Super God

Chapter 1449: Try the sword and cut the fairy!

The robed man who appeared suddenly looked old and radiated a breath different from that of the half-cent fairy.

This kind of breath is very similar to Emperor Juntian and Ziwei God, so Yun Fei Yang immediately concluded that this person must be a quasi-senior strong!

A quasi-central-level strongman found himself and made a killing in his words, certainly from the real martial arts domain.

As Yun Feiyang thought.

This old man came from the North Gate home of Zhenwu God Territory, named Beimen Li. At this time, under the orders of the elders, he came to eradicate Yunfeiyang.

The quasi-central-level strong man can go to the lower realm, also because of Emperor Juntian and Ziwei God, after all, they have alarmed a certain Fangxian Emperor.

Since there are warriors in the lower realm who do not abide by the rules, they must definitely send law enforcement officers to punish them.

Beimen Li is one of the law enforcers.

However, after entering the realm, he did not find Emperor Tiantian the first time, but first had to eliminate Yun Feiyang.

As a quasi-sencent powerhouse, Beimen Li wanted to find Yun Feiyang easily.

The trouble is.

Yun Feiyang left the battlefield outside the territory for the second time, and went all the way to the casting world and the unmanned world. Beimen Li chased him and finally found him in the vast universe.

What is puzzling is that this person's breath is suddenly broken, and I don't know how to do it.

The reason for the sudden break is because Yun Feiyang entered the Feiyang world.

Beimen Li Leng coldly said: "Do you know the realm of the old man, do you choose to kill yourself, or let the old man do it?"

This quasi-century-level strongman has heard of Yun Feiyang's various performances, but he didn't take it seriously.

After all, it's just the half-cent immortal consummation in the stable period, which can be ravaged at will.


Yun Feiyang smiled faintly: "I don't have this hobby."

He knew that the gap between himself and the quasi-cent was too big, and the horror breath alone was out of breath.

But holding the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, the blood was boiling.


Jianhun Dao: "This quasi-central level strongman can just use it to try the sword."

"I think so too."

Yun Fei raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing his eyes flashing war, Beimen Li sneered, "I don't know if the juniors are high."


During the speech, a big hand waved, the vast power permeated the universe.

"Boom! Boom!"

The space within a few light miles suddenly shattered.

"Is this a quasi-cent?"

Yun Feiyang was secretly shocked.

Raising your hand and throwing it between your feet, the endless universe is shattered, which is simply not strong!


Beimen Li withdrew his breath and sneered: "Do you understand the gap between you and the old man?"


Yun Feiyang smiled faintly.

Although his strength is not as good as that of the other party, the proud air still exists in his chest.

"Since I understand."

Beimen Li said lightly: "Self-destruction is your best choice."


Yun Feiyang exhaled a sigh of relief, clutching the hilt with his five fingers, and said with a smile: "Sorry, I already said that I didn't confess this hobby."


Beimen Li sneered: "The old man can only take you on the road."


During the speech, the power of the vast starry sky emerged again, turning into a big hand and suppressing it boldly.

These forces were really terrifying, and the locked Yun Fei flew, and they immediately bore endless pressure.

If there is no mixed sword, if there is no sword soul, he is sure that he will die, and he will be killed by a stroke!


I am flying, I will definitely reach it!


The voice came from the soul of the sword: "Come out the sword."

He desperately wanted to know what strength the Hunyuan Qiankun sword blessed by himself could exert.


Yun Feiyang responded and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Beimen Li sneered: "Is this going to give up?"

As soon as the voice fell, Yun Feiyang showed a turbulent air wave that was visible to the naked eye, revealing a sharp trend.

"A strong sword."

Beimen Li was surprised.

A half-cent immortal consummation, with such a strong sword in his body, made him unexpected.

At the same time, I also understand why the elders should send themselves to the lower realm to obliterate this son.

Beimen Li sneered: "Although the sword is strong, but in front of the old man, he can't bear a blow."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang suddenly opened his eyes, a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword trembles slightly, and a pure sword meaning emerges.


The two swords condensed together in an instant, forming a substantial giant sword, and the more powerful momentum spread.

Yun Feiyang, standing under the giant sword, seemed to be transformed into a sword, and it seemed that the sword was him.

"Swords without distinction?"

Beimen Li's face changed slightly and said, "No, it's a human sword!"

Human spirit sword body, kendo realm, similar to human sword unity, but more advanced.

The meaning refers to the fusion of man and sword spirit in the sword. In the real martial arts domain, this can be achieved by the amazing sword repair.

Beimen Li secretly said: "Unexpectedly, a warrior in the lower realm actually merged with the sword spirit to such a degree!"


His eyes locked on the seemingly broken Hunyuan Qiankun sword, saying: "There is a powerful sword spirit in the sword's body!"


At this moment, Yun Feiyang held the sword in both hands and raised it high, the turbulent sword gas blew his black hair.

"old man."

"Take me a sword!"


The condensed giant sword was immediately cut off.

In an instant, the entire universe seemed to stand still under the strong sword spirit.


The fierce giant sword carried by Ling Li collapsed like a mountain, and the surrounding space was even cut out of a deep gap.

From a distance, it really feels like shattering the universe.

This sword is very strong.

Any half-cent immortal consummation in the peak period in the world will appear extremely small in front of it, and will be wiped out of nothingness on the spot!

However, it did not come from Yun Feiyang himself, but from the absolute blessing of Jianhun.

One thing cannot be denied.

The incomplete Hunyuan Qiankun sword can carry such terrifying power.


Suddenly The deafening loud noise, rippling in the universe, and spreading quickly, so that the distant casting world can also be heard clearly!

"what is that!"

Frightening voices came from within the casting world.

Although they are in the plane, they can see the far distance of the outer sky, as if a sword light flashed.

The Casting Master who was watching the light curtain, took a moment to stand up, and looked at the endless starry sky with horror.

Although the sound and sword energy passed to the casting world, it is already very weak, but he can also judge that this is definitely someone fighting.

That kind of level, absolutely beyond the half-central perfection, has already reached...quasi-central level!

"who is it?"

The founder was shocked.

And in the fastest time, flew towards the direction where the sound and sword gas came.

The boundary masters on the perimeter border were also disturbed by the powerful momentum, and they made rapid advances to the war zone.

The movement produced by Yun Feiyang and Beimen Li directly shocked all the realms within a thousand light miles.


The lords from all walks of life came to the war zone, but their eyes widened.

Because a deep sword mark spreads in the universe, to the naked eye, there is no end!

Under the sword marks, a young man stood proudly, holding a sword shining in the sun.

Directly opposite, stood an old robe, his body stiff, his eyes flashing in horror.

From the dress of Beimen Li and the condensed breath of the whole world, many realm masters instantly judged that this person must be a quasi immortal, and certainly not a strong person in the realm!


Suddenly, a crisp sound came.

Many realm masters witnessed that the quasi-central level strong man, small lines appeared on his face, and his body split immediately, and blood was sprayed like rain!

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