Super God

Chapter 1721: All captured

Yun Feiyang, who fell to the ground, was dumbfounded to see Xu Meiniang's indignant look.

Are you kidding me?

Shouldn't this woman be very slutty!

I pretended to be poisoned, and took the opportunity to take advantage of her, how did it behave like the big girl Huang Hua?

Xu Meiniang was exposed, dressed in a manner full of temptation that men could not resist, making Yun Feiyang think of a woman with a bold style.

In particular, letting myself be a male slave strengthened my thoughts.

But in fact, some people cannot just look at it from the surface.

For example, Xu Meiniang, this woman looks seductive, but in fact it is not a **** who can do her best, and she has never had intimate physical contact with a man in her life.

The style she showed was actually more of a disguise.

of course.

This is not the point.

The point is, when Xu Meiniang saw Yun Feiyang standing up from the ground, she was startled and said, "You are not poisoned?"

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said: "Your kind of poison is not even one-tenth of the power of my woman's poison, how can you poison me?"

The woman he said was Ling Sha Luo.


Xu Meiniang said indignantly: "Since you have not been poisoned, but you have shown the appearance of poisoning, you must be playing with the old lady!"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Not to mention, you are quite soft there, very predictable."


Xu Mei Niang covered the bear again, her beautiful eyes flashed with anger.

"Broken old."

Yun Fei Yang said: "This woman will be given to me, and the rest will be given to you.


The ancient Emperor Po was ordered to turn around and said: "Let's wait together."


Sword servants and others twitched slightly.

The breath of this humpback old man is comparable to the fairy king level, so they have no courage to shoot again.


The sword servant whispered.

Yun Feiyang has the protection of the strong, and it is definitely difficult to succeed. Retreat is the most wise choice.

"Brush! Brush!"

Everyone showed their ways and fled in different directions.

"Don't let go of one!"

Yun Fei said.


The ancient immortal emperor's body method is used to catch up with it very quickly.


Xu Mei Niang said coldly: "Wait for the old lady!"


As soon as the words fell, the pink mist spread out in front of her, and the people disappeared when they dispersed.

Yunfei Yangxianxian was released and expanded rapidly.

Dao Ying was born, his morals were elevated, and his soul power was driven. There was no problem in covering the area for dozens of miles in an instant.

Soon, he caught Xu Mei Niang in another mountain and smiled, "Have you run?"


In another mountain forest.

Xu Mei Niang appeared here by virtue of special martial arts, and then marched on the graceful body.

However, the thought of Yun Feiyang pretending to be poisoning, taking advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of himself, is trembling with anger.

"Damn fellow!"

Xu Meiniang hurried on the road and said: "Don't let the old lady see you again, otherwise, you will be better off dead!"


Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind.

Xu Meiniang's face changed, and she subconsciously avoided it, but she didn't have time, and she saw a big hand come around from behind and hug her waist directly.


Yun Feiyang posted behind her and smiled: "We meet again, how can you make me die better than life."

Xu Mei Niang exclaimed: "How did you catch up?"

The martial arts she displayed can instantly appear tens of miles away, not to mention the fairy perfection, even the little fairy king may not be able to capture it.


Yun Feiyang hugged her and lightly landed on a rock, laughing: "What I said just counted, you are willing to be my slave girl, I will spare you not to die."

Xu Mei Niang was embarrassed and indignant, but she did not speak, and her whole body instantly filled with a unique fragrance.

This woman's strength in the Eight King Kong is not the strongest, but she is good at using drugs. Many men who are obsessed with her beauty and mischief are all deadly poisoned.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I am a body that is not poisonous, and you poison has no effect on me."

"All poisons do not invade?"

Xu Mei Niang was shocked.

When she discovered that the man was still safe from the poisonous gas, she had already confirmed her poison, and it really didn't do anything to him.

Encounter nemesis!

Sorrow rose in Xu Mei Niang's heart.

As a top immortal strongman, naturally he will not catch his hand.

Her body flicked lightly, and she quickly broke free from Yun Feiyang's arms, and a stream of light flew out.


With one hand, Yun Feiyang sandwiched the attacking Liu Ye Fei knife between his fingers and smiled: "It turns out that you, a woman, will use not only poison but also hidden weapons."

Xu Mei Niang said nothing, her jade hands waved frequently, and streamers flew from the cuffs.

"Brush! Brush!"

Yun Feiyang stepped on the sky and walked away, avoiding with her elegant body.

After avoiding the attacks of all the hidden weapons, it was found that the woman had escaped by casting her body.


Yun Dache God leapt forward and chased away quickly.

For a moment, Kungfu caught up with Xu Meiniang, reached out with her right hand, and buckled directly on her pulse.



The two fell on the grass.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "I may not be absolutely sure of beating you eight, but it is still very easy to get yourself done."

The controlled Xu Mei Niang did not speak, staring at this abominable man with an extremely resentful look.

If the woman's angry eyes can kill, I believe that the cheap goods Yunfei Yang has died under the woman's angry eyes more than thousands of times since rebirth.


Xu Mei Niang was captured.

The other seven King Kong also failed to escape, and they were all taken down by Po Guxian Emperor.

They are more tragic.

As he tried to resist during the escape, he was bruised and bruised.



The sword servants and others were thrown into the dark cave by Po Guxian Emperor, and Yun Feiyang stood in front of the cave and smiled: "You, let you down."


Everyone said nothing.

Everyone was captured, and naturally there was nothing to say.

At the order of Hongwei Immortal Emperor, he came to kill this Yunfeiyang, but instead of completing the task, he became a prisoner of rank.

The Eight King Kongs are really tragedies.

To be honest, there is a variable among them, that is, when they came, it happened that Yun Feiyang resurrected the ancient fairy emperor and had a strong thug.


Yun Feiyang looked at Xu Mei Niang and said, "I haven't considered it yet. Will you be my slave girl?"


Xu Mei Niang Xing eyes glared: "Even if you kill me, I will not be your slave!"


Yun Feiyang came over and lifted her chin with one hand, grinning badly: "Since you disagree, then I will ruin you first, and then kill with another Xu Mei Niang heard the words , Beautiful eyes flashed over fear.

Death is not terrible for her, what is terrible is that she is tarnished and died.


Xu Mei Niang panic said: "Don't mess up!"


Yun Feiyang waved her hands and shredded her sleeves, revealing a tender white and smooth jade arm, and said, "If you agree to be my slave girl, I might consider letting you go."

He said, putting his hands on the clothes on his chest could pull them off at any time.

This move completely smashed Xu Meiniang's last line of defense. She paled: "I agree! I agree!"

Yun Feiyang let go of his hand and looked at the sword servants and others and said, "I still lack some male servants. Will you?"

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