Super God

Chapter 1639: Dojo!

Ingesting the Taoism left by Tongtian Immortal King cleanly makes Yun Feiyang have a great improvement in Taoism and physical defense.

To be honest, almost no one in the whole domain can strengthen the morality and flesh to such a terrible level at the level of the quasi-central consummation.

This is definitely the limit of the limit.

In this case, Yun Feiyang naturally has no reason to suppress the idea, so it is a matter of course.

He did not go out for the first time, but picked up the remnant that had no meaning, Xiannian shrouded, and tried to open again.


With a little effort, the first page of the ancient book was opened.


Yun Fei was overjoyed.

At this moment, he has determined that the way to open the residual volume is to ingest all the ideas contained in it.

If you encounter other remnants in the future, you don’t have to worry.

To be honest, even if other warriors get the broken volume, it will be very difficult to open it, because no one can dare to ingest the irritable ideas directly like Yun Feiyang.

The dead bone can be alive.

But the tragedy is that forcibly practicing the second paragraph of the formula, eventually ended up in a blast.

Some people may think that this is silly and naive.

In fact, there are many such stupid powerhouses in a world dominated by martial arts. Sometimes they know that there is a possibility of death and they will choose to try.


The reason why the strong is the strong is because he has the desire to become stronger.

Perhaps on the way to becoming stronger, some people unfortunately fell, but in the end standing on the pinnacle of martial arts, every one came on the road of life and death.


The content of the first page of the residual volume is the same as that recorded in the previous residual volume. The formulas and meridian diagrams of the following pages are obviously very different.

As for the last page, it reads: This is one of the broken volumes of Daohua scriptures, and you can practice by understanding the mantra.

"a ha ha ha!"

Seeing this, Yun Feiyang laughed.

Bai Liyan's broken volume turned out to be the first one, which means that he can not only practice, but also continue to practice the second mantra.

First of all, Taoism and defense sublimation, and with the idea of ​​crossing the robbery, now you can practice two sections of Taoist Scripture Tips, it is simply great!

"Let's let go of the robbery first."

Yun Feiyang suppressed his excitement and murmured: "It's still important to comprehend the Tao and transform the classics as soon as possible."

Next, he began to memorize the mantra, and in a short time, memorized a few hundred words and the meridian mode of operation.

"Let's understand the mantra first, then write down the second mantra."

Yun Feiyang is very vigilant, for fear of accidents.

Daohuajing, as a rather profound mental method, is easy to remember the mantra, but it is very difficult to truly understand.

It took Yun Fei to raise awareness against the sky, and it took three months to barely comprehend.

"It's hard."

"It will take a long time to understand Dacheng."

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly.

He sat down cross-sectionally, according to the mantra and meridian chart, formed a week after week.

With the successful operation of Daohua Jing, Yun Feiyang has a clear mind and the soul seems to fly out.

Gradually, he felt his soul enter a void space, with light and darkness in it, and many breaths that could be observed with the naked eye.

"This is Dao."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

The Taoism floating in the space is full of strong affinity, and they come close together, like children who are coquetry with their parents.


Yun Fei Yang said: "This seems to be my way!"

Not bad.

The Tao is his.

This ethereal space actually exists in Yunfeiyang's body, similar to the crystal nucleus that stores the properties of heaven and earth.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for warriors to come in.

But after running the Taoist Scriptures, it helped Yun Feiyang to open the door to the Taoism and to enter it in the form of soul and observe his own Taoism at close range.

"What does that mean?"

Yun Feiyang was puzzled.

The recipe for running the Daohua classics must have some meaning to see one's own morality for no reason.

Unable to figure it out, he continued to run the verdict, forming a weekly cycle of size and time.


Yun Feiyang found that, as he kept running the mantra, the idea of ​​approaching suddenly became cheerful, as if very excited.

Gradually, the Tao closest to his soul, in the excitement, split into little raindrops, and began to flicker faintly.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the differentiated Taoism flew out, suspended in the center of the space, reunited together, and continued to rotate.

Yun Feiyang was surprised in his heart, but did not relax at all, and still kept running the Taohua Sutra.

time flies.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the Taoism condensed together under the continuous operation of Daohua Meridian, and finally formed a ball with a big fist, and the light flashed regularly.

The sphere is like a heart, but also like a life.

"What exactly is this?"

Yun Feiyang became more and more at a loss.

But intuition tells me that since Taoism is condensed together under the Daohuajing, it is definitely not a bad thing.


The vast endless sky.

Tai Wu Li, who was in a purple robe, stood in his eyes and slowly opened his wondered: "I didn't expect my disciple to congregate a fetus at the level of quasi-central consummation."

Road tires.

An existence formed by condensing Taoism.

It is a life and a symbol. It symbolizes the martial art's cohesion and understanding of Taoism and has reached a very powerful level.

Dao tire is actually a kind of sublimation of Daoism to the extreme.

After you have a Taoist, you can not only ingest the Taoism that exists between heaven and earth faster, but also feed it to understand the deeper Taoism.

Simply put, after the formation of the Dao fetus, the martial arts have a quick intake of Taoism, and they can also use it to help them understand the Taoism and belong to a small housekeeper who carries them with them.

To condense the birth tires, the fastest will be the immortal consummation, and it will finally form and stabilize after breaking through to the small fairy king.

Yun Feiyang was able to condensate the birth tires in the time when the quasi-century consummation was completed, which was undoubtedly very shocking.

This is also possible because of Daohua Sutra.

Otherwise, Dao Yun’s Dao God’s will is magnificent again, and he wants to condense out the Dao tires, at least until he breaks through the level of the Immortal Greatness.

The quasi-immortal level condenses out of the birth tire, which means that this guy's starting line is much higher than the warrior who understands the birth tire at the fairy and even the fairy king level!

The benefits of continuing to practice and comprehend Daohuajing must be ingesting and comprehending Daoism, faster and stronger!

of course.

Yun Feiyang didn't know about Dao tires. At this moment, he still doesn't know how to run Taoism.

With the repeated operation of small and large weeks, the Taoism in the Daoyi space gradually flew towards the central tire, and was slowly absorbed and refined.

"Lying trough!"

"Can this sphere absorb my ideas?"

Yun Feiyang was frightened. When he wanted to stop running his mind, he suddenly discovered that his thoughts were ingested. After the number was reduced, the idea of ​​communicating heaven and heaven became stronger!

End of this chapter

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