Super God

Chapter 1619: I won't believe it, I won't kill you

The black snake beast named Tongtian snake is a fierce beast that reaches the level of a fairy, and its strength is definitely stronger than that of flying gods.

In front of it, the quasi-immortal warrior is undoubtedly a very weak ant, which can be easily swallowed in one bite.

Therefore, when the Tongtian snakes attacked, Li Fei and others suffered a sudden cardiac arrest, and a strong breath of death surged into their hearts. Their heads were all desperate.


The wind blew, and the roar came.

The cold wind hit them in the face, forming a series of small scars and blood.

that moment.

Li Fei and others can't feel the pain because it is really insignificant compared with death.


Just when everyone thought they were dead, a man shrouded in flames suddenly appeared in front of them.

Under the gust of wind, the man's black hair was blown away, showing a knife-like cheek, eyes flashing and shiny, with endless fighting intent.

Who is this?

This is Yun Feiyang!

He didn't run away, but put a fiery flame armor on his body, igniting three kinds of flames, standing in front of Li Fei, the purpose is to fight the Tongtian snake!

"Brother Yang!"

Li Fei was dumbfounded.

The group of doormen also rounded their eyes.

"You guys."

Yun Fei's eyes locked on the attacking giant snake and grinned: "With me here, no one wants to hurt you."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Fei and others were greatly moved.


Facing such a terrible fairy-level snake beast, can he protect everyone?

"Brother Yang!"

Li Fei shouted: "Go away, leave us alone!"

As warriors, they are not afraid of dying, but if such a chivalrous generation is implicated because of themselves, it is really a sin.

"Brother Yang, go away!"

Many door guests said one after another.

"Not all martial artists in the domain are cold-hearted and ungrateful."

Yun Fei raised a smile on his lips.

Whether he wants to single out the fairy monster, or the routine, he has decided to save these doormen anyway.

the reason is simple.

When they are in crisis, they do not care for themselves, but for benefactors.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved, and hundreds of sword lights flew out of the void, and when the light dissipated, a sword with a sharp handle was shown.

After these swords were reshaped, he personally went to the casting world to find the master casting master to condense. The quality of each sword is infinitely close to the quasi-immortal level.

"Brush! Brush!"

Hundred-handed flying swords quickly spread out and arranged regularly.

"this is……"

Li Fei was shocked and said, "Sword array!"

Not bad.

This is a sword array.

And, still-the sword sword array!

Yun Feiyang boarded Zhenwu God Territory, almost a year ago, and today he really showed his biggest hole.

no way.

Fairy-level beast, too strong.

He wants to save this group of people, or to kill the celestial snake, he must show the biggest hole card, otherwise he has no ability to move with it.


After the hundred swords were arranged, they shivered slightly.

In the central position where the swords are suspended, there is an empty space, making it difficult for the sword array to function normally.


The space is rippling, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword slowly emerges from the nature.

This time, the white cloth covering the sword body has been removed, and the dazzling light envelopes the sword body, revealing a strong sword intention.

"call out--"

The Hunyuan Qiankun sword flew up and stood in the center.

For a time, Baijian Feijian was immediately connected in series, forming a stream of streamers and expanding rapidly outward.

Just a moment, the huge sword array streamer, enveloped the square.


It was at this moment that the sky-snake came out in anger, the big head broke through the streamer, and the whole body instantly melted into it.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go."

Yun Feiyang sneered: "There is no hell, you break in!"


During the speech, the soul power comparable to the fairy level was madly diffused, blessed in the Zhutian sword array, making the broken streamer quickly stitched together.

From Yun Feiyang's arrangement of Zhutian Sword Array to the collision of Tongtian Snake, the whole process can be described as electro-optical flint, extremely fast.

Li Fei and others, who were isolated from outside, looked dull, and did not even see the Hunyuan Qiankun sword shrouded in swords.


Suddenly, the streamer trembled, and there was a faint sound of collision.

Everyone was affirmed that the giant snake trapped in it should be attacking the sword formation.


Let's talk about Tongtian Snake.

When it rushed into the sword array, it suddenly felt the sky's sword intention, and the oncoming endless sword rain.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Sword rain struck and rang on the body of Tongtian Snake, and there was a clear sound. Although it did not shake its body, it also caused its anger.


Tongtian Snake roared, holding his big head, shaking his thick body, and rammed into the formation.

Fortunately, Yun Feiyang blessed the sword formation with his soul in time, greatly increasing his defense, and rushed down several times without shaking.

"It is indeed a fairy-level beast, and its strength is really strong."

Yun Feiyang strongly pressed the boiling blood, manipulated the sword array, and continued to bombard with sword rain.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Round after round of bombing, in return for ringing again and again.

After several explosions, Yun Feiyang finally realized that with the first form of the sword array alone, it would be difficult to hurt the snake beast.

In desperation, he can only use the second form, so that his sword array immediately condensed ten giant swords, slashed from different directions.

"Boom! Boom!"

The Tongtian snake was slashed again and again, and not only was his body unharmed, but it became more and more angry.

"A little trouble."

Yun Feiyang frowned.

With his current state and morals, the second form of Zhutian Sword Array is displayed. Even if a hundred quasi-central circles are fully covered in it, they can easily be strangled with nothingness.

But Tongtian Snake is an immortal beast. Although it hasn't gone through a robbery, the body defense level is also comparable to the fairy body.

"I don't believe it, I won't kill you!"

Yun Feiyang manipulated the ten giant swords and slashed away.

In his view, no defense can afford to endless bombardment, even a hard stone will be penetrated by water droplets.

Thanks to Tongtian Snake's IQ, it is touching, and it is self-sufficient to get into the sword array, otherwise, it will not give Yun Feiyang such a crazy bombing opportunity.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the sword array, the ten giant swords slashed wildly, which was also a crazy break. Yun Feiyang never tires of his troubles, and has been condensing and repeating bombardments.

Although Tongtian Snake is very angry, although it is madly rushing, it is difficult to break the Sky Sword Formation in a short time.

"Oh shit."

"The skin is so hard."

After a full day of cutting, Yun Fei was sweating and sweating, and the energy in the fairy core consumed seven, seven, eight, eight.


With a big wave of his hand, he took out several bottles of Elixir, and after opening the stopper, the brain consumed all Elixir to replenish the energy consumed.

These elixirs were condensed in the real martial arts realm, the materials are advanced, and the effect of restoring energy is also very strong.

After receiving supplies, Yun Feiyang once again condensed the ten giant swords and madly chopped the sky snake, completely giving it no chance to breathe.

Three days later At the foot of Yun Feiyang, dozens of empty pill bottles were scattered, and he was devastated.

Tong Tian Snake was bound by the formation method. Li Fei and others had already recovered their freedom. They did not run away, but consciously guarded Yun Fei in front of them to prevent someone from disturbing them.

of course.

Everyone was more shocked.

Shocked, Yun Feiyang was able to rely on the sword array to trap a snake beast comparable to the fairy in it for four days.

Another six days have passed.

Yun Feiyang still stabilized the sword array, slashing wildly.

However, few remedies were taken out for replenishment, because after ten days of endless bombing, the majestic Tongtian snake was already exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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