Super God

Chapter 1458: If there is another life, we will see you again!

The sudden emergence of the Shenyin Empire Army, equipped with a heavy crossbow, is extremely powerful, and it easily breaks the battle armor of the Ling clan soldiers, killing nearly 50,000.

At that moment, the warriors of all circles have already confirmed that the level of these crossbows has definitely reached the ninth grade fairy level!

In particular, when they saw the leader, they were spitting blood, and suddenly realized that this might be destroyed.

If this is the case, Yunfei Yangfang has definitely suffered the most since the start of the World War.

"It's true that the super world, which is based on an empire, has allowed more than one hundred thousand troops to be equipped with nine-grade fairy equipment!"

Everyone was amazed.



At this moment, there was a loud noise again on the light curtain, and I saw the Ling soldiers commanded by Luo Mu, and fell to nearly ten thousand people again.

Although they are equipped with magic weapons and double armor, although equipped with armor that is not weaker than the second-class immortal level, they are only moving targets in the face of a stronger heavy crossbow.


Watching the soldiers fall down one by one, Luo Mu's eyes were red, the power inside his body erupted suddenly, and the whole body was suddenly shrouded in golden light.


A gigantic ape beast appeared again, thumping his chest with both hands, roaring angrily, screaming everywhere!

In the palace, the general said: "Lord, this person is the soul of King Kong."

Di Juntian murmured: "How many gods and souls did Yun Feiyang find?"

Yun Feiyang missed the Emperor God's Soul, and similarly, Emperor Juntian also thought about the God Soul he found.


"Boom! Boom!"

Hundreds of golden ape beasts have just surfaced, and greeted it by tens of thousands of bombings.

This time, after taking the attack, the golden giant ape did not collapse, but clasped his fists together and smashed it hard.


In an instant, under the eruption of power, the space passed by instantly collapsed into nothingness.


The martial artists from all walks of life marveled.

The leading general was cultivated to be only nine ranks and half cents. Why the power of the outbreak is not weaker than that of the half perfect!


At this moment, the giant ape punched down and directly wiped out the 10,000 enemy troops equipped with heavy crossbows, and the ground also dented a large pit.


Luo Mu waved his fist again, like a violent beast, blasting towards another area.

However, at the moment of shot, Luo Mu was still greeted with endless arrows, and the explosive force formed caused him to lose both his meridians and veins.


In the end, the second punch was also smashed down, even bombarded, and once again destroyed more than 10,000 enemy troops.


At the same time, Luo Mu spurted blood, his black hair was scattered, and his face was extremely pale, as if he would fall at any time.


The remaining 30,000 multi-ethnic soldiers came close together, forming a wall of flesh with their bodies, and their eyes flickered as if to return home.

The advantage of the spirit soldiers lies in the fact that there is no negative emotions of human soldiers in addition to life and death.

In the face of desperation, what they think is to protect the general, even if he is dead!


Stepping on the ground, steadying the crumbling body, Luo Mu looked up hard, his eyes still flushed, and said: "All break through!"


"This is an order!"

Luo Mu shouted loudly.

At the same time, the outstretched Baizhang great ape waved his arms again and slammed into the crowd.

At this moment, Luo Mu, of course, is the full potential of the explosion, and the formation of golden giant apes can be described as a powerful force!

"Boom! Boom!"

The enemy fired arrows again, and still did not destroy them. They could only flee in large numbers, but in the end, nearly 10,000 people were killed.

Luo Mu finally blasted the encirclement, and the remaining more than 30,000 Spirit clan soldiers roared away in rage.

Under Zhugejin's training, they were fearless, but they also remembered that the military command was more important than everything. Since the general wanted to break through, he could only obey!


While the enemy troops were loading arrows, more than 30,000 soldiers of the Ling clan protruded into the encirclement and flew towards the flying city.



Behind them, there was a blasting sound. They turned around and saw that the golden giant agglutinated by the general was wiped out between the world and turned into nothingness.


Luo Mu spurted blood again, and his body was difficult to support. He fell slowly, and Yu Guang looked at the soldiers who had broken out, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Faced with the bombardment of hundreds of thousands of crossbows and let his soldiers break through, he has done well enough and is exhausted.

The martial arts from all walks of life respected it with awe.

A warrior of nine ranks and a half cents, after being subjected to the intense bombardment of countless arrows, still did not fall, but instead surrounded by a lot of escorts, the escorts retreated, which is really powerful!


Luo Mu fell to the ground, but his knees were never bent, and his body was still straight.

"Tap, step!"

Hundreds of thousands of troops of the God Hidden Empire approached step by step, gradually encircling this general representing God Realm.

The warriors of all circles are silent.

This battle is definitely the most terrible defeat of the God Realm. Not only did it lose 70,000 soldiers, but also a nine-and-a-half-general general was captured.

Was captured?

They look too small.

Luo Mu was only seriously injured, and was not comatose yet. When he realized that hundreds of thousands of troops were moving towards himself, he grinned abruptly.


"My Luo Mu can't play with you anymore!"

"If there is another we will see you again!"

Luo Mu exhausted the last power of his body and gave a tragic roar, his voice rippling between the world and the world.

"not good!"

"He wants his soul to explode!"

Exclaimed the warriors from all walks of life.

The soldiers of the Shenyin Empire from the siege looked horrified, and immediately retreated back crazy, but this distance, even if you want to run, it is impossible!


Luo Mu grinned: "Let's die together!"


The breath of terror spread out from the surroundings in an instant, and those soldiers who fled, all raised a strong breath of death in their hearts.

Luo Mu's whole body was shrouded in countless stars, like a cosmic star, and then, the soul was burning, and the Big Bang was about to form.

Inside the palace.

Di Juntian witnessed this scene, his eyebrows wrinkled.

If that man blew himself up, it would definitely be the destruction of his soul, and there would be no more vajra gods in this world.

The warriors of all circles hold their breath.

A strong man with a power comparable to the half-century consummation blew himself up, and the resulting power was unimaginable. The Shenyin Empire army must have suffered heavy casualties.


At the expense of all souls, Luo Mu's death is admired by all martial arts.


At this moment, a deafening explosion sound came from the light curtain, and countless sand and dust rose roaring, which can be described as covering the sky and covering the sun.

The light curtains that exist in the world are trembling violently, as if they are about to collapse at any time.

It can be seen that the power of this explosion has reached a very terrifying point, otherwise, the image formation method will not be shaken.

The warriors of all circles secretly shook their heads.

In this battle, Yun Feiyang not only failed, but also lost such a **** general, which is really regrettable.

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