Super God

Chapter 1616: Fish caught

Leading strong men are ready.

If Mr. Cui Er didn't agree, he took everyone back.

Holding the martial arts resources of others should deserve his life, but if it is this unreasonable death, it is definitely not worth it.

"A bunch of waste."

Cui Xingtan is very upset.

After all, it was the doorman that he attracted, or he spoke lightly: "Retreat."

Many doormen were overjoyed, and hurriedly evacuated the beasts to hit the area.


Due to the rush of fierce beasts, they must pay a certain price if they want to escape from danger.



Just a few steps away, the three quasi-mid-century gaters were torn on the spot by mad beasts.

At the same time, more fierce beasts leaped, rushed towards the fleeing crowd, and carried an eerie breath.

"Boom! Boom!"

Several other doormen died tragically.

Cui Xingzhu, who was standing in a safe area, was indifferent.

In his view, these people did not even have the ability to spoil themselves from the fierce beasts, and they had no training value at all. They died when they died.



More fierce beasts attacked, and the sound was loud.

From the time of fighting to the evacuation of one hundred doormen, more than twenty people have fallen.

Judging from the situation, even if they can escape, at least half of them will die in the wild mountains and wild mountains.

"A group of evil animals."

Suddenly, the voice in midair: "Stop me!"

The business is bright and contains a strong sense of morality, not only into the ears of escape gatemen, but also into the ears of mad beasts.

All of a sudden, the violent beasts were docile, and then fell to the ground, terrified.

Sudden changes made the escaping doormen stunned one by one, and their pace slowed down.


Looking at the direction of the voice, they saw a long-haired man coming out of the dark.

It was a middle-aged man with scars on his face. He was disheveled, with no trims, and there was a wine gourd in his waist. He walked step by step and kept swaying.

Obviously, it was Yun Feiyang.


Leading disciples with a solemn look.

The reason why he is so sure is because Yun Feiyang has not concealed the meaning of his body at all, and is now being released unscrupulously.

The violent beast was under the suppression of Taoism, so scared to lie on the ground and dared not move.

The strong morale, which makes Yun Fei's temperament, more extraordinary and more mysterious, more mysterious, and this is the standard of a real master!

Cui Xingzhuo shimmered in her eyes.

He had never seen that this middle-aged man who appeared suddenly must be hidden.

A roar and control of the mad beast is the best proof!

this person.

Ben Shao must come over!

"You guys."

Yun Feiyang approached, took off the wine gourd, and took a sip of the wine with his head up, laughing, "You are already safe."


The lead clerk was grateful: "Thank you for your help."

Yun Feiyang wiped away the wine stains from the corners of his mouth, smiled heartily, and said: "People who marry the martial arts can help each other by drawing their swords on the road.

He is now playing as a free-spirited traveler who travels all over the world.

Many disciples heard it and immediately apologized.

In this real martial arts realm, it is common for warriors to swindle, like this kind of warrior with a chivalrous heart, it can be described as rare and rare.

"Is there anything you can do to help me?"

Cui Xingzhuo sneered secretly.

In his view, this kind of knight who saves others is really stupid.

However, there is a chivalrous heart, as long as it comes over, it will inevitably follow its own heart.

Cui Xingzhu smiled and said, "This friend, your last name?"

"Yang Feiyun."

Yun Fei said.

This guy changed his fake name again, and turned Yun Feiyang upside down.


Yun Feiyang patted his head, as if thinking of something, and said immediately: "You, I will rush to Guanfeng City, don't stop here!"

He said, turned away, disappeared without a blink of an eye.


Everyone was shocked.

They didn't see at all how the guy went, as if disappearing out of thin air.

When Yun Feiyang left, the Taoism condensed around him gradually dissipated, and the scared beasts sneaked into the depths of the forest.


The leading guest named Li Fei said solemnly: "This Yang Feiyun is not simple, even if it is not a fairy, I am afraid that I will be infinitely close!"

Cui Xing didn't speak.

At this moment, he is using the technique of special sound transmission to contact the elder Cui Jiasan who supports him.

Slightly, waved: "Let's go back."

Many doormen either returned to Guanfeng City with wounds or were carrying the wounded. On the way, most of them whispered about Yang Feiyun, who had scars on his face.

In particular, I recalled the picture of hundreds of fierce beasts falling to the ground with a cold drink, and my heart was still shocked.

"Li Fei."

Cui Xingzhuo said: "Only sound can control the fierce beast, how did Yang Feiyun do it?"

Li Fei held his chin and said, "Son, maybe that person has the blood of the orc, which can deter the beast."

This quasi-Xian Daquan would not have thought that Yun Feiyang could make fierce beasts fearful because the Taoism is too strong and the soul power of reaching the fairy level.

"So it turns out."

Cui Xingzhu secretly said: "Having the ability to deter evil beasts, these talents must be used by me."


A group of people came to the gate of Guanfeng City,

Li Fei was shocked: "Master, look, Yang Feiyun!"

Everyone looked at it.

Sure enough, the life-saving benefactor with rolled trousers and wine gourds around his waist stood in front of the door and negotiated with several soldiers.

There is a defending army in Guanfeng City, which is under the control of the city’s main government. Its role is to verify identity and prevent others from sneaking in.

"You stinky beggar, if you can't get your identity, hurry up, otherwise, don't blame the military master. You are welcome."

General Shoucheng said coldly.

This person's strength is only about mid-century, but the identity is the general of the guards of the city, even the eight major families dare not offend.

"Sir, I was in a hurry when I came, and the identity certificate was at home, so let me go in."

Yun Feiyang begged.

"Go, go!"

The general waved.

With that said, several soldiers walked up behind him, resting one hand on the hilt, obviously this was telling him that if they didn't go, there would be trouble.

"I'm going, I'm going."

Yun Fei sighed and turned around helplessly.

It was at this moment that Cui Xingzhu stepped forward and said with a grin: "General Zhang, this is Cui's friend, please do it for your convenience."

"It turned out to be Cui Gongzi's friend."

General Zhang laughed: "Let's go, let it go."


Several soldiers who blocked the door suddenly withdrew.

Cui Xingzhuo smiled and said: "Tonight, Cui Mou prepares his food at Xingyue Building, and also invites General Zhang to enjoy his face."


General Zhang laughed: "Go, go."

Cui Xingzhu chatted a few more words, and then looked to Yunfeiyang, and said: "Brother Yang, please come with me to the city."

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang grinned.

When he entered Guanfeng he clenched his fists and said: "Thank you Cui Gongzi for your help. I am grateful."

"Brother Yang saved me."

Cui Xingzhu said with a smile: "This little thing is not enough to hang your teeth."

"Cui Gongzi."

Yun Feiyang said: "I still have something, so I'll say goodbye first. If I have a destiny in the future, I might still meet."


Cui Xing clenched his fists.

I secretly thought: "As long as you are in Guanfeng City, we will meet at any time, and you will eventually become my Cui Xingluo's men."

"The fish is hooked."

Pretending to be in trouble, Yun Feiyang walking hurriedly smiled secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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