Super God

Chapter 1617: Fighting is acting

In this world, Yun Feiyang is not alone in playing routines.

Cui Xingzhu also plays routines.

When he learned that this middle-aged man named Yang Feiyun was going to Guanfeng City, he contacted the three elders with a special technique of sound transmission in advance.

After receiving the news, the three elders found General Zhang and set up the gate of Kacheng in the shortest time to prevent him from entering the city.

Cui Xing's purpose is simple, causing trouble for Yun Feiyang, and then reappears on his own, helping him out of the siege, which arouses favor.

have to say.

The routine is very beautiful.


Yun Feiyang turned into Yang Feiyun and appeared in the mountain forest. He rescued the group of doormen and said that he had left in a hurry after telling him that Guan Fengcheng was in order to give Cui Xinglu the chance to make his own.

"Please go to General Shoucheng and set up checkpoints to prevent me from entering the city."

"Then there will be help to get rid of me and get a good impression. Cui Ergong's method of attracting people is fine."

Yun Feiyang smiled secretly.

Cui Xingzhu's routine is good, but it is still too weak in front of him.


After Yunfei Yang entered the city, he did not restore his original appearance, but walked around the city like Yang Feiyun.

Soon, he discovered that several martial arts secretly stared at himself, and he was immediately certain that this must be the man Cui Xinglu sent to monitor his whereabouts.

Yun Feiyang ignored it and pretended to enter a private house.

It didn't take long for him to come out again, shake the empty wine gourd, and shake his head and sighed, "No more wine."

With that, he stopped a passer-by and smiled, "This little brother, is there any good wine in Guanfeng City?"

The passerby smiled and said: "Guanfeng liquor in Guanfeng City is well known."

"Guan Fengjiu?"

Yun Feiyang brightened his eyes and said, "Where can I sell?"

Passerby said: "Go straight along this street, and at the end you will see a restaurant called Guan Fenglou, which is the wine they made."

"Thank you."

Yun Fei raised his hand and left.

Soon, he followed the guidance of passers-by, walked to the end, and saw the luxuriously decorated Guan Fenglou.

Guanfenglou is a famous restaurant in Guanfeng City. The Guanfeng liquor brewed in the shop is definitely a very good wine.

"smell good."

Standing at the door of the store, sniffing the aroma of wine in the air, Yun Fei Yang saliva flowed down.

This scene was observed by the warrior who secretly observed, and immediately returned to the Cui family in a special way, the content is that Yang Feiyun likes to drink.

After receiving the news, Cui Xingzhu immediately set off and went to Guanfeng Tower, and when he came to the restaurant, he saw Yun Feiyang arguing with Xiaodian.

"Why do you let me in when you open a restaurant to do business?"

Yun Fei frowned.

Dian Xiao Er embraced his chest with both hands, and said contemptuously: "We Guanfenglou are all famous celebrities, but are you beggars like you, just go in casually."

"It turned out to be me as a beggar."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and took out the wine gourd and said: "Well then little brother, I'm not going into the restaurant. Would you please help me to fill Guanfeng wine?"

"not good."

Dian Xiaoer said lightly: "Our restaurant Guan Fengjiu is worth a piece of inferior immortal stone. You can't drink it like a beggar."

Yun Feiyang suddenly became hot.

When I was flying a hundred miles, I often came here to drink with Cui Xingtan.

This is for sure. After all, his other identity at that time, coupled with the grandson of the Cui family, was quite weighty, and the shop's second bus was too late.


Yun Fei sighed, sniffing the aroma of wine in the air, but left helplessly.

"Brother Yang."

Just then, a voice came from behind: "Please stay."

Yun Feiyang turned around and saw that Cui Xingzhu came over and immediately smiled: "Cui Gongzi, we are quite destined to meet again so soon."

Cui Xingzhuo said with a smile: "In addition to practicing martial arts, Cui's biggest hobby is drinking, so he often comes to Guanfeng Tower."

Routine, do what you want.

Yun Fei's eyes lit up and grinned: "It turns out that Cui Gongzi and Xia Zi are the same people."

Routine, push the boat along the water.


Cui Xingzhuo smiled and said: "So, Brother Yang is also a wine lover?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Do not hide from Mr. Cui. I don't drink alcohol all day, I feel very uncomfortable. The first thing I get up in the morning is to drink alcohol."


Cui Xingzhu smiled heartily and said, "Since Brother Yang and Cui have the same hobbies, it is better to let Cui be the east, drink a drink in Guan Fenglou, and share the difference?"


Yun Feiyang pretended to be tangled.

Cui Xingzhuo said with a smile: "Brother Yang, is there something wrong?"

"It doesn't happen, it's just..."

Yun Fei paused, quite helplessly said: "People like me are not eligible to enter Guanfeng Tower."

"not qualified?"

Cui Xing immediately frowned.

Xiao Er, who stood at the door of the restaurant, nodded and hurriedly came, laughing, "You are Cui Gongzi's friend."

He said, lightly hitting himself in the face, saying: "How much offended just now, please also have a large number of adults, don't be surprised."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

The second child in this shop was just too fierce. Seeing that he and Cui Gongzi knew each other, it became quicker to change his face.

Cui Xing pretended to be enlightened, and said coldly: "Xiao Jiu, this brother Yang is Ben Shao's life-saving grace. If you offend him, you are offending me."

Dian Xiaoer hurriedly hit his face.

The second son of the Cui family is a big man. He is a little restaurant guy who can't afford it.


Under the leadership of Cui Xingzhu, Yun Feiyang entered the Guanfeng Tower in the high-end atmosphere.

Although he has been there many times, he must behave as if he had come for the first time so as not to show his feet.

Inside the room.

Yun Feiyang tasted Guan Feng Liquor lightly and praised: "Good wine, good wine!"

He said, put down the wine glass, picked up the wine jar on the table, and happily sipped it.

Cui Xingzhu saw this, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

However, there was a secret saying in his heart: "This person is drunk like alcohol, as long as he grasps this weakness, he can easily control him."

"Brother Yang!"

Cui Xingzhu lifted the wine jar and smiled: "You and I are drunk today, not drunk!"



After three trips.

Yun Feiyang put the wine altar and grinned: "Before leaving, I can drink such a fine wine without regrets in this life."

The speaker is interested, the listener is also interested.

Cui Xing pretended to be drunk, and whispered: "Yang...Brother Yang, are you going?"


Yun Fei Yang said: "Yang is a wandering life, and the whole world is home."

Cui Xing swayed up the wine and grinned: "Is such a good wine Brother Yang willing to leave?"


Yun Feiyang sighed: "How can I afford it."

Cui Xingzhuo smiled and said: "Why didn't Brother Yang stay in Guanfeng City? UU reading enjoys this excellent wine every day."

"I think."

Yun Feiyang said bitterly: "However, there are not many fairy stones in the pocket, and I can't drink such expensive fine wine."

"Brother Yang."

Cui Xingzhuo smiled and said: "This Guan Fengjiu has hundreds of altars stored in Cui's house. If you want to drink, you can live in Cui's house, and you can drink one or two a day every day."

Yun Feiyang heard the words, his eyes suddenly straightened.

Upon seeing this, Cui Xingzhu was affirmed that it was hard work to get around this person.

The two are pregnant with each other, and they are fighting for acting.

Judging from the current situation, Yun Dachen's acting skills are higher and more impeccable, and he has successfully set a routine for Cui Xingluo.

(End of this chapter)

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