Super God

Chapter 1580: Banquet

Xianshidian is located in an unobtrusive street.

But Wu Tongyu was quite weighted in Ye Bingshan's eyes, after all, it was a fairy stone trainer.

He had visited many times that year, and the intention of solicitation was very obvious. However, Wu Tongyu didn't buy it. Instead, he preferred to guard the Xianshi shop, and he had no plans to settle in Yejia.

Ye Bingshan could only give up and never visited again.

Today, when he realized that the old man had a fairy-level strength, he didn't hesitate immediately and came to visit again.

The status of Xianshi Condensing Trainer is noble enough.

Also possessing fairy-level strength, Ye Bingshan finally understood why the other party repeatedly refused his invitation.

to be frank.

People like Wu Tongyu, who are eligible to solicit, must be the family in the royal city.

Yejia Temple in Yecheng is too small to hold such a big Buddha.


Ye Bingshan walked in and worshipped.

When he felt Wu Tongyu's strong breath emanating from random, he felt awe at once.

Although Ye Bingshan is already a quasi-central consummation, in front of the real fairyland, it is like a ant.

Quasi Immortals and Immortals are a huge watershed. They haven't survived the triple thunder, and they are only mortals.

"Night City Lord."

Wu Tongyu smiled and said, "Do you want to condense the fairy stone when you come to the shop?"

Ye Bingshan respectfully said: "Ye Mou specially came to visit her senior."


Wu Tongyu said: "People have read it, go back."


Ye Bingshan mouth corner slightly pumped.

However, just at this moment, his eyes swept to Yun Feiyang who was standing next to him.


Ye Bingshan said: "Senior, is this kid?"

He has been retreating and practicing, and has not participated in the auction of Hengtong Auction House. He has never seen Yun Feiyang.

"He was the apprentice I received not long ago."

Wu Tongyu Road.

Ye Bingshan was shocked.

Can be accepted as an apprentice by a fairy stone trainer, this child must have the qualification of trainer!

"Little friend."

Ye Bingshan smiled and said: "Dare to ask your name?"

"Zhen Deshuai."

Yun Feiyang replied.

In my heart, I felt that the status of Xianshi Ningshi was really extraordinary. He was just an apprentice of Senior Wu, but he made the master of a city treat him so politely.

Ye Bingshan smiled and said: "Guided by Senior Wu, Xiaoyou will definitely become an excellent Xianshi Concentrator in the future."

"Do you still want to say it?"

Wu Tongyu said with a smile: "The apprentices I cultivate will definitely become masters in the future."

"Predecessors said yes."

Ye Bingshan hurriedly echoed.

Wu Tongyu said impatiently: "Hurry back."

After taking Jindan, he can unscrupulously release his cultivation behavior, and he is in a very happy mood, not interested in whining with the night city host.

Ye Bingshan arched and said: "The juniors will leave first."

Speaking, you have to leave.

"and many more."

Wu Tongyu stopped.

Ye Bingshan stopped and turned and smiled: "Senior, is there anything else?"

Wu Tongyu glanced at Yun Feiyang and said, "I am an apprentice who has no right to reside, and troubles the night city master to help resettlement."

Ye Bingshan laughed: "I see."

As the owner of the night city, he naturally has the right to grant residency.

"Let's go back."

Wu Tongyu waved his hand.

Ye Bingshan left immediately, and hurried to the relevant institutions to set up permanent residence for Yun Feiyang.

In his view, Yejia couldn't accommodate a big Buddha like Wu Tongyu, and the apprentices who wooed him should be more than enough.


After Ye Bingshan left, Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "Yecheng is not my usual place of residence."

"I know."

Wu Tongyu explained with a smile: "If you want to go to a larger city for development, you must have a fixed identity in the city, otherwise it is difficult to obtain the right to reside."

"So it turns out."

Yun Fei said: "Let the seniors bother."

Wu Tongyu smiled and said, "Boy, which city are you going to develop in?"

"Guanfeng City."

Yun Fei said.

Wu Tongyu Road: "Guanfeng City is one of the four king cities in the southwestern region. If you choose this city, you should have great development ambitions."

Yun Feiyang spoke up and smiled.

To be honest, Wang Cheng is only temporarily considering.

In his mind, the emperor city is the most yearning, especially the supreme fairy emperor!

People must have ideals.

After coming to Zhenwu God Territory, Yun Feiyang's ideal is to continue to become stronger, and eventually become a fairy emperor on the dominating side.

Wu Tongyu said: "Boy, if you go to Guanfeng City, I will accompany you as soon as possible."

Because of his illness, he left the large city pool where he once lived and lived in seclusion in the small night city.

Now that the disease has been eliminated, naturally I don't want to live here.


In Wu Tongyu's view.

This young man who knows medical skills, can practice alchemy, and has the qualifications of a condensed teacher is very promising.

His old bones, willing to saddle up and down, watched slowly grow up.

Yun Feiyang was delighted.

The Zhenwu Divine Realm is very large. The road from Yecheng to Guanfeng City must be far away. It must be safe to be accompanied by a fairy.


the next day.

Ye Bingshan came again and personally sent Yecheng's permanent residence book.

At this point, Yun Da cheap God is no longer a soaring person, but has completely become a member of Zhenwu God Realm, although the identity is Zhen Deshuai.

"Night City Lord."

Yun Feiyang arched his hands and said: "Thank you."

Ye Bingshan smiled and said: "Yen Xiaoyou, can you have a free time to enjoy your face at a banquet in the night of Zuiyue Building?"

Yun Fei said: "Free!"

It's a good thing to eat and drink in Idiot won't go.

Ye Bingshan smiled and said: "At night, someone was in the drunk moon floor, waiting for Zhen Xiaoyou to come."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

After Ye Bingshan left, Wu Tongyu walked in from the inner courtyard and said, "This is what the night city lord wants to woo you."

Yun Feiyang laughed and said nothing.

Wu Tongyu shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, this meal is destined to be white."

Ye Jia couldn't hold his big Buddha, and it was also difficult to hold Yun Feiyang's big Buddha.


Night house.

The night hills have been very depressed these two days.

Especially at the auction, the guy named Zhen Deshuai suddenly felt sore again.


Night Hill said indignantly: "It seems that there is no identity, how can he let the Cui family prince so actively make friends!"


Suddenly, Ye Bingshan came and said, "At night, for my father, we would like to feast a distinguished guest in Zuiyuelou. Come over and accompany you."


The night hills startled, and said, "Daddy, who is it?"

Ye Bingshan solemnly said: "A young man with the qualification of Xianshi Ningshi."


The night hills were dumbfounded.

Although he is a young boy, he knows that there are very few people who have the qualifications of Xianshi Ningshi within the Zhenwu God Realm.


Ye Bingshan said: "The man's age is similar to yours, and then take the initiative."

"Dad, baby understands."

The night hills said seriously.

Since his father is hosting a banquet in the Drunken Moon Tower, he obviously has to be solicited, but he must not be rude.

Although this guy is dandy, he is smarter.

It's just that if you know that the distinguished guest of your father's banquet is Zhen Deshuai who has slapped his face relentlessly at the meeting place, this guy doesn't know how he will feel.

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