly."

"The same as the pride of the pride alliance, openly grabbing the waist card."

Yun Feiyang came up from behind with a ghost in his arms, and said, "Isn't it ugly enough for outsiders to read jokes?"


Yu Wenying disdain: "Boy, why are you back?"

"Someone pretends."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's okay not to come back."

Yu Wenying frowned slightly, his eyes crossed a trace of anger.


Si Wuji said: "Come here and stand behind us."

He was worried that Yu Wenying would suddenly give Yun Fei a shot.

"Do not worry."

Yu Wenying saw through Si Wuji's thoughts and said lightly: "I will solve you first, and then solve him."

The implication is that Yun Feiyang didn't put it in his eyes.

This is normal.

After all, it is the arrogant of the top three on the Stars List, and its strength is far from being comparable to those of Si Wuji and others.

"I met my opponent."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

What opponent? Pretend opponent!


Si Wuji said: "It seems that you are determined to grab our waist card."


Yu Wenying said lightly.

"That's the case."

Si Wuji opened his posture with a look of solemnity: "The younger brother will come to teach and teach, the strength of Yu Literature."

The identity waist card represents identity and can be defeated and taken away.

But he will never take the initiative to hand it over, because this is a ruthless trampling of his dignity!

Yu Wenying looked at Ning Zetian and others and smiled lightly: "Four of you go together, at least there is still a chance of defeating me."

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "This guy is really acting!"

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