Super God

Chapter 1595: Hot business

The shopkeeper Wang gave the exchange conditions for twelve inferior immortals.

That is to say, Yun Feiyang's condensed middle-grade fairy stone can be exchanged for three lower-grade fairy stones.

This is already awesome.

Because, even if the recognized median master of stone condensate training, it may not be so treated.

Yun Feiyang is not a treatment, but rather, his refined middle grade fairy stone is worthy of being exchanged for three lower grade fairy stones.

"Zhen Gongzi."

The shopkeeper Wang smiled and said, "Do you only exchange four?"

He received information from the headquarters that when the child was in the night city, he exchanged eight middle-grade fairy stones.

The eight immortal stones were auctioned in a royal city, which caused a sensation and sold them at a higher price.

This is the ability of Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

He can exchange for high-grade immortal stone above the market price, and is also capable of selling it at a higher price.

"of course not."

Yun Feiyang took out sixteen fairy stones again and smiled: "I want to exchange for twenty."


The shopkeeper Wang's eyes widened.


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Does your store not have this ability, accept my twenty fairy stones?"

"Can, can!"

The shopkeeper said with joy.

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang waved his hand, and sixteen middle-grade fairy stones were arranged on the table.

The shopkeeper of Wang immediately inspected one by one, and after confirming that the quality was the same as the first four, he hurriedly got up and said, "Zhen Gongzi, please wait a moment, and Wang Mou will take down Pinxian Stone."

VIPs of this level do not need to go to the counter to exchange, and can be face-to-face transactions directly from the shopkeeper in the VIP room.


The shopkeeper Wang returned and handed a space ring saying: "Zhen Gongzi, there are sixty inferior immortals in it. Please verify."

Yun Feiyang accepted the ring and verified: "Farewell."

Before leaving, it is hot to discuss the restoration of appearance.

When he came to Wangcheng, his main purpose was to earn immortal stones and practice, so he didn't want people to know that his identity as Zhen Deshuai had come to Hengtong Auction House to exchange immortal stones.

The shopkeeper Wang was also a veteran of the battlefield. After personally sending Yun Feiyang away, he told the maidservant she had just received not to speak out about it.


Yunji Xianshidian.

Yun Feiyang returned and slept in bed.

the next day.

Yun Feiyang got up early and opened the door in person.

And this also means that the Yunji Xianshi store is officially opened in Wangcheng on the first day.


When Yun Feiyang opened the store door, he was stunned.

Because the streets outside are crowded with many martial arts, a rough calculation, at least more than 300 people.

They are not passing by.

Instead, he came early to come to Yunji Xianshi shop to condense Xianshi.

"A lot of people."

Yun Feiyang smiled slightly, then took out the wooden sign prepared last night and placed it in front of the store.

Many warriors looked at it, and their eyes suddenly became hot.

The wooden sign reads-In half a month, all customers who come to condense Xianshi will have a price of 5,000 crystal nuclei.

Regarding this matter, everyone knew it yesterday.

Their excitement is that it reads below-as long as they take out 5,000 crystal nuclei, they can receive the fairy stone!


Someone asked: "Are you the head of Yunji Xianshidian?"

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang replied.

The man pointed at the wooden sign and said, "This second line says, I took out five thousand crystal nuclei, and I could get the fairy stone immediately?"

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang replied again.

This sentence immediately caused a huge sensation.

It takes a certain amount of time to condense the fairy stone in any fairy stone shop. Even the fastest one must wait at least one month.

This Yunji Xianshi shop is so fast that it is completely a redemption pavilion.

Not bad.

Yun Feiyang wants to create store characteristics.

It is to follow the way of the exchange cabinet, so that the warrior can get the fairy stone with the fewest crystal nuclei.

That's why, last night, I went to Hengtong Commercial Bank to exchange the next grade immortal stone.


As soon as the Yunji Xianshi shop opened, the small shop was full of people, and there were already long queues outside the door.

As a temporary employee in the store, Berry is maintaining order.

Bailiyan and Su Xiaoli are in front of the counter, one is responsible for collecting crystal nucleus and keeping accounts, the other is responsible for Xianshi.

In just half a day, 60 customers exchanged 5,000 crystal nuclei for Xianshi.


Su Xiaoxiao whispered: "Xinpin Xianshi is gone."

Yun Feiyang, who had just returned from the outside, handed her a ring and said, "There are 120 in it."

He also realized that the business was too hot on the first day of business, so he went to the Hengtong business in advance and exchanged forty middle-class fairy stones.

After more fairy stones, Bailiyan's comers refused, as long as a customer paid 5,000 crystal nuclei, they could be given directly to fairy stone.

of course.

There are also rules.

Each person can only be exchanged once a day.

Since then, the warriors who want to exchange more often have no choice but to leave and decide to come early tomorrow.


Outside the shop, a warrior said: "A Fei, what quality is the fairy stone exchanged in the shop?"

Many warriors who questioned their attitudes raised their ears.

They also want to go in and exchange, but they are afraid that the quality of the 5,000 crystal nuclei and the exchanged fairy stone will be very poor.

The warrior named Afei seriously said: "The quality is very high, and it can compete with the Xianshi of Hengtong."


Originally, Yun Feiyang exchanged from Hengtong Commercial Bank.

"so smart?"

Many bystanders were surprised.

When they successively tested the fairy stones from the exchangers and determined that the quality was extremely high, they immediately entered the store for exchange without any doubt.


Palibo blocked them and said, "The shop is closed and you want to exchange the fairy stone. Please come back tomorrow morning."

"How could it be closed at noon!"


The warrior who had not exchanged for Xianshi suddenly became unhappy.


The door of Xianshidian was closed.

Many warriors were suddenly left outside and could only leave in despair.

to be frank.

Yun Feiyang also wanted to exchange.

After all, five thousand crystal nuclei still have huge profits.

But he underestimated the warriors who wanted to be cheap, and kept on exchanging them. Even if he replaced all the existing middle-grade immortal stones with inferior ones, they would be wiped out in a day.


After closing the door, Bai Liyan held the account book and said, "In half a day, a total of 200 customers exchanged Xianshi and received 1 million crystal nuclei.

"A lot."

Yun Feiyang's eyes lit up.

One million crystal nuclei, used to condense yourself, can produce 333 middle-grade immortal stones, which can be exchanged with Hengtong Auction House can exchange 999 inferior immortals.

Two hundred immortal stones were spent, and nearly 1,000 inferior immortal stones were exchanged in the end.

This is absolutely profitable!


Wu Tongyu approached and twitched at the corner of his mouth: "So many crystal nuclei, all condensed into immortal stones, I am afraid it will take several years."

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Anyway Shou Yuan is more, and sometimes there is time to condense slowly."

That night, this guy entered the ring of fortune, opened up 200 times to accelerate, and carried out crazy training.

He can condense ten fairy stones a month.

It took almost a year to complete all the 99 99 stones.

(End of this chapter)

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