Super God

Chapter 1484: Re-enter Little God Realm!

Yun Feiyang learned from Yun Wuyou's mouth that in the past two years, Ji Feiya has been pulling the little guy to go to the wild to practice.

In this regard, Yun Dache God expressed deep sympathy, but also agreed with Ji Feiya's approach. After all, it is still very necessary to make this kid bitter.

You should know that he had experienced countless life and death no matter in the World of Ten Thousand Continents or the Little God Realm.


Yun Feiyang patted his shoulder, encouraging: "Only after experiencing this kind of suffering, can he become an upright man in the future."

Yun Wuyou wiped away her tears, and said seriously: "Worryless will definitely work harder and become an upright man!"

"This is my son."

Yun Feiyang laughed.


Yun Wuyou said: "I miss my mother, can you let me in?"

Yun Feiyang did not refuse, sent him to Feiyang Realm, and got up to find the Dean.

On the way, many people took the initiative to greet them, and at the same time talked secretly, and the content was also related to Yunwuyou.

I'm awesome, my son is evil.

These two grandfathers are definitely the focus of the pride.


Inside the study.

Yun Feiyang walked in and said, "President."

"Cultivation is over?"

Shen Tianxing stood at the window with his hands on his back.

Yun Feiyang scratched his head and said, "Cultivators are a little irritated, walk out of the border."

Shen Tianxing frowned slightly, and said, "You have been closed for three years, and you feel boring. This heart is too unstable."


Yun Feiyang was dumb.

Of course he would not say that although only three years, he has experienced 600 years of cultivation.


Shen Tianxing said: "I have received news that there seems to be movement in the Shenyin Empire."

"What action?"

Yun Feiyang looked dignified.

Shen Tianxing said: "Emperor Tiantian is not simple. It controls many Lords of the One Realm and restrains the engulfing power that devours the God Realm."

Engulfing power?

Yun Fei raised his brows tightly.

He knew that the so-called engulfing power was to destroy the God Realm and begin to spread the vortex of infinite expansion.


Shen Tianxing turned around and said: "In my opinion, your biggest opponent in reshaping God Realm is not Xiaoshen Realm, but Emperor Heaven."

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said: "I think so."

He was already aware when he was on the battlefield outside the territory.

After all, the level of the Little God Realm is too weak. As long as the agent Little God Lord has not broken through to the quasi-century, he can easily be ravaged.

Emperor Heaven can't do it.

Not to mention that he has reached the quasi-centenary, and his ruled Divine Hidden Empire is bound to have more soldiers.

If I want to reshape God Realm, the biggest obstacle is definitely Emperor Tiantian.

Shen Tianxing said: "You must decide the winner."

Yun Feiyang was silent.

If there are choices, he really does not want to confront Emperor Tiantian because it is too difficult.

However, he also has many gods and souls. From this point alone, Yun Feiyang must also make a break with it.

Di Juntian thought so too, if he had a choice, he didn't want to fight Yunfei Yang.

But the mission of rebuilding God Realm, the woman who wants to achieve supreme merit and resurrect herself, is destined to be an opponent.

Yun Feiyang knows that Master will not question this matter, because when he is married, what he said with Emperor Juntian means to stay away from him.

"President, the master of the Shenyin Empire controls the power of swallowing, what is the intention?" Yun Feiyang asked.

Shen Tianxing: "How do I know."

Yun Feiyang was silent.

He could hear that Dean Shen meant that you should inquire about your business and ask me nothing.

"President, I'm leaving now."

"Go ahead."

Shen Tianxing did not stop, and told him this news, but also for Yun Wuyou's sake, otherwise Quan Dang did not know.


Little God Realm, Little God City.

The north gate Jiu Shao, the acting little **** who stood in the palace, was anxious.

In the past three years, the energy supplied to the Little God Realm has been blocked by some kind of breath, making it difficult to sublimate.

Afterwards, he went to explore the source of devouring and found that it was blocked by a group of realm masters.

Beimen Jiu Shao was very angry, but Emperor Jun Tian was powerful, and the source of the blockade was the Realm, so he didn't dare to easily shoot.

How to do?

Definitely find a helper.

Three years ago, he contacted his father Beimensheng by letter, hoping to dispatch the masters as soon as possible.

"call out!"

While waiting for years to come, finally today, the formation stream that connects the real martial arts field flashes, and hundreds of warriors in uniforms appear in the small **** realm.

These people, without exception, are the warriors of the Beimen family, and the realms are all half-cents at the peak.

In fact, after receiving the news, Beimen Sheng has been preparing. The owner of Beimen is constantly communicating with the fairy emperor to allow so many peaks and half cents to reach the lower bound.

With so many powerful players at the main level, Beimen Jiu Shao suddenly felt confident.

In particular, the family brings a more important news that Emperor Tiantian is restricted by the Immortal Emperor and cannot be shot in the realm.

The most worrying thing about Beimen Jiu Shao is Emperor Juntian. After all, his realm has reached a quasi-century, and now he can’t shoot, and he has no worries.


He sneered: "Although Little God Realm was born for thousands of years, there is not enough details, but after all, there is still energy, and no one wants to shake it."

With that said, it is necessary to order to go to the source of devouring and fight against the group of masters.

At this moment, the sky of Little God Realm emerged a colorful streamer.

It was a luxuriously decorated car, with seven clouds of different colors around the wheels, which was glorious.

Beimen Jiu Shao clearly saw the people in the car, his eyes cold and said: "Yun Fei Yang!"

Yun Feiyang sitting in the car, Xiannian captured the rising anger in the central area of ​​the Little God Realm, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, smiling: "Agent Little God Lord?"

He is not a teenager in Little God Realm.

But today is the first time that the eyes and eyes of the realm are face-to-face and face-to-face.

Yun Feiyang has never seen the acting little **** master.

But in these years, the acting little **** Lord has been paying attention to him all the time.

If it were not for a hundred-year contract with Shen Linfeng, I am afraid that he would have appeared and wiped him out.

However, after careful calculation, the one-hundred-year contract has not yet passed half, and Yun Feiyang once again returned to the Little God Realm, but he already has the ability to sit on par with this realm.

The guy who was so weak that he could be pinched to death with one finger is now sitting on the quasi-central treasure, revealing a breath comparable to himself, and Beimen Jiu Shao couldn't be more angry.


Even more shocking are the creatures of Little God Realm.

They all raised their eyes and looked at the man sitting in the colorful flowing cloud car, who revealed a breath of the world, and their hearts were deeply shocked.

Vaguely, thinking of the Dragon Gate test that year, he had just stepped into Wushen.

I remembered the genius Dabi, who took part in the battle with one person, won the double crown, and then stepped into the void, condensing the power of the true dragon.


But it is the king who returns, the king leads the world! !

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