Super God

Chapter 1650: Master, you mistreated me!

Dongmen and Ximen are very depressed.

Yun Feiyang, who is suspected of being the son of the Immortal Emperor, is powerful and powerful. Now, he is definitely a hot potato to throw the task to himself.

But since the Immortal Emperor ordered, he did not dare not follow.

Therefore, after returning to the family, the two masters began to discuss how to chase down the guy.

If they were ordinary fairies, they would definitely not mind them, but Yun Feiyang had gone through a lot of thunder, and this step into the fairies was definitely not a waiter.

After thinking about it, Dongmen and Ximen immediately sent two elders of the late real power elders, and more than ten elders of the middle age.

North Gate and South Gate also sent a lineup mainly based on the late fairy.

If the outside warriors knew that the four big families would send such a large-scale killing team, they would definitely understand.

After all, Yun Feiyang was too exaggerated to cross the robbery. After entering the fairyland, his strength was absolutely exploded.

Immortal Emperor ordered that the four big families could only cling to their scalps, even if they were worried.

The scattered repairs that once used the idea of ​​flying the cloud and flying to the treasure, all withdrew their thoughts. They did not have the immortal emperor to support them, and there were no lonely families.


Yun Feiyang returned to Guanfeng City after the actions of the four big families.

On the way, Yi Rong again flew for a hundred miles, however, this tragic guy did not know that the whole domain knew his true identity.

"Master Baili."

Just walked into the city, Liu Sihai waited for a long time at the door and came to smile.

The true identity of this young man is Yun Feiyang in the world, but since it is easy to change, it means that he doesn't want anyone to know, so he continues to be worthy of being a son of Baili.

"Master Liucheng."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said back.

Liu Sihai stopped and raised his thumb and said: "The trip of the Baili son is rare in the world. Liu Mou is an eye-opener today!"

This is not compliment, this is the truth.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and smiled modestly: "The Lord Liucheng has won the prize, and there is also luck in succeeding in the next trip."

Liu Sihai's mouth twitched.

After tens of thousands of thunders and bombings, you can still be safe and sound, and you can also enter the fairyland, and your luck is exaggerated.

"Breaking through the fairyland is a great joy."

Liu Sihai smiled and said: "Liu has already held a banquet in the restaurant to celebrate the celebration for the son of Baili."

This city owner had a good attitude towards Yun Feiyang, but it was because of the relationship between the big shopkeeper, but now he really wants to make friends with him.

Yun Feiyang hesitated a little and then replied: "Master Liu Cheng, there are still things to deal with below, it is better to change the world."

"Alright, okay."

Liu Sihai laughed.

Yun Feiyang left and returned to Yunji.

When he entered, he saw Wu Tongyu jumping out and said, "So you are really Yun Fei under the realm!"

Before Yun Feiyang told him his real name, this old man always felt a little familiar, and later witnessed him go through the robbery, and only then saw the original appearance completely reacted.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Are you surprised?"

"so surprised!"

Wu Tongyu said solemnly: "When you played against the four prospective immortals in the Beimen family, the realm was nothing more than a half-celestial consummation level. Now, in the past few years, it has successfully broken through to the immortal realm. This speed is too fast to imagine. "

Yun Feiyang looked startled, stupefied: "How do you know what I'm fighting with the Beimen Family Warrior in the realm?"

Wu Tongyu said with a smile: "Then you and the four quasi-centres fought against each other in the form of a light curtain in the city. Who wouldn't know."


Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

It was at this time that Bai Liyan came over and admired: "Mr. Shi used a sword to kill four quasi-cents, but it was quite shocking."

"you know too?"

Yunfei Yang suddenly collapsed.

This guy finally realized afterwards that he was fighting with the Beimen Warrior and used the sword array, which was already widely known in the domain.

"A little bad."

In the inner courtyard, Yun Feiyang walked back with his hands, his face dignified abnormally.

A few years ago, he was fighting with the Beimen family. Wu Tongyu and Bai Liyan were in different cities, but they witnessed this scene.

represents what?

There are more than one or two cities in the picture representing oneself.

It is likely that light curtains appear in all the cities in the region, and the martial arts in the region have witnessed it with their own eyes.

"Who formed the light curtain?"

Yun Feiyang murmured.

"It's a teacher."

It was at this moment that Tai Wu's voice floated into his ears.

Suddenly heard the voice of cheap master, Yun Feiyang was not surprised, after all, this magic stick likes to pretend to be a ghost.

He didn't have a good air: "Master, what do you mean by doing this!"

Tai Wu said slowly: "In the realm of half-cent immortality, killing four quasi-immortals, being martial arts in the domain, this is an infinitely beautiful thing."

"That's true."

Yun Feiyang nodded.

"and also."

Tai Wu smiled and said: "You went to the robbery before, and you set up light curtains for the teachers in various cities to let them witness the miracles. Now, as long as the warriors are talking about you."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

At that moment, he was straight and straight, and the whole person showed an invisible pretense.

Everyone has vanity.

It’s no surprise that Yun Dache is a god, and it’s better than others.


Suddenly, he was complacent, and his face suddenly changed: "You spread the scene of the Don't people know my true identity?"

"Not bad."

Tai Wu laughed.

Yun Feiyang almost fell to the ground and said madly: "The North Gate and South Gate families will definitely come to kill me."

This guy is not a fool.

He knew that he was in the real martial arts realm, and his greatest enemies were definitely Beimen and Nanmen families, and even the master emperor behind him.

Nowadays, he has been under the spotlight and his identity has been revealed. If the other party wants to kill himself, it is absolutely troublesome.

"Not bad."

Tai Wu smiled and said: "The four families in the southeast and northwest have sent a lot of powerful late immortals to chase you down, and they will come to the southwest in a few days."

"Lying trough!"

Yun Feiyang jumped up and said, "Master, you mistreated me!"

"Good apprentice."

Tai Wu smiled and said: "To communicate with you today, I came to help you find a way to solve the trouble."

Yun Feiyang, who had collapsed, suddenly smiled.

His master is quite awesome. It is definitely a very easy thing for him to help himself solve problems.


Taiwu condensed and said: "The four big families in the Imperial City sent eight late immortals and more than forty middle immortals."

"so much?"

Yun Fei's gaze rose solemnly.

He, who successfully entered the fairy squad, can't measure his current strength, but he can also guess that the first time to kill the fairy should be the same as playing.

Facing the late stage of eight immortals, the mid-term of more than forty immortals was not sure.

"There are many other people."

Taiwu once again heard a voice: "The way to be a teacher is..." After a pause, seriously said: "Hurry up and pack your bags and run."


Yun Feiyang fell directly to the ground.


ps, the third is more than 6 o'clock.

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