Super God

Chapter 1651: Let you come and go

The night is coming.

Yun Feiyang called Wu Tongyu and others seriously.


Bai Liyan startled: "Are you going?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said: "Tomorrow will leave the switch to seal the city."

He has adopted Taiwu's method and quickly packed his luggage and ran away.

However, the major businesses opened in Guanfeng City must continue to operate, so they should arrange things well before leaving.

"Girl Xiaoyan."

Yun Fei Yang said: "I'll go this way for a long time, Yunji's business will be handed over to you."

"I see, sir."

Bai Liyan nodded.

Since this time, Yunji's business has been handled by her, enough to continue to be competent.

"Senior Wu."

Yun Fei Yang said: "This business in the store, too trouble you to help look after."


Wu Tongyu responded.

After being properly placed, Yun Feiyang left the shop, went to the city's main palace and found Liu Sihai.

You can pat your own **** and leave, fearing that the warriors of the four big families will come to Guanfeng City to deliberately make trouble for Bai Liyan and others.

"Where are you going?"

Liu Sihai knew Yun Feiyang was leaving, and asked immediately.

Yun Feiyang was silent for a while, and said seriously: "Going to the Aurora Emperor City in the next time, Yunji Firm will ask the Liucheng Lord to take a lot of trouble."

Speaking, handing the space ring.

Liu Sihai didn't pick it up, but pushed it back and said seriously: "Master Baili, please rest assured that Liu will definitely take care of Yunji Firm and will not let anyone bully."


Yun Feiyang clenched his fists.

After leaving the city's main palace, Yun Feiyang found Cui Xingtan again, and the two had a drink, which was regarded as a see-away wine.

The next day.

Without knowing it.

Yun Feiyang changed his face, quietly left the switch to close the city, and eventually disappeared in the endless mountains and forests.


Some people may be unhappy, and Yun Dache has just broken through, how could he succumb to running?

no no.

In fact, this is not a road.

Yun Feiyang thought about it yesterday, even if the four big families in the Imperial City did not send people to chase, he would leave the city closed.

Because I have tasted the sweetness of Daohua Jing, I must look for the remaining four remnants.

of course.

Yun Feiyang won't just leave like that.

After leaving the switch to close the city, he hid in a cave and secretly said: "East gate and west gate of the four families of east, west, south and north each have four broken traps. They came this time, but it was also a good snatch. opportunity."

Daohuajing is looking for.

The Four Classics are also indispensable.

Another more important reason is that since the four big families have sent people to chase them down, how can they do it if they are not allowed to pay a price?

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyang decided to temporarily hide in the periphery of Guanfeng City, turn from the bright place to the dark place, and try his best to play the warriors of the four families.

"Dare to chase me."

Yun Feiyang grinned and said, "Laozi makes you come and go."


Hidden in the dark to engage in sneak attacks is Yun Feiyang's strength.

However, he has one more important thing to do next, and that is to determine how strong he is now.

In the deep mountain wilderness, there must be no warrior to learn from, so he set his sights on the high-level beasts.


One day, a loud noise came from the forest.

A fierce beast comparable to the early stage of the fairy fell to the ground, a gap was pierced through the chest, and blood was rushing.

"Such a shock?"

Yun Feiyang withdrew his **** fist and shook his head helplessly.

To kill this fairy-level early beast, the strength he used was not even close to Chengdu.

"You have to test it with a stronger beast."


Yun Feiyang flew up.

In a few jumps, I have come to the deepest part of this mountain forest and started to look for stronger beasts than the early fairy.


He locked a dragon beast covered with scales, and then walked away, his right fist was raised, and the amount of violent violence broke out.

The dragon beast who was taking a rest was awakened suddenly, and there was panic in his huge eyes. However, he didn't even see the appearance of the attacking human being, and was punched into his chest with a punch.


In the end, this fierce beast comparable to the mid-level of the fairy, after suffering a blow from Yun Feiyang, died on the spot, and there was no chance to roar even with the screaming.

"It's still too weak."

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly.

To destroy this fierce beast, he used only 30% of his strength.

That is to say, if the **** does not know the sneak attack, Yun Feiyang can easily kill the middle of the fairy.

If the Simen family simply sent the fairy intermediate warrior, let alone forty people, even a few hundred people could be alive and dead in the dark.

This does not satisfy Yun Feiyang.

Next, he began to wander unscrupulously among the mountains and forests.

In a short time, the beasts of the first stage of the hundred-headed fairy and the beasts of the middle-aged dozens of the fairy were chased behind the buttocks.

Enough quotes are enough.

Yun Feiyang immediately stabilized his body, raised his cuffs, and his eyes were hot.


The original fierce beast group suddenly felt the horror from the human body, and suddenly a horrified expression appeared.

They want to run and want to retreat.

But it was too late, because Yun Feiyang, the **** of killing, waved his violently rushed over, the strength broke out, and the beast fell down.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the dark mountains and forests, there are repeated explosions, clouds flying through the thunderous thunder, and in the early stage of the fairy, they are crazy to kill the fierce beasts in the early and middle stages of the fairy!

If this scene is seen by others and you know its true identity, you will certainly not be too surprised.




In a huge valley, Yun Fei stretched his way to perform, and shuttled non-stop.

Behind him, a leopard-like beast is chasing wildly behind his buttocks, and the speed is extremely fast.

This fierce beast level, has reached the late fairy, is the hegemon in the mountains and forests.

After Yun Feiyang found it, he did not take a sneak attack.

Instead, it is a provocative provocation, because he wants to know whether his current strength can compete with the late fairy.

The result is a bit difficult.

Because after some fights, Yun Feiyang didn't fall, but if he wanted to rely on his fists, it was difficult to kill them.

Since the fist does not work, use a sword.


Yun Feiyang in the rush, summoned the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, came a beautiful turn, raised the sword with both hands and cut a strong sword.

This sword, while seemingly plain and unremarkable, contains the highest sword meaning.


The leopard beast roared, and immediately turned the soul body to hide.

"You can't run!"

Yun Feiyang again waved his sword frequently.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

A powerful sword gas burst out, and the target was the leopard beast that had just escaped.

"Boom! Boom!"

The stone walls were spread by sword qi and shattered one after another.

After half an hour.

Yun Feiyang stepped on the body of a leopard beast covered with sword marks, and raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, saying: "The four big families from east to west, north and south, I will wait for you outside the city to chase you."

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