Super God

Chapter 1638: Sublimation of morality and defense

When the heavenly fairy king fell, he condensed his life's condensed Taoism into the six remnants with supreme magical power.

The strong men such as Liu Sihai and Mo Xingzhi are nothing more than small fairy kings, while common heaven fairy kings are big fairy kings, and at the same time they fear the nine great fairy emperors, so the moral strength is not described by the number of fairy stones.

For others, although the Taoism contained in the residual volume is a martial art treasure, no one dares to take the initiative to ingest it.

Because this is the same reason as the attributes, it is not understood by oneself, to ingest others, the result is that it is difficult to develop a tacit understanding with oneself, and eventually explodes.

Ordinary warrior can't do it, Yun Feiyang can. He has the tactics of rebelling against the sky and can extract things that don't belong to him.

This thing includes attributes as well as Taoism.

Otherwise, how could Yun Feiyang absorb the Taoism directly from the crystal nucleus after ascending the Zhenwu God Territory?

of course.

The remaining morals of the great fairy king are very powerful.

Although Yun Feiyang can rely on the anti-tian tactics to condense, but dare not swallow ingestion, can only nibble a little.

And after two hours of ingestion, he stopped, because as the irritable Dao continued to strike, the meridians in the body were also greatly damaged.

"It is worthy of the Taoism left by the big fairy king, which is terror."

Yun Fei Yang Pan sat down and mobilized the attributes of life to repair the damaged meridians. The next day, he began to ingest the Taoist ideas on the remnant volume.

After a few more hours, the meridians are damaged again, and they can only continue to stop and repair, and continue to absorb the next day.

Take two hours and rest all day.

Repeating this for half a month, the Taoism condensed on the residual volume was only ingested by the tip of the iceberg.

Yun Feiyang is very excited because for half a month, although he only ingested two hours at a time, his own morals have greatly improved.

Previously, even if he absorbed the immortal stone, it was impossible for him to improve his Taoism. Ingesting the Taoist Immortal King's Taoism would strengthen the Taoism again. This is incredible.

What's even cooler is.

The meridians are repeatedly damaged and repaired, becoming wider and more resilient than before.

The enhancement of the meridian can drive the flesh and blood, so that the physical defense can be comprehensively improved. If it becomes wider, it can instantly contain more energy, thereby increasing the strength of the explosion.

Absorbing the morals in the residual volume not only increases one's own morals, but also enhances the flesh and strength explosion.

Yun Feiyang completely ignores which part of the remnant volume is in the end, but focuses on ingesting the morals.

One year.

Two years.

Five years.


Time passed by.

Yun Feiyang ingests two hours a day, rests all day, and enjoys it tirelessly.

The morality and his extraordinary temperament that he exuded throughout his body were stronger than they were five years ago. If there are martial arts witnesses, when he is unclear about the real state, he will definitely think that this is a fairy-level strongman.

The damage and training in the past five years have greatly improved Yun Feiyang's meridians and physical body.

Under the realm, the powerful body is divided into many types, the strongest is the **** body.

As early as a long time ago, Yun Feiyang had already become a **** body, and this time the physical defense went to a higher level, only described as infinitely close to the fairy body.

The stronger the physical defense, the more important it is to meet the thunder tribulation, so Yun Feiyang has great gains even if he can't practice Daohua mantra.

This is only secondary.

The important point is that after five years of ingestion, the morals contained in the residual volume are only ingested by Yun Feiyang!

All of this must be ingested. Whether it is moral or physical defense, there must be further sublimation.


Yun Feiyang said with emotion: "I didn't expect the meaning contained in a broken volume to bring me such a great fortune."

What are you waiting for?

We must continue to absorb until it is clean!


Time continues to pass.

In a flash, another five years have passed.

Yun Feiyang once again absorbed one-third of the ideas contained in the remnant volume.

As for the physical aspect, it has also been strengthened.

It can be said that Yun Feiyang's current defensive strength is enough to be comparable to the intensity of wearing the flame armor ten years ago.

"Even if you can't beat the strong man in the early days of the fairy, you should be able to compete against it?"

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

This is just his guess. He hasn't really fought, and he hasn't suffered a fairy attack. It's hard to determine whether it will work.


Yun Feiyang sat down again and continued to ingest the remaining third.

And after a year of running, there was a sudden thought in my heart.

The thought appeared, making him desperate to leave the ring of fortune, to be in the sky in the domain, to communicate the heaven and the heaven.

"Can it be that this is a symptom of thunderstorm?"

Yun Feiyang was secretly startled.

He learned from Wu Tongyu's mouth that when he reached the quasi-central consummation, he would understand the Daoism to the extreme, and he would have a strong idea of ​​communicating the heaven and the Dao.

Once put into action, it will lead to thunder.

And this is called the crossover by the world, and when you step past it, you can shape the fairy body and become a fairy!


Yun Feiyang pressed the rising thought and said, "It's not the time yet!"

It is a very serious matter for the quasi-century to complete the robbery, and I was not prepared to provoke Tiandao in a Induced thunder robbery, the result is that the soul is flying away!

Yun Feiyang wants to achieve a stronger state, and the Thunder Tribulation will definitely have to cross, but when to cross, you need to think carefully.

The idea of ​​communicating Heavenly Dao can be forcibly suppressed so that it does not trigger Heaven Dao to provoke Thunder Tribulation. Many unconfident quasi-central consummation will often be delayed until Shou Yuan is exhausted.

And ninety-nine percent will fall.

Because the longer the idea suppression time, the stronger the thunderjacking power can be formed. It can be suppressed appropriately, but it cannot be suppressed excessively, otherwise it will only increase the failure rate.

"Suddenly this kind of thought has risen, it should be my reason for absorbing and comprehending Tongtianxianwang all these years."

Yun Feiyang secretly guessed.

Not bad.

That's why.

The remnants of the Taoist Celestial King are deeper than the immortal stone.

Yun Feiyang refined it and naturally inherited it, otherwise he would rely on himself to realize that although he could have thoughts, the speed would never be so fast.

Another four years have passed.

The Daoist ideas contained in the residual volume were taken by Yun Feiyang without leaving at all, and the temperament of his whole person has changed dramatically compared to 15 years ago.

Uninformed warriors may think that this is not an early fairy, it may be a middle fairy, or even a late fairy!

After ingesting all the ideas of Tongtianxianwang, the thoughts that exist in the sea of ​​knowledge have become stronger.

Yun Feiyang is far away from the robbery, and the time to enter the fairyland is ripe. As long as he returns to the domain and releases his thoughts, he can provoke the Heavenly Dao and provoke thunder robbery!

"Now I have reached the extreme of my morals."

"Physical strength has also improved a lot in these 15 years."

Yun Fei paused, his eyes gleaming with hot luster, and said: "No need to suppress the idea, just go through the robbery."

End of this chapter

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