Super God

Chapter 1450: Beimenli's Space Ring

Beimen Li from Zhenwu God's Domain was cut in half by Yun Feiyang's sword, and blood spewed out, floating in the cracked space.

Before the interim, this quasi-central strongman was still unimaginable. He would die like this and die in the hands of a warrior with a half-cent immortal consummation period.

The fall of Beimen Li was not an accident, nor was it a coincidence and an underestimation of the enemy, but Yunfei's sword was too strong.

The only person who can take over this sword is the mid-quasi-century, or even the strongest.

To be honest, Yun Feiyang was also frightened. Unexpectedly, such a terrifying strength would erupt when he merged with the soul of the sword.

"If this sword is complete, its power will only be stronger." Jianhun said.

Yun Feiyang was bitter in his heart.

It turns out that the Hunyuan Qiankun sword is so powerful, but the self that was with it for thousands of years may be less than one percent.


Sword Soul Dao: "The play of the sword depends on the cooperation of the sword spirit and the swordsman. If you change to other sword spirits, you may not be able to exert such strength."

Although he is suspicious of himself, he is quite right. At that time, Yun Feiyang was unable to exert the true power of the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, which was related to him and the sword spirit.

If their strength is stronger and their tacit understanding is higher, the power of the Hunyuan Qiankun sword will surely increase indefinitely.

"After waiting for the little **** to wake up, it must be properly practiced." Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Today, his strength is not as good as it used to be, and it is more handy to control the Hunyuan Qiankun sword.

If the Indestructible Sword Spirit still stays in the state of the year, it can't exert its real power.


The vast universe, as if torn apart by a sword, is shocking.

However, a prospective immortal, split in half on the spot, obviously, more shocked.

The lords of the realms rounded their eyes one by one, their eyes flashing in horror.

What a joke.

The quasi-sencent-level powerhouse was actually cut like this?

They will not doubt at all that if this matter spreads across the world, it will definitely cause an earthquake-level sensation!

Who did it?


Everyone turned their heads together and locked on Yun Feiyang.

In the torn space, he was the only one, and he held a gleaming sword.

There is no doubt that the quasi immortal was killed by Yunfei Yang!

"Oh my God."

The caster was terrified.

Fortunately at the same time, I chose absolute silence on the issue of casting villas.

Otherwise, provoke this child, not to mention yourself, even if the entire casting world will be destroyed.

The realm of other realms is shocked.

Previously in the extraterritorial battlefield, the strength of this son's performance seems to be in a stable period of half a cent.

Why can suddenly kill a quasi immortal!

Suddenly, they locked their eyes on the seemingly incomplete broken sword.

Could it be because of this sword?

Everyone affirmed this idea, because the distance is far enough, but they can also feel the sharp sharpness of the sword.

"Can it be... this is a high-level quasi-fairy device?"

Everyone was shocked.

As the master of the world, the quasi-central level treasure, they occasionally have the opportunity to see, but without exception, all are in the early stages.

Yun Feiyang's sword is capable of killing a quasi-immortal strongman, not in the early stages!


They guessed wrong.

To the extent that the Hunyuan Qiankun sword is now recovering, it is at most a level of half-cent immortality at its peak.

The reason why he could kill Beimen Li was because he was united with Yunfei Yanglong's sword spirit.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a streamer flew out of the Hunyuan Qiankun sword.

The Soul of the Sword returned to Longyan Sword, and a voice came out: "Boy, this time he only shot because of the sword test. Next time I meet a strong enemy, I will not help you."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

With his character, he doesn't want to use external force all the time.


I will reach Yunfei.

Such enemies will also rely on their own power to solve it themselves.


Yun Feiyang merged into the Purple Jade Fairy Gourd and dashed away.

At the same time, Beimen Li's space ring was also included in the flying world.

As a quasi immortal from Zhenwu Shenyu, Yun Feiyang is looking forward to what good things are hidden in the ring.

Not long.

The realm of the realms also left.

However, it also has a new understanding of Yun Feiyang.

After everyone left.

The universe shattered by a sword gradually sewed up, and Beimenli's body was swallowed into it, gradually turning into nothingness.



In the luxurious hall, the jade jade suspended by the string broke into pieces.

The snoring person who was sleeping at the door was awakened, rubbed his eyes, stepped into the hall and looked up, and suddenly the whole person was ignorant.

"No...not good!"

"Three... The jade jade of the three guardians are broken!"

Frightened voices passed on at Beimen's house.



Several elders of the North Gate family appeared in Yujian Hall.

When they saw that the jade jade belonging to Beimen Li cracked, their faces became dignified one by one.

"Who killed!"

"Will it be killed by the God Realm?"


The parents of Beimen immediately guessed that it was Emperor Tiantian.


An elder raised his eyebrows angrily: "We must report to the Immortal Emperor and seek justice for the Three Protections."

The fall of the quasi-central tribe is also a great loss for the Beimen family.

Beimensheng standing next to is always silent.

Intuition tells me that the fall of Beimen Li was by no means the emperor.

the reason is simple.

Beimen Li's lower bound, although acting as a law enforcer, has the real task of killing Yun Feiyang.

And he couldn't go to the emperor with his team to find Emperor Tiantian. He must first go to Yunfeiyang. Now he suddenly fell, and he must be inseparable from the boy.

Beimensheng didn't think that Beimenli's death was not only not related to Yun Feiyang, but he was beheaded with his own sword.


Flying world.

Yun Feiyang didn't know that after killing Beimen Li himself, the North Gate home of Zhenwu God Territory suddenly fry the pan, and the owner went to the fairy emperor.

At this moment, he sat on the demon hill, his heart moved, and merged into the space ring.

A quasi-century-level collection can really be described as rich, not only a variety of rare geniuses and treasures, but also a large number of martial arts.

These martial arts, without exception, are unique to the Beimen family, except that the grades are all in the eight-nine-grade half-sen class.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Although there is no cultivation value, but it also allows me to understand Beimen's home more comprehensively."

The main culprit in the destruction of God Realm is the elders of the North Gate.

It can be said that it is a life-and-death feud. Yun Feiyang will have a break with him someday.

Today, it is especially important to be able to better understand this family and their martial arts.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang found an old manuscript from the ring, with the three large characters of "Simen Jing" written on it.

"This old cheat book should have a high level."

Yun Feiyang immediately read it, and the cheats did not introduce the level of the "Four Gates", but it also made him understand more information.

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