Super God

Chapter 1496: 9 North

When Yun Feiyang held the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and communicated with the indestructible sword spirit, a more intense sword spirit broke out around him.

At that moment, he seemed to be a sword, and the sword was him.

This is the supreme kendo realm, which can be called the unity of human swords and unity of human spirits.

The relationship that once lived for thousands of years, the experience of life and death for thousands of years, the feeling of Yun Feiyang and the indestructible sword, although experienced thousands of years of reincarnation, never broke.

Now we are together again, the mutual understanding is still there, and the fusion can be described as natural and natural.

The sword spirit in Longyan Sword was also secretly amazed.

In its view, this person is not a servant, but more like a brother at the end of life.

Standing in the distance, Beimen Jiu Shao's eyes became more dignified.

Since the emergence of the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, there has been anxiety in his heart. Especially after Yun Feiyang held the sword, that kind of anxiety became stronger.

"This sword is absolutely extraordinary."

Beimen Jiu Shao's eyes flickered, and he was thinking about whether to withdraw.

"call out!"

At this moment, Yun Feiyang waved with one hand, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword cut through the sky, forming a matchless sword spirit.

From a bystander's point of view, this sword is bland, but with the blessing of the immortal sword spirit, the sword qi contains a strong sword intention.

Beimen Jiu Shao's face changed slightly, and when the defense was about to be fully opened, a defensive barrier quickly formed in front of him.


A sword blasted and the world shook.

Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan's eyes suddenly widened.

Jian Qi seemed to be plain and unpretentious. Unexpectedly, it contained such terrifying power!

"Kaka Kaka--"

Suddenly, the sound of cracking came.

The formation of the defensive enclave, after taking a sword, collapsed into nothingness.

Bei Men Jiu Shao's face was ugly, and he was even more surprised.

He could feel that the power contained in Yunfeiyang's sword could definitely break his own **** body.


Yun Fei said: "It was blocked."

This remark seems very unexpected, and despise Beimen Jiu Shao.


Indestructible Sword Spirit excitedly said: "One more sword!"

After a long sleep, he wanted to fight freely.

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang satisfies the wish of being cheap and cheap, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword again waves.


In an instant, countless sword intentions broke out, forming a phantom sword shadow, standing proudly in the universe.

The first Jian Yun Fei Yang is very casual.

And this second sword is very serious.

The immortal sword spirit is also blessing the sword shadow with its own power, and its power is rising.

Faced with the horrible sword shadow, the uneasiness in Beimen Jiu Shao's heart grew stronger and forced him to finally choose to withdraw!

"call out!"

As soon as his thoughts rose, he stepped on Xuan Miao's body and flew to the rear.

"Want to run?"

Yun Fei's eyes were cold, his right arm was waving, and the condensed sword shadow suddenly cut off.

"call out!"

Jianying roared away, extremely fast.

"Kaka Kaka--"

Wherever he passed, the space shattered, leaving a deep sword mark, as if the universe had been cut open.

Shen Linfeng and Shen Linyuan looked dignified.

Although he was not immersive in the battle, he also felt the destructive power caused by the sword shadow, and the power contained in it must be terrifying!

Shen Linfeng exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, it was surprising that such a treasure that once fell.

"Father said, the world is so big, there are no exceptions."

Shen Linyuan said: "Some low-level planes may give birth to shocking treasures."

Shen Linfeng said with a smile: "Brother Yun's sword is in his hand, enough to be proud of the world."

"Not bad."

Shen Linyuan agreed.

Shen Ming and Shen Hui next to them opened their mouths.

Out of the world.

Uncle Yun is so good now!


At this moment, a loud noise came from the light curtain, and the two immediately looked up.

On the back of the fleeing agent, the god, was cut with a long sword mark, and blood was flowing.

With his great body, he was defeated by Yun Feiyang with a sword.

"But... hateful!"

Beimen Jiu Shao turned back angrily, and said in angrily: "Yun Feiyang, wait for me!"

"call out!"

During the speech, the wounded man finally used the secret method of the Beimen family and quickly disappeared at a high price.


Yun Feiyang, who was about to cut another sword, frowned slightly.

From Beimen Li's space ring, he did not see this martial art that can disappear instantly.

Xiaochian said: "Laozi hasn't played enough, how did he run?"

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "There will be opportunities in the future."


Xiaochian said: "Send me back, I will continue to absorb the divine power."

This guy is madly ingesting divine power in Shenmo Mountain, and has now returned to the level before ten thousand years.

But not satisfied, because the host Yun Feiyang is already at the peak of the half-cent immortal consummation, he must work hard to catch up.

The current status of Xiaochian is nothing more than Tianzun level.

After merging with Yun Feiyang, he manipulated the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, slashing the **** and acting as the acting little **** master.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying power will erupt when he reaches the level close to his master and the two merge again.

On this point, Yun Feiyang is also looking forward to it.

He believes that if the cheap and cheap can have a level that matches his own, he can definitely cut the fairy!

The seven remnants of the rebuilt Qianyuan Kunkun sword, under the blessing of the sword soul, once beheaded a quasi-central strongman like Beimen Li.

In theory, the indestructible sword spirit must not be comparable to the sword soul.

But the reason why Yun Feiyang firmly believes that Xiaochechen reached his own level, can cut the quasi-century because the present Hunyuan Qiankun sword has been reshaped.

What's more, although he was united with the soul of the sword spirit at the time, he was not very tacit after all.

Follow your own little and cheap for thousands of years, the fusion between each other is flawless, and with the complete Hunyuan Qiankun sword, it is no longer necessary to kill the quasi-immortal.

Of course, all these possibilities must be based on the immortal sword spirit, and must have Yunfei's current level.

It may take a long time to break from Tianzun to its peak.


One sword slashed Beimen Jiu Shao, making it use secret methods to escape.

From this point, it can be seen that Yun Feiyang has the Hunyuan Qiankun sword blessed by the indestructible sword spirit, and his strength has improved a lot.

And he is not satisfied, because there are quasi immortals, immortals, and even the supreme immortal emperor.


Yun Feiyang relaxed his mind and focused on the endless source of devouring.

"call out--"

The purple lotus industry fire appeared again and began to purify for a long time.

After the injured Beimen Jiu Shao returned to the palace, he was pale and extremely weak.

Yun Feiyang was slashed with a sword, hurting his back, and fleeing with a secret method. Now he is almost collapsed.

"The Lord."

Zuo En surprised: "Are you all right?"

Beimen Jiu Shao was hurt, and his eyes were splitting: "Hurry up and send a letter to my father to send him a stronger warrior to the lower realm."


Left immediately withdrew.

Beimen Jiu Shao immediately chose to retreat to recuperate his injuries.

After a few days.

The North Gate House of Zhenwu God Realm.

Beimen Sheng obtained a letter from the left envoy, and learned that his son was seriously defeated by Yun Feiyang, his eyes flashing coldly.

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