Super God

Chapter 1596: disturb the market

(PS, because something went wrong yesterday, the last paragraph was revised and changed, and I was in a hurry, so there was an arithmetic error, it was deleted, and it is recalculated now. I would say I am not good at math? Does not exist!)

In the past year, Yun Feiyang condensed all crystal nuclei and obtained a total of 333 middle-grade fairy stones.

If this is to go to Hengtong Commercial Bank for exchange, it is equivalent to exchange for nearly a thousand fairy stones.

Spending two hundred crystal nuclei in exchange for so many fairy stones, Yun Feiyang opened the business on the first day, which is definitely a huge profit.

The exchange of fairy stones with martial arts for fewer crystal nuclei, this kind of thing, for any business to do, is definitely a loss-making business.

Even if some immortal stone trainers can condense immortal stones with less than 5,000 crystal nuclei, they will not do it. After all, there is not much profit, and it takes a lot of time to condense, and it is undoubtedly a loss.

With three thousand crystal nuclei, condensing a middle-grade fairy stone, it has another two hundred times to accelerate. Yun Feiyang does not make huge profits, which is obviously impossible.

of course.

This is just the beginning, just the promotion.

When Yunji Xianshi Store enters the normal business range, attracting more customers, the profit will only be higher and higher. By then, Yun Feiyang will never worry about Xianshi.


the next day.

The door has just opened, and countless warriors have squeezed in front of the shop. Some of them have not been exchanged yesterday, and there are repeat customers.

Everyone else has eight or nine thousand crystal cores to condense a fairy stone. The Yunji fairy stone shop only needs five thousand pieces. Not only is it fast, but the quality is also very good, fools will go elsewhere.

Yun Dachen’s marketing strategy is perfect. Just one day yesterday, many warriors remembered the store.

"No business for the time being, I'll come as soon as I go."

Yun Feiyang left the Xianshi shop and came to Hengtong again to exchange all the 300 high-grade Xianshi for the next-grade Xianshi.

With more Xianshi, Yunji Xianshi shop began to open to the outside world. After half a day, 500 Xianshi were exchanged for 2.5 million crystal nuclei.

"Continue to redeem."

Yun Feiyang did not close the door, and exchanged it until dusk, and exchanged all 999 inferior immortals.


Within the ring of nature.

Nearly five million crystal nuclei piled up like a mountain.

Yun Feiyang grinned.

In his view, after refining all these crystal nuclei, he will get nearly two thousand Chinese-grade fairy stones.


It takes at least five years to complete the training.

If other Xianshi condensers see so many crystal nuclei, let alone condensate, I am afraid they will collapse directly.

"let's start."

Yun Feiyang clapped his hands, and his soul suddenly spread away.

"Boo! Boo!"

Numerous crystal nuclei flew out and hung in mid-air, and the curling sense of Tao was ingested by threading and cocooning, and integrated into the already-prepared empty fairy stone.

Yun Feiyang cannot condense for five years, after all, the outside world has to spend several days.

Therefore, after condensing millions of crystal nuclei, he returned to Xianshi and went to Hengtong Commercial Bank for exchange before the shop opened.


VIP Room.

The shopkeeper Wang rushed all the way, and when he saw Yun Feiyang, he nodded and smiled with a smile: "Mr. Zhen Gongzi, come to exchange for Zhongpin Xianshi again?"

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang nodded.

The shopkeeper Wang said quite expectantly: "How much will Zhen Gongzi exchange this time?"

"Or three hundred thirty-three."

Yun Fei said.


The shopkeeper Wang took a breath.

Yesterday it was the same amount, and it was exchanged again today. How many master grade immortal stones did the master behind this guy condense.

Although it is very puzzling, the shopkeeper Wang will certainly not take the initiative to ask, laughing: "Yang Gongzi wait a moment, I will go to get the crystal core."

Soon, returning again, holding a space ring in his hand.

"Zhen Gongzi."

The shopkeeper Wang smiled and said: "There are a thousand inferior immortals in it."


Yun Fei Yang Xian Nian swept away, after confirming the quantity, he threw the ring containing more than 300 middle-grade fairy stones.

After verification by the shopkeeper Wang, the transaction was completed.

"The king's shopkeeper."

Before Yun Feiyang left, he smiled and said: "During this time, I will come to exchange the next grade immortal stone, and also ask your store to prepare the supply in advance."


After the king shopkeeper saw off, he immediately returned to the store to contact the headquarters.

Before Zhen Gongzi left, since he said that he would come to exchange every day, the quantity would certainly not be less than 300.

This is a big deal.

He not only had to prepare more sources of goods, but also told the headquarters.


After returning to the Xianshi shop, Yun Feiyang handed over thousands of inferior Xianshi to Bailiyan, and the shop opened again to welcome the anxiously waiting customers.

Closed at night, all the inferior immortal stones were exchanged, and 5 million crystal nuclei were obtained.

This is the Guanfeng King City. The warriors practicing here have a generally high level and many crystal nuclei.

In the case of Night City, it is impossible to condense so many crystalline nuclei in one day even if 3,000 stones are used to condense the fairy stone.

With the inexhaustible crystal nucleus, Yun Feiyang was not idle, taking advantage of the idle time at night, and began to condense the fairy stone.

He is also not greedy, every time he condenses one million, saves the remaining four million.

The next day, I went to Hengtong again and exchanged more than 300 middle-grade fairy stones for 1,000 low-grade fairy stones, and then continued to exchange them.

Come down in five days.

More than 20 million crystal cores have accumulated in the ring of fortune, and these are the profits that Yunfeiyang has opened for a few days.


Standing in a pile of crystal nuclei, Yun Feiyang laughed.

With so many crystal nuclei, refining them all out will be a scary figure, and he will no longer worry about the fairy stone.



In a quaint room, the shopkeeper of Chengjia Xianshi shop patted the table and said angrily: "That Yunji Xianshi shop is disturbing the market!"


Another shopkeeper said angrily.

The six-day opening of the Yunji Xianshi Store has caused a huge sensation in Guanfeng City. Anyone who wants to redeem Xianshi for loose repairs must go there.

Since then, other old time-honored shops in the city have no business, and they must be intolerable, so they held a meeting today.

There were six people at the shopkeeper present.

Their Xianshi shop is also quite famous in Guanfeng City.

The shopkeeper Cheng said coldly: "You guys, I have to find a way to prevent Yunji Xianshidian from being so rash."

"what can we do about it?"

Someone asked.

These Xianshi shops have backers, and even some backers are the eight big families in the city.

But from the information obtained, although the Yunji Xianshi shop is not well-known, but it has a good relationship with the Cui family's eldest Since then, it must not be used in a brutal way to let the Yunji Xianshi shop be closed forever. The city disappeared.

For a time, everyone could not think of a good way, only to focus on a middle-aged man who was always silent.

The man's name was Horton, the shopkeeper of the Huojia Xianshi shop.

Another of his identities is the second-generation heir of the Wang family, one of the eight major families in Guanfeng City!

Realizing that everyone was staring at themselves, Horton held his chin and said: "Yunji Xianshi store exchanges 5,000 crystal nuclei for Xianshi, it is nothing more than to become famous in the shortest time."

"Since it's a peer."

He paused, his lips slightly raised, and he smiled; "We should go to the top tomorrow."

Everyone suddenly realized that they all laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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