Super God

Chapter 1423: Tough Yuwen Eagle

Yuwen eagle is very powerful.

One look, one action, one sentence.

The persuasive power is so natural, so impeccable.

Since rebirth, Yun Feiyang has always believed that he was enough to pretend.

But when he met Yu Wenying, he deeply discovered that he was too weak, and there was still a long way to go to comprehend.

As a matter of fact, Yuwen Ying is qualified to act.

After all, the third pride in the Stars chart is stronger than the last seven.

In addition to Dean Shen Tianxing, the entire hall of pride, only Xuanyuan Wentian and Guan Zizai, could crush him.


Si Wuji said: "What do you think?"


Yulong took a step and lifted up his sleeves and said, "Since Yu Wenxue has said, I can only respect and obey."

Ning Zetian and Huo Huo's eyes flashed war intent.

It can be seen that they know that Yu Wenying is very strong and must join forces with four people.

As for whether it can be defeated, I really have no idea.


Yun Feiyang surprised: "You four, do you really want to join forces?"

What a joke.

The third arrogant in the star list, so strong?


Ning Zetian said: "This man's strength is very strong, and the four of us have no confidence in winning him."

"I go?!"

Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

The four of them are at the peak of the half-cent immortal consummation. Wouldn't they be able to win this guy together?

Ning Zetian said: "Student, don't look at him as a person, but in fact contain two kinds of power."

"Two forces?"

Yun Feiyang asked: "What do you mean?"

Ning Zetian said: "This person cultivates a mysterious mind, which can overlap with the power of the contract beast Kunpeng."

Yun Feiyang heard more confused.

Ning Zetian seemed to see that he did not understand, and continued to explain: "Simply put, he looks like a person. In fact, Kunpeng power exists in his body, and Kunpeng also has his power."

"You mean..."

Yun Fei said: "He and Kunpeng seem to be one person and one beast, but actually represent two people and two beasts?"

Ning Zetian said: "Not bad."

Yun Feiyang was silent, and looked up at Kunpeng among the sky. He secretly said: "This beast should be comparable to the half-cent immortal in the peak period."

This is the terrible place of Yu Wenying.

His own strength is stronger than that of Si Wuji and others, and he can rely on his mind to gather the power of Kunpeng.

Although it is one person, it is comparable to the two pinnacles.

If the contract beast Kunpeng also played, carrying the power of the owner, it also represented two peaks and half immortals.

Since then, it has been the same as Si Wuji.

The strength is stronger than them. Once you fight, you can imagine the outcome.


Yun Feiyang secretly said: "There is such a magical mind in this world."

Among all realms, there is nothing strange.

It is not unreasonable for Yu Wenying to sit firmly on the third star list.



Kunpeng hung in the air, waving huge wings, slowly falling down.

Yu Wenying smiled faintly: "Me and my contract beast, fight the four of you, you should have no opinion."


Everyone collapsed.

The contract beast entered the war, which is equal to the fact that the four of them are fighting against two people and two beasts.

But they know that this is an extraterritorial battlefield, not a battlefield. If the other party uses a contract beast, it is useless even if they do not agree.

"bring it on."

Yu Wenying smiled faintly: "I will let you shoot first."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Damn, this guy pretends to be too high.

Si Wuji kept silent and looked at the other three. Ning Zetian nodded gently, as if consensus was reached.


Suddenly, the holy war spirit of Huo Zhan emerged, his fists clasped together, and smashed with terror force.

This is definitely his, the strongest outbreak in his life.


At the moment of the war spirit bombing, the sky above was torn apart again, and countless huge meteorites shrouded in flames crashed down.

Ning Zetian's Tian meteorite flint also inspired the ultimate!


The imperial dragon flew away, the breath of the majestic dragon clan diffused into countless war halberds.

call out! call out! call out!

The halberd shone with dazzling light and punctured towards Yuwen Eagle.


Si Wuji followed, and the Mantian attribute was transformed into a big hand covering the sky and the sun under the control of mind!

The top ten arrogant sons of the four stars list once again showed their magical powers. Unlike the previous one, this time, it is only one person and one animal.


The warriors from all walks of life took a breath.

The four arrogants released martial arts before and after, even from the perspective of the light curtain.


The Crimson Continent, the gusty wind.

Under the impact of four different forces, the space of tens of thousands of miles was instantly fragmented.

As an eyewitness, Yun Feiyang looked dignified.

These four people exploded in power, and it was really terrifying. Even if their souls changed one or two times, they wouldn't be able to resist even if they put on too-empty platinum armor.


Faced with such power, Yu Wenying stood proudly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yun Feiyang knows that since this person has such a forceful smile, he must not be afraid of the power of four people joining hands!

"This is the third star list?"

"It's hard to imagine how Xuanyuan, the top of the Stars List, asked how strong Tian and No. 2 will be!"

Yun Feiyang's heart was beating violently and blood was burning.

The stronger the pride of the top three stars, the more inspired his heart and belligerent blood call! "

Four kinds of power came roaring.


Suddenly, Yu Wenying was ten feet ahead of him, and the streamer appeared instantly, forming a defensive encirclement that enveloped him and Kun Peng.



All four forces blasted on the defensive border.

The terrifying air wave instantly diffused, the earth shook violently, and quickly split, and the space of hundreds of thousands of miles was broken.

Warriors of all circles, breathing is still.

Only a few days before the battle began, suddenly, such a terrible battle appeared, and they never dreamed of it.

"Damn, it's so cool!"

"This is the real top power!"

"You can witness this battle in this life, even if you die without regret!"


Let's talk about extraterritorial battlefields.

The terrifying energy fluctuations eventually stopped.

Yu Wenying still stands proudly, and the streamer enchantment formed still exists.

The ground with a radius of tens of thousands of miles was severely cut by a few feet deep, and looked down from a high altitude, like a dry lake pit.


Suddenly, the enchantment shattered.

This was deliberately done by Yu Wenying. He smiled faintly: "Next, it's my turn."

Every word, every tone of voice reveals a strong pretentious air.


Yu Wenying gently raised his hand.


The power of terror burst out, and at the same time, Kunpeng, who was halfway behind him, was shrouded in streamer, and pure power was poured into his body.

Obviously, the mysterious mind was used to bring all the power together.

Si Wuji and Ning Zetian and others were extremely dignified.

If only Yu Wenying was alone, even if they couldn't bear it, the problem would not be too great.

But with the power of the mythical creature Kunpeng, it would be terrible. Any one of the four people would not dare to go alone!

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