Super God

Chapter 1620: Celestial King

Tongtian Snake netted himself, got into Zhutian Sword Array, and was blasted by Yun Feiyang for ten days.

Although the defense is very strong and the body has not suffered much damage, it has been bombed and naturally consumes a lot of energy.

At the moment, it curled up its long and thick body, letting the giant sword slash, and said weakly: "Humanity, you let me go, can we go our own way?"

It is the most common thing for a beast of this level to speak.

Therefore, Yun Feiyang was not surprised, but smiled and said: "Are you stupid me? Put you away, turn around and eat me?"


Tongtian snake seriously said: "I swear to heaven, as long as let me go out, will never hurt you!"

Let the snake say that the smallpox is falling, Yun Feiyang will never let it out, so he continues to gather the giant sword and bomb it.

Hard work pays off.

After another day of bombing, the powerful body of the celestial snake was bombarded with a thin seam, and the bright red blood flowed out.

Yun Fei was overjoyed.

As long as you cut a crack and continue bombing a little bit, the snake will be cut in half!

At that time, get a fairy-level crystal core, absolutely profitable.

Yun Feiyang didn't consider surrendering to this celestial snake. At first, the shape was too ugly. Secondly, I also wanted to see if I had the ability to kill a fairy-level beast.



Ten great swords appeared again.

Seeing this, Tongtian Snake immediately endured the pain and said: "Human, there is something to say!"

"Something to say?"

Yun Feiyang smiled.

When the big guy rushed, he had the intention to swallow himself and the doormen in one go.

Now trapped inside the sword array, after violent bombing, realizing that there is a danger to life, he began to speak well?

"Little snake bug."

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Today you will definitely die!"

Said, under the control of Xiannian, the ten-handed giant sword formed a force of terror, blasted on the cracked slit, the wound suddenly expanded an inch, and the blood flowed faster.

Tongtian snake's eyes flashed the painful color, begging: "Human, I have a secret, if you don't kill me, I will tell you!"


Yun Feiyang sneered.

This high-level snake beast, as cunning as humans, even tempted himself with a "secret".

Seeing the human beings silent, Tongtian Snake hurriedly said: "This secret is related to the remnant of the fairy king. As long as you let me go, I will tell you!"

Yun Feiyang shook his mind and said, "How can you know the fairy scroll?"

Tongtian Snake Road: "You first withdraw the giant sword!"

"call out!"

As soon as the words fell, the ten giant swords suddenly dissipated.

Yun Fei said: "Speak."


Tongtian Snake breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I am the contract beast of Tongtian Immortal King, named Tongtian Snake."

"Tongtian fairy king?"

Yun Feiyang didn't hear about this person.


Tongtian Snake collapsed and said: "Have you ever heard of the Celestial King?"


Yun Feiyang straightly said.


Tongtian Snake lay prone on the ground, thinking, "Where is this earthy bun."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Tongtian Xianwang, who is there too?"

"Tongtian Immortal King is an amazing person."

Tongtian Snake worshipped and said: "It is evaluated by the world that the rare wizards in the field that have been rare in 200,000 years are the most qualified to become the superpowers of the next immortal emperor. Even the nine emperor emperors at that time were very afraid of him!"

"A fairy king, can make the fairy emperor afraid?"

Yun Feiyang smiled coldly and said, "Are you sure, aren't you bullshit?"


Tongtian snake said: "Human, if you don't believe it, you can go to the city to inquire."

"Brother Li."

Yun Feiyang withdrew part of Xiannian and asked the outside world: "Have you heard of Tongtian Xianwang?"


Li Fei was dumbfounded.

Isn't he blocking the serpent with a sword array, how can he ask Tongtian Immortal King for no reason?

"Brother Yang."

Li Fei didn't know why, but he also said solemnly: "In this domain, the strong man who reached the level above the quasi- fairy, who has never heard of the Tongtian Immortal King who makes the Nine Great Immortals embarrassed."

"Really there are such amazing characters?"

Yun Feiyang immediately transferred to the sword array, saying: "Little snake insect, continue to say."

The Tongtian snake looked pained and said: "My master Tongtian Immortal King, who was originally the arrogant son of heaven, had an unfair fate, which caused him to die young."

"Does this have anything to do with the remnant of the fairy king?"

Yun Fei frowned.

The story of a strong generation, he is not interested in understanding now.


Tongtian Snake Road: "My master Tongtian Xianwang's mental method is called Daohuajing, and soon after he knew his life, he divided the cheats into six and sealed it in the tomb he built."

Yun Feiyang suddenly realized: "The tomb where the remnant volume of the fairy king originally existed is the Tongtian fairy king."

At that time, Bai Liyan told him about the remnants of the fairy king, but I only knew that the six things came out of the tomb of the great fairy king, and the name was not mentioned at all.

"go on."

Yun Fei said.

Tongtian Snake recalled the past, and his dark eyes flashed with tears: "The master fell and ordered me to guard the cemetery. But somehow, I fell asleep for a while and was infiltrated by a tomb thief and stole six fragments."


Yun Feiyang mouth slightly pumped.

If what the snake said is true, then there is no doubt that the six stolen remnants are the remnants of the fairy king who later caused a storm in the domain.


Tongtian Snake said something else, although it had nothing to do with the fairy king remnant volume, but also let Yun Feiyang know that it slipped out of the tunnel left by the tomb thieves.

Because he blamed himself for not taking good care of the cemetery, in the endless years, he always looked for six broken volumes, hoping that one day, he could be brought back to the cemetery, so as to atone for the past faults.

"and so."

Yun Fei said: "You have been looking for 30,000 years?"

"Thirty-three thousand seven hundred and eighty years."

Tongtian snake solemnly said.

Yun Feiyang said nothing, and the whole person fell into silence.

As a person who is good at using routines, regardless of intuition or observation, he believes that this snake and beast involuntarily life and death is not at all like nonsense.

"Little snake bug."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "After a long time, you don't know where the six pieces are, what's the use?"

"Boo! Boo!"

As soon as the words fell, the ten giant swords condensed again, and obviously they were going to be cut!

"Don't! Don't!"

Tongtian Snake hurriedly said: "Although I don't know where the six fragments are, I can perceive the owner's breath on the fragments!"


Yun Feiyang withdrew the Great said: "Be clear."

Tongtian snake said: "Before the master fell, I left a trace of fairy thoughts in the six broken volumes. As a contract beast of the master, as long as it is close enough, I can easily feel it."


It paused and solemnly said: "There must be a broken volume in this thousands of miles!"

"Only fuzzy positioning?"

Yun Fei said.

Tongtian snake pondered a little, and said: "According to my preliminary judgment, the position of the remnant should be in the west."


Yun Feiyang murmured and said in secret: "Isn't it Guanfeng City? Is it Bailiyan?"

(End of this chapter)

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