Super God

Chapter 1652: Yunfeiyang's birthmark immortal!

Yun Fei's breakthrough to the fairy, the strength is really an explosion, in the normal battle, can rely on the Hunyuan Qiankun sword to kill a late-level beast of the fairy.

This shows that, despite the experience of crossing the robbery and suspected of cheating, it has resisted tens of thousands of thunders and has changed dramatically.

Yun Feiyang also knows that the late-level beasts of the Immortals can't be compared with those of the real Immortals. After all, people can martial arts, and they have some treasures that are not weaker than themselves, and even have the immortal imprint.

In particular, the four big families sent eight elders in the late period. Not to mention the greatness of Zhengda, even if it is a sneak attack, I am afraid it is a bit difficult.

So he needs to think about the countermeasures while the other party is not coming, how to play the other party.

Thinking about it, Yun Feiyang pinned his hopes on Zhutianjian array, after all, this is the biggest card at present.

"The warriors of the four families must know that I have a sword array, and I will never get into it easily, so I must plan well."

Yunfei landed in a leafy mountain forest.

He first arranged the formation here, then summoned the flying sword and concealed it in the dark, as long as the Hunyuan Qiankun sword was melted in, Zhutian sword formation would be formed in an instant.

This is a trap.

Once the martial artists of the four families stepped in, even if they realized something, it was impossible to retreat.


Yun Feiyang summoned the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and carried it behind his back, so that he could form the Zhutian sword array at any time.


There was a sigh from the cheap.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Why sigh?"

Xiaochian said: "After you came to the real martial arts realm, the realm has risen rapidly, but I am progressing slowly, which is really uncomfortable."

As a sword spirit, it has no real barrier, but it takes a long time to absorb the heaven and earth attributes in the domain.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I have a way for you to break through faster."

"what way?"

Xiaochian excited.

Yun Fei said: "Be my immortal seal."

After the warrior breaks through to the quasi-immortal, he can sign the most sacred contract with the treasure, thus becoming the immortal seal.

The advantage of Arcana becoming a warrior's natal immortal mark is that it can be upgraded with the master's state.

At that time under the world, Beimensong summoned his immortal immortal seal, which is a quasi-central intermediate treasure called Ruyi Runner.

In the real martial arts realm, not all prospective immortals are qualified to condense the immortal immortal seal, because the important point is that the treasure can first condense its ideas like a warrior, even if it is just a trace.

There are countless intrepid treasures.

But there are very few who can condense their own ideas.

So don't mention the quasi-sen, even if it is a fairy-level strong, there may not be a birthmark.

Yun Feiyang broke through the quasi-centenary, and learned from Shen Tianxing's mouth that the immortal immortal seal also wanted to find the treasure seal, but it was ignored because of too many things.

Now if he wasn’t complaining, he wouldn’t remember that he had broken through to the Immortal, and he still had no Immortal Imprint.

"it is good!"

Xiaochian said: "I will be your immortal imprint."

It wants to become stronger and can follow the footsteps of the owner without being thrown away too far, so there is no hesitation.

Yun Feiyang solemnly said: "If you want to be the prerequisite of the Immortal Immortal Seal, you must rely on the Hunyuan Qiankun sword to condense your own ideas."

"no problem."

Xiaochian said: "I feel the Tao now."

It was very easy to say, but when he really realized it, he also realized how to understand the Taoism.

"Daoyi is a mysterious and mysterious existence that overrides the attributes of heaven and earth."

"If you want to understand its existence, you must first integrate your mind into the heavens and the earth to communicate the mysterious heavenly path."

Yun Feiyang said slowly.

To be honest, this guy doesn't quite understand how to communicate the Taoism initially. After all, the reason for the Taoism at that time was to rely on the fairy stone obtained from the Beimen Jiawu.

Under the guidance of an unreliable mentor, Xiaochian began to comprehend the Taoism with all his heart and soul. The process from scratch to doom is destined to be very difficult, and even difficult to comprehend.


A few days later, Xiaochian madly said: "I can only feel the attributes between heaven and earth, and I can't feel the meaning of Dao at all."

When it wants to give up, Yun Feiyang encourages: "Little mediocre, you are the invincible sword spirit, the immortal nirvana exists, will it be defeated by Dao Yi?"

"That can't!"

It seemed that Xiaochech had hit the chicken blood, once again ambitious, began to continue to understand the Tao.

Hard work pays off.

After a month-long enlightenment, Xiaochian finally spied on the Taoism that exists between heaven and earth.

That kind of existence, like ancient words that are incomprehensible, is engraved in the world, and every time you experience it, there will be a subtle sublimation in the soul.

After learning its description, Yun Fei Yang was overjoyed.

Shen Tianxing once said that whether Zhibao possesses Taoism or not depends on the inner spirit.

But now, Xiaochee can successfully realize the meaning of Dao, which means that the Hunyuan Qiankun sword is qualified to be the immortal seal!


After a while.

Xiaochian succeeded in condensing a trace of morality, and he and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword had some and this change is a kind of extraordinary temperament.

Originally small and cheap can continue to condense, so as to strengthen his own way of thinking, but Yun Feiyang can't wait to sign a contract with him, and the result is the immortal seal.


Among the bamboo forests, Yun Fei sat cross-legged, his hands on his knees, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword was erected and hung, both of which exude a faint streamer.

This is condensing the immortal seal of natal life.

In other words, such a thing is very important and critical for others, but Yun Feiyang is carried out in the wilderness where the beasts are everywhere.

After a few hours.

The streamer that shrouded the two bodies changed from desalination to fullness, and formed a circle of trembling shrouds to completely cover them.


Suddenly, the shield shattered, the streamer gradually disappeared, and Yun Feiyang and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword emerged.

"Little bitch."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "From now on, you and Hunyuan Qiankun sword will be my immortal imprint."

"Oh my God."

Xiaochian shocked: "Your morals are so huge?"

After becoming the Immortal Immortal Seal, it can feel Yun Fei's way of thinking, and that huge degree is not at all comparable to what he has just condensed.

"My word is your word."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "You can absorb at will to improve yourself, so that the realm can be quickly improved."

Theoretically speaking, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and Xiaochian, which are the immortals of the fate, can be promoted with the help of the master's morality and become stronger.

But there must be a premise, that is, the upper limit of small and cheap to Taoism should be high enough.

Nothing to see, some treasures with Taoism, after condensing a trace of Taoism, after a long time of condensing, it is likely to have been in a trace of Taoism.

If this is also the case, it is embarrassing.

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