Super God

Chapter 1597: Trouble (on)

The next day.

Yunji Xianshi shop opened.

Different from the past, standing in front of the door is no longer a warrior, but a group of middle-aged people with good business.

Yun Feiyang saw from their breath that they must be businessmen who have stood the battlefield.

"This is the son of Baili?"

The shopkeeper smiled.

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said: "Are you?"

"The shopkeeper of the Chengjia Xianshi shop."

After the shopkeeper Cheng introduced himself, he introduced five others.

"It turns out to be a fellow."

Yun Feiyang grinned and smiled.

In fact, he has roughly guessed the identity of these people.

After all, playing this way in the city attracts all the warriors who exchanged for immortal stones. It would be strange if the colleagues could sit down.

"Master Baili, a few days after opening, I will wait until today to congratulate on something."

The shopkeeper smiled.


Let's mess it up.

Yun Feiyang didn't break it, but smiled: "Trouble you guys coming, I'm really a little bit sad about it."

"Master Baili."

The shopkeeper Cheng smiled and said, "Just let us stand outside all the time?"


Yun Feiyang slapped his head and said, "Please inside, please inside."

The shopkeepers of six Xianshi shops were invited in.

The warriors standing on the periphery did not intend to enter the store. They knew that the shopkeepers of the six Xianshi stores must come together to make things happen.

"The Huo shopkeeper is also among them. It seems that Yunji Xianshidian is going to be unlucky."

"I remember that thirty years ago, a Xianshi shop was targeted by the Huo family, and it was closed in just a few days. The Xianshi shop owner was also missing."

"This Yunji Xianshi shop seems to have something to do with Grandpa Cui's son. The Huo family shouldn't mess up."


A warrior sighed: "No matter what, the six shopkeepers are dispatched. The Yunji Xianshi shop will definitely have to pay a price. Perhaps this kind of discount will end early and return to normal."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone collapsed.

If Yunji Xianshidian cancels the discount, it is definitely bad news for them.


"Master Baili."

As soon as the shopkeeper Cheng entered the hall, he said, "I heard that in your store, five thousand crystal nuclei can be exchanged for a fairy stone?"

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

The shopkeeper Cheng said: "Since that is the case, in order to express my support for my peers, I decided to exchange a large number of crystal cores for the fairy stones in your store."


Yun Feiyang was surprised.

He knew that the other party was in trouble, but he didn't expect to do it this way.

"This one……"

Yun Feiyang pretended to be tangled: "Not very good."

"Nothing bad."

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "How many fairy stones are in your store, and all of my six houses will be exchanged with equal crystal nuclei."

Several shopkeepers sneered coldly.

In their view, this kind of promotional activity of Yunji Xianshi Store is nothing more than a short-term loss of money to quickly increase its reputation.

Everyone took out a large number of crystal nuclei, exchanged the inferior stone in his hands, and directly sold them short, certainly blood loss!

"Cheng shopkeeper."

Yun Feiyang embarrassedly said: "If you come out to exchange crystal nuclei together, I won't be able to eat at Yunji Xianshidian."

Can't eat it?

That's right!

Everyone smiled secretly.


Yun Feiyang added: "Since the six peers have helped the shop so much, even if it is a big loss, I will take over the business."

"Young Master Bai Li is refreshing!"

The shopkeeper patted a space ring on the counter and smiled: "I have two million crystal nuclei here, which should be exchangeable for 400 inferior immortals."


Four other shopkeepers have also come up with space rings, each with a number of 2 million crystal nuclei.

Five space rings, ten million crystal nuclei.

That is to say, Yun Feiyang must take out two thousand inferior immortals, which is equivalent to the total exchange amount of two days.


Holden also put the ring on the counter and said lightly: "I have ten million crystal nuclei here."


The shopkeeper Cheng and others suddenly stared.

Although they came to trouble, they did not expect that the Huo family would play so much!


Yun Feiyang suddenly embarrassed.

With 20 million crystal nuclei, 4,000 inferior immortal stones need to be spent.

"Master Baili."

Horton said, "We have taken out all the crystal cores. Please exchange them for Xianshi."


Yun Fei said: "With so many crystal nucleuses, the shop can't come up with the corresponding inferior immortal stone temporarily. Otherwise, please give it to you in the next seven days. Will you come back to collect it?"

The shopkeeper Cheng and others immediately sneered.


Horton said.

The shopkeeper Cheng and others suddenly collapsed.

It was said that he was here to make things difficult for him. Now that he has seized the opportunity, he should make further troubles. How could Huo dispensers agree to come down.

Although it was very unpleasant, no one dared to say it.

"After seven days."

Holden arched his hand: "We come to take the fairy stone, and we also hope that the son of Baili will not make an appointment."

Speaking, turned and left.

When he left like this, the shopkeeper Cheng and others could only help but leave.

"Abo, close the door."

Yun Fei said: "No business today."

"it is good."

Pelibur was about to close the door.

The Huo family shopkeeper and others left, and the Yunji Xianshi shop closed, suddenly letting the outsiders imagine together.

They have speculated that this Xianshi shop may never open the door.


Someone sighed: "I knew it would be the result, so I should redeem it a few days in advance. Now it's okay, it's not cheap."


Other warriors are also annoyed.

In the end, they had no choice but to leave. The originally lively street suddenly deserted.


"Huo dispensers."

On the way, the shopkeeper Cheng finally couldn't help it and said, "What do you mean?"

The guy named Baili Feiyang was obviously unable to withstand in the store. The big guy took another step closer and would make him embarrassed.

However, at the crucial moment Huo dispenser agreed to give him seven days.

"Cheng shopkeeper."

Holden laughed: "Do you think that guy can condense 20 million fairy stones in seven days?"


The shopkeeper Cheng promised.

Another shopkeeper said: "Even if he is given seven or seventy years, it will be difficult to achieve."

Horton said: "So, seven days later, if he can't hand over Xianshi, it would be tantamount to breaking the contract. By then, let's not say Cui Xingtan, even if the head of the Cui family came out, it would be hard to keep this Xianshi shop."

"So it turns out."

The shopkeeper Cheng understood, but turned to worry: "Huo What if the boy moved a lot of fairy stones from other places in seven days?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone frowned.

Horton laughed: "With so few crystal cores and so many fairy stones, we are making a lot of money."


The shopkeeper Cheng banged his head and smiled, "How come I didn't expect it!"


Several other shopkeepers also laughed.

If Yunyunji Xianshi Store can't come up with Xianshi after seven days, you can use the questions to play and make a lot of articles.

If you take it out and exchange five thousand crystal nuclei for a fairy stone, the big guy will make a lot of money.

This sale is not a loss!

(End of this chapter)

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