Super God

Chapter 1459: Violation of the rules, accept punishment!

The huge explosion shook the battlefield outside the territory and the hearts of everyone flying in the city.

"Ah!" Yunli hugged his head, his eyes snarled, "Roman monkey!"

On weekdays, he and Luo Mu often fight each other, and the relationship is very good. Witnessing the soul of the other party explodes, which makes him really unacceptable.

"Uncle Luo..."

Shen Qing clenched her fists, tears bursting out of her eyes, and the pain was abnormal.

The most sad thing is Ye Xiunan, Heimao and Qu Dangge. After all, they are not only comrades-in-arms, but also classmates.

Vaguely, I remembered the guy in Guishuitang, who was called waste, but he likes to be forced. The three of them couldn't control their emotions and burst into tears.


Long Zhenyu punched on the wall, his eyes flashing with anger.

Luo Mu is his brother-in-law, his own sister, is still flying in the world, if you know this news, the consequences can not be imagined.

"Cry ass."

At this moment, Yan Shuang said: "Did you not see Brother Feiyang disappeared, that guy must not be dead."


The sad people suddenly froze, only to find that Yun Feiyang, who was still standing on the tower just now, had disappeared.

He went to save Luo Mu?

Not right.

Now that he is going to save him, why is there such a terrible explosion? Is it too late to go and Luo Mu's soul explodes?


At this moment, the gusty wind swept through, dispersing all the sand and dust from those thousands of miles away, and everyone saw Yun Feiyang standing in mid-air, sending out cold killings all over his body.

Underneath, a palm print that stretches for more than ten miles appears on the ground, and countless soldiers lie there vaguely, deadly.

In the central area, the golden light flickered, and the wounded Luo Mu lay inside, and the floating soul did not burn.


Yunli and others suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were relieved, but the warriors of all circles rounded their eyes one by one. Obviously, Yun Feiyang would suddenly appear.

Judging from the situation, he must have done the explosion just now, not only saved the general, but also destroyed hundreds of thousands of troops by the way.

Inside the palace.

Emperor Juntian calmly said: "You shot like this, you are in violation of the rules of the war."


Yun Feiyang knew that.

However, in the situation just now, it was impossible to send reinforcements to rescue, and the brothers' souls could not explode, so they could only do it themselves.

He broke through to the peak, and his strength is beyond description. It is easy to kill hundreds of thousands of troops with one palm.

"The Immortal Emperor once said that the strong men of the semi-central perfection level are not allowed to participate in the war. Isn't Yun Feiyang's hands breaking the rules?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid it will be in trouble now!"

The warriors of all circles also realized this problem and locked on Yun Feiyang one after another, thinking that this kid would be unlucky.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the streamer flashed between the sky, and the voice of the Aurora Immortal came: "Yun Feiyang, I once said that the high-level martial arts warriors can't attack the city, and they also represent that they must not participate in the war."

Everyone's mouth twitched.

Immediately after this shot, the Immortal Emperor appeared, and he must be on the battlefield outside the supervision area.

"I know."

Yun Feiyang looked up.

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "You know it, but you still take action, it is really a sin plus one grade."

Everyone could hear that this fairy emperor seemed very angry, and he must be dissatisfied with Yun Feiyang's provocation of the rules he created.

Yun Fei said: "Since I dare to take action, I am ready to be punished."

Speech is very arrogant and very natural.

When saving Luo Mu, he didn't care about any rules at all. After all, Tian Tian's rules didn't matter as much as his brother's life.

"Okay, okay."

Aurora Immortal Emperor said with a heavy voice: "Yun Feiyang entered the war without authorization, violating the battle of the Three Realms, this emperor will be punished with the power of condemnation today, and it is especially effective!"

"The power of condemnation?"

Everyone took a breath.

In the battle between Lingwu Realm and Xiaoshen Realm, Yun Feiyang had endured it once, but did not expect this battle to come again.

Moreover, judging from the tone of the immortal emperor, the punishment of the power of this condemnation is definitely stronger than last time.

"call out!"

Suddenly, two huge eyes appeared in the streamer, and slowly opened, revealing a chilling light.

"Eye of the Immortal Emperor!"

Yun Fei's eyes were solemn.

It was under this giant eye that year that he withstood the power of a condemnation comparable to the great consummation of Tianzun.

In the end, although it was hard to stand by, but as a price, the Nine Zun Tower was damaged, the Taixu Platinum Battle Armor was exhausted, and it took six or seven years to recover.

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Yun Feiyang, this emperor today, will punish you with the power of a quasi-celestial level of condemnation. If you can't carry it, the end will be soul flying."

"Oh my God!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

The power of the quasi-central level of condemnation is absolutely terrifying. Yun Feiyang's guy can resist it, it is impossible.

"bring it on."

Yun Feiyang accepted frankly.

Since he has participated in the battle of the world and has no strength to shake the immortal emperor, he must also be disciplined for violating the regulations.

If time flows backwards, knowing that he will suffer the power of quasi-celestial level condemnation, he will still make a move to save Luo Mu.


Suddenly, there was a turbulent situation between heaven and earth, and a breath of terror spread, making the extraterritorial battlefield extremely abnormal.


The light curtains in all circles are slightly distorted.

"Are you going to start?"

Everyone noticed the changes in the battlefield outside the domain, their eyes locked on the light curtain, locked on the sky, the eyes of the immortal Emperor.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, two lines of fine eruption erupted from the giant The world seemed to lose color!

After thousands of miles of extraterrestrial battlefields, all the regional space, after the eruption of the power of condemnation, suddenly broke apart!

Boom! Boom!

Feiyang City and Tianxiong City.

The formation of the two cities condensed, even under the terrible fairy power, shattered the nothingness, all the people in the city were tumbling with blood, and their expressions were horrified.

The power of the condemnation at that time was nothing more than the level of Heavenly Sovereign Great Consummation, and its power was extremely limited.

This time, it was a quasi-sen level, and the power was extremely explosive!

"Oh my God!"

"so horrible!"

The warriors from all walks of life witnessed the entire extraterritorial battlefield, and there was not an inch of complete space that was strangled by the power, and they suddenly rounded their eyes.

They have no reason to doubt that under this power, Yun Feiyang can still survive.


At this moment, Yun Fei, who greeted the power of two condemnations, and the black hair flying in the wind, instantly turned into gold and purple.

The God of War soul body changes one and two.


The power of horror spreads out, covering the whole body in an instant, and the bare skin becomes golden, this is the **** body is fully open!

"Boo! Boo!"

At the same time, nine deserted ancient land condensed, and endless energy poured into the body, condensed in the right fist.

Yun Feiyang once faced the power of condemnation for the first time and chose to resist with various treasures and martial arts. This second time, he had to do not only resist, but also take the initiative to attack.

"My God, he is going to bombard the power of condemnation!"

The martial artists from all walks of life exclaimed.


At this moment, Yun Feiyang exploded all his powers, condensing the strongest Jiuhuang town jail fist, and ushered in the power of quasi-celestial condemnation!

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