Super God

Chapter 1485: Fight the warriors of the north gate!

Yun Feiyang once used the Dragon Gate test to enter the Little God Realm.

Although he exhibited the talents of evil spirits, and also aroused the interest of the ten major schools, but at best it was only a genius in the world.

After being expelled by Lingxiao, he joined the mad sect, participated in the genius contest, won the proud double crown, and received their recognition.

But it is still just a genius level.

Leaving the Little God Realm, practicing outside, participating in the battle of the two realms after breaking back, and breaking through the Tianxiong City guarded by the Lingwu Realm, it is really considered to be labeled as a "strong man".

However, it is only the strong.

In the eyes of many people, it is nothing more than the head of a family. Compared with the super-class Xiao and Ye families, they still lack the foundation.

After taking over as the sect master of madness, Yun Feiyang left again and went to the hall of pride.

For a long time, his name, in Little God Realm, was only mentioned occasionally.

Until recently, Yun Feiyang appeared on the battlefield outside the territory of the two super circles, and once again let them discuss.

Summon countless mythical beasts to fight against Yuwen Eagle, who is also a proud son.

Establish a city to summon the spirit clan soldiers, declare to represent God Realm, and fight against the two realms.

Every thing Yun Feiyang did, it brought a huge shock to the warrior of the Little God Realm. The young man who had been away for many years was even more crazy and stronger!


They did not expect it at all.

Yun Feiyang, who had only been away for a few years, had capital to contend with the superworld, and at the same time, he also won the final victory.


This is absolutely legendary.

Now, this legendary figure, sitting in a car surrounded by colorful clouds, reveals a glorious momentum, which makes them deeply moved.

"This guy is Yun Feiyang?"

The North Gate family warriors who had just entered Little God Realm sneered.

This time, they have two missions. One is to help Beimen Jiu Shao solve the group of blockers who are blocking the source of engulfment.

The second task is to get rid of Yunfeiyang no matter what method is used.

Just came to the Little God Realm, and encountered the righteous Lord, but it saved a lot of trouble.


Yun Feiyang also discovered the peak period of the hundreds of people in the suspended palace, frowning slightly: "The Warrior of the North Gate Family?"

"It seems that they should be looking for Emperor Juntian's trouble. It's really not the right time for them to come."

It's not very time.

If it is a little later, the 100 warriors of the North Gate family will go to the source of devouring and will stand up with the realm master controlled by Emperor Heaven.

Is there still a chance to go now?

Suddenly appeared in the Little God Realm, sitting in the extremely colorful wind cloud car, forced to install, want to go, certainly impossible.



Dozens of warriors from the North Gate family flew over and quickly surrounded Yun Fei, with a strong murderous glimmer in their eyes.

The instructions given by the family are that Yun Feiyang must be killed anyway, so they don’t care if everyone works together.

Beimen Jiu Shao was worried.

This is Little God Realm. If you fight, it will definitely be destroyed. Besides, the Shen family is still there.

I thought about the second one.

Because Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan had long known that Yun Fei was coming, did not appear, and apparently did not intend to stop it.

In their view, the Brother Yun could kill the Lingwu Realm Master and no longer needed the Shen Family to protect it.

Surrounded by dozens of pinnacles of half-cent immortals, Yun Feiyang sat in the car and smiled indifferently: "Why, are you going to start here?"

Beimenkun and others frowned slightly.

The pinnacle of a lower realm, half an immortal consummation, was able to laugh so breezy in the face of the siege of himself and others, which was really unpleasant to see.

"Boy, if you are an individual, just wait for me to go to the universe." Beimen Kun said coldly.

Little God Realm was created by the elder of the North Gate, he did not dare to do it here, so as not to destroy it, returning to the North Gate will be punished.


Yun Feiyang responded, and the colorful flashing clouds flashed, but the sound of ‘咻’ disappeared under the siege of the crowd.


The appearance of Beimenkun and others changed.

Being able to disappear so quickly under his own eyelids, the quality of that car must be a quasi-sens.

The eyes of the warriors of the North Gate suddenly rose, followed quickly, and flew outward.

As they left, shrouded in the Little God Realm, the suppressed atmosphere gradually faded.

Many warriors took a sigh of relief.

To be honest, so many strong players of the main level, standing in the sky, did not explode, but the pressure formed was enough to make them tremble.

Especially when I think of Yun Feiyang, in the face of so many strong men, I can still behave so calmly, which is really admirable.


Vast universe.

A colorful streamer car hangs in it, shining brightly.

Yun Feiyang was still sitting in it, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Around him, more than a dozen of the strongmen of the Beimen family's peak period, locked their eyes on him, and the killing broke out without hiding.

Farther away, another 80 Beimen warriors formed an outer circle to prevent Yunfei from escaping.

This is in vain.

If Yun Feiyang wants to go, and his thoughts move, the colorful flowing clouds will disappear instantly.

The warriors of the North Gate can only watch.

However, since I came to the Little God Realm and happened to meet so many warriors from the Beimen family, it was a pity not to kill him a few.

"Don't waste time."

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Hurry up."


Beimenkun smiled coldly, and then made a wink to everyone.



In an instant, the twelve warriors in their peak period quickly arranged a strange formation.

This is the twelve squads of the Beimen is dominated by twelve martial artists, both offensive and defensive are very strong.

It is said that if the practitioners comprehend this array to the extreme, the souls of the twelve people can penetrate, and even the quasi-central level strong can be trapped.


Yun Feiyang smiled faintly.

"call out!"

During the speech, the colorful flowing clouds turned into streamers and merged into the flying world.

Yun Feiyang stood proudly in the sky, waving with one hand, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword emerged from the void.


Beimenkun sneered.



Twelve Beimen warriors immediately stepped on the fixed body method and killed Xiang Feiyang in a staggered pattern.

For a while, the entire universe seemed to be darker, and originally there were only twelve figures, which quickly emerged and formed hundreds of afterimages.

This is the essence of the twelve unique battle arrays. With the cooperation of the exhibitors, countless afterimages have been transformed into true and false and true and false.

Yun Feiyang, trapped in the formation, had no intention of shooting.

In Beimenkun's view, this must have been dazzled by the dazzling afterimage, and at this moment he was thinking about who was the real body.

"call out!"

Before long, Yun Feiyang waved his long sword, pierced the void, and slashed towards the afterimage.

Beimenkun sneered.

The residual image was obviously fake. He cut it in the past, in addition to exposing the flaw, it was a waste of energy.


Jian Qi flew by, and shattered the afterimage to nothingness.

However, Jian Qi did not die out, and continued to shoot past, and again cut on a residual image.


The afterimage head flew out, spraying blood.

Beimenkun in a sneer, his smile freezes, his eyes appear incredible!

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