Super God

Chapter 1497: Power of merit

After retiring from the Ninth Youth of the North Gate, Yun Feiyang put all his energy on purifying the source of devouring.

This gloomy attribute has spread from the collapsed center of the God Realm, and it has formed a range of dozens of light miles after ten thousand years. It takes at least a long time to completely purify it.

"In any case, it must be removed."

Yun Feiyang was determined, and began to purify madly.

A month later.

A large swallowing breath was refined, and the dark area that was originally enveloped was restored again.

As Zilian Yehuo continued to purify, a crippled planetary top was exposed, apparently after being devoured, it has not been completely wiped out.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang found a weathered old man standing on the high mountain in the fragmented plane, the breath of which was translucent.

He knelt on his knees, his eyes staring blankly at the collapse of God Realm, his hands stretched slightly, as if praying.

This plane, which is no longer available for human habitation, is called the Five Elements Continent.

The old man who was eroded by the power of engulfment and had no breath of life was the Five Elements Ancestor.

He used to be able to leave with his descendants, but in the end he chose to live with his home and countless creatures.

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly.

Vaguely, he felt a pure faith from this corpse.


Yun Feiyang murmured: "He was still praying to God before he died."


Before the death of the Five Elements ancestors, they prayed piously.

And convinced that one day, God will return again to save the souls of the world and the fire.

This day, came.

As a former god, Yun Feiyang fell on the mountain and fell in front of him.

At that moment, the ancestor of Wu Xing's body shivered gently, and a faint light flashed in his empty eyes.

Existing between heaven and earth, the dead souls of the deceased souls seem to be relieved and gradually dissipate into the invisible.

When God descended on the broken Five Elements continent, the old men and creatures who co-existed and died with them could finally laugh at Jiuquan.

Somehow, Yun Feiyang felt heavy.

He looked at the corpse that seemed to be freed and blamed himself indefinitely: "Sorry, I came too late."

When the Five Elements Continent was devoured, he practiced in the Ten Thousand Continent, and the realm had not yet reached the Wushen Realm.

At that time, there was definitely no ability to dissolve the power of engulfment, and it was impossible to save these ordinary planes that once belonged to God Realm.

It is different now.

Yun Feiyang's strength has become strong enough.

He wants to thoroughly purify this source of sin that devours countless continents and souls, and avoid the destruction of other mortals.


Yun Feiyang took the broken five-element continent and the old man full of faith into Feiyang Realm.

Next, focus on the source of devouring again and start purifying.

In the past few months.

Yun Feiyang has purified two-tenths of the engulfing source that spreads extremely wide.

In the Little God Realm, the sky space trembles from the beginning, and now the frequency gradually accelerates.

The creatures in this aspect have a feeling that the end of the world is about to come.

"what happened?"

"It feels like the sky is going to collapse at any time."

Many warriors were horrified.

The left envoy in the palace is in a hurry.

The Lord was injured and closed to practice.

As for the old master, there is still no news.

Zuo Zun didn't know what to do, he just had to wait in the palace.


After a few more months.

The space of Little God Realm, from the beginning to beat regularly, has now developed to trembling violently, as if it may collapse at any time.

Many sectarians and forces realized that it was not good, and made plans to evacuate.

Little God Realm hasn't been established for a long time, and its background is not enough. In the face of devastating danger, it will definitely fall apart.

"How to do!"

Inside the palace, left anxious sweated with sweat.

He knew that the situation that caused the instability of the space of Little God Realm must be related to Yun Feiyang purifying and swallowing the origin.

However, even the Lord was injured, and he must have died.


One day, the formation linking the real martial arts shimmered, and two old men in robes came out of it.

Seeing the arrival, Left Envoy suddenly froze, and hurriedly walked out of the palace, greeted respectfully: "Subordinate Left Envoy, see several elders."

The two old men who came here were old parents of Beimen, and their strengths were all quasi-cents.

The division of duties of the Beimen family is similar to that of many lower realms, divided into ordinary elders and house elders.

Ordinary elders have no real power in the name of elders, but house elders are second only to the heads of households and take charge of the affairs of the family.

The two elders who came were the ordinary elders of the Beimen family.

Speaking of status and strength, it must be stronger than Beimen Li in the previous lower bound.

The old man named Beimensong nodded proudly and found that the space of Little God Realm was unstable, frowning and said: "What is the situation now?"

"Yang elder."

Envoy Zuo hurriedly said: "Yun Feiyang has more than half of the source of purification and swallowing."


Beimen Song coldly said: "The source of my devourment left by my Beimen family in the lower realm, this child tried to purify it, but it was actually looking for death."


In the vast universe.

Nearly half of the sources of devouring have been vanished by Yunfei.

For half a year, he has been urging the purple lotus industry fire and spreading it with a strong soul force, which can be described as a lot of distraction.

This purification is still beneficial.

Yun Feiyang can realize that his soul power is stronger than before, and he has more control over Zilian Yehuo.

What's even more amazing is.

From purification to the Five Elements Continent, as he continued to advance, a wonderful breath poured into the body without interruption.

At first Yun Feiyang didn't know what this breath was like.

It wasn't until one day that when he used the purple lotus industry fire to purify a broken plane again, he realized that this special breath was the energy given back to himself after the relief of countless undead qi.

"this is……"

The sword spirit in Longyan Sword pondered a little, and said, "The power of merit."

"The power of merit?"

Yun Feiyang didn't understand.

The Soul of the Sword explained: "Spirits engulfed by the source of engulfing will be transformed into souls of death after death, and you will be purified as a **** and gain merit."

"So it turns out."

Yun Feiyang understood.

The master of that year once said that if he could reshape the God Realm, he would gain immense merit.

In this world, the most mysterious is the merit, because it can not be condensed by relying on the cultivation of martial arts.


Sword Spirit solemnly said: "The existence of merit is above the attributes and the realm, even higher than Dao Yi, if you condense enough, you can directly upgrade the realm."

"Such a cow?"

Yun Feiyang was surprised.

Jianhun Dao: "Purify it as soon as possible, this kind of meritorious power can never be met."


Yun Feiyang immediately focused on purification.

However, it didn't take long for me to feel two unusually strong breaths behind him.

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly, and said, "quasi fairy?"

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