Super God

Chapter 1722: surrender

After coming to Zhenwu God Territory, Yun Feiyang became a condensate trainer and established a business office in Guanfeng City, which was considered to have his own business and fixed income.

This is just the first step. He really wants to have a foothold in the domain, and it definitely needs long-term development. The simplest thing is to have some strong thugs.

Not to mention the formation of a fairy sect, at least after the commercial expansion, at least masters will sit there.

So when Yun Feiyang captured the eight diamonds under the Hongwei Immortal Seat, instead of killing them, he intended to take control of it for his own use.

The top fairy-level powerhouse is not easy to find in the domain. If it can be conquered, it is definitely a great force.


After Yun Feiyang got Xu Mei Niang, Jianpu and others were silent.

They were trained by Hongwei Immortal Emperor, how could they do things that depend on others.

To be honest, if Xu Meiniang was really afraid that the man would do that kind of thing, it would not be easy to compromise.


Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "It seems that the seven are very uncooperative."

"Not at all."

He stood up and said: "Since this is the case, don't blame me for being rude."


Horrible soul power broke out and filled the cave.

Since the other party does not cooperate, Yun Feiyang can only use the cruelest soul torture to force them to go.

"call out!"

A ray of soul flew in front of Ji Xingming and melted in without hesitation.


The screaming sounded in the cave, and the sound was horrifying.

Ji Xingming's face was terrible, and the whole person seemed to fall into **** instantly, experiencing all kinds of painful torture.

This deep-seated soul attack is just the beginning. As Yun Feiyang continues to erode and continue to attack, Ji Xingming is completely in a state of life and death.


The Po Guxian Emperor, who was sitting outside, murmured: "This kid has a set of ways to torture people."



Half an hour later, Ji Xingming grimaced on the ground, his body twitching violently.

"Are you thinking clearly?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Ji Xingming didn't speak, because the whole person was still in pain and had no energy to speak.

Yun Feiyang did not torture him anymore, but locked his eyes on another King Kong.


The man swallowed.

However, just swallowing a spit, the terrifying soul power instantly invaded the sea of ​​knowledge.


The screaming sounded again.

Yun Da cheap **** is fair, just abused him for half an hour, and then changed another target.



The screams came from time to time in the cave.

These people are worthy of the top fairy power, although the tortured life is better than death, but did not fall on the spot.


When it was the turn of the operator, the situation changed.

Yun Feiyang just started tormenting, screaming at the convenience: "I...I am willing to be your servant!"

This old man was not cultivated by Hongwei Immortal Emperor, but recruited halfway, so the loyalty is not very high.

Moreover, he is too old to bear such torture.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang patted the operator's shoulder and smiled: "The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie."


Dionysus: "The boneless guy."

Yun Feiyang turned his head and smiled: "It seems that you should be a very sturdy person."

"call out!"

As soon as the voice fell, the soul power penetrated.


Suffering from the erosion of the soul, the burly drunkard clenched his teeth, screaming without screaming.

Yun Feiyang said with a smile: "It's really sturdy."

"call out!"

Soul power poured out again, frantically infiltrating into each other's consciousness, and deeper soul torture.

Although the drunkard has extremely strong willpower, he still can't withstand the fierce soul attack of Yunfeiyang, and finally screams in pain.

In order to show respect for this man with bone, Yun Feiyang abused him for a whole hour, and when he stopped, the other person vomited white foam and almost passed out.

Seven King Kong were abused by six, but only one sword servant remained.

However, Yun Feiyang didn't shoot, but looked at Ji Xingming and said: "Have you thought about it?"

Ji Xingming, who had just recovered from the pain, remained silent on the ground.


Yun Feiyang came and crouched in front of him: "If you don't speak, you deny it, then I can only continue to torture."

Isn't it?

The sword servant hasn't abused yet, why are you coming to abuse me again!

Ji Xingming suddenly collapsed.

When he felt the terrifying soul power, he was about to infiltrate his sea of ​​consciousness, and could no longer hold it, shouting: "I am willing to be your servant!"

This guy finally compromised.

The main reason is that after being tortured, and witnessing the torture of several other people, the fear brought is terrible, so when Yun Feiyang tortured for the second time, the psychological defense line collapsed.

After finishing Ji Xingming, Yun Feiyang looked at another King Kong again. The opponent's defense line also collapsed, and he could only choose to compromise.

To be honest, they are not afraid of death at all.

But Yun Feiyang's method of soul torture is more terrible than death, and he can't resist with his will at all.


Eight of the eight diamonds have already compromised, leaving only the sword servants and drunkards.

Yun Feiyang did not torture the sword servants, but instead fixed his eyes on the drunkard, and even started asking the second round of torture without even asking him whether he considered it well.


An hour later, the Dionysus spit foam again, and the whole person twitched violently.

Ji Xingming and others next to him saw it, and all secretly rejoiced in the speed of their compromise, otherwise they would be as good as this guy, and tortured life is better than death.

Yun Feiyang gave the drunkard a half-hour break, and then continued the third torture of his soul.

Another hour later.

The very brave man, who is tortured, is not miserable, ghosts and ghosts are miserable.

Yun Feiyang remained silent, and continued to give each other a half-hour break.

Then, when he was preparing for the fourth torture, the drunkard finally spoke weakly: "I...I agree..."

Yun Feiyang smiled.

To deal with this very muscular warrior, there is no need to say anything, just torture directly, and naturally relax when the torture is reached to the limit.

"Come on."

Yun Fei said: "Hand over your soul."

Seven King Kongs collapsed, but they were afraid of that kind of horrible torture, and they could only drive the most important soul origin out of the! "

After Yun Feiyang grasped the origin of the seven souls, he set his sights on the sword servants and said, "I respect you as a true swordsman, so I will not force you to follow the means of the next work."


Ji Xingming and others almost vomited blood.

Emotional cultivation of swordsmanship also has this privilege.

I knew I had chosen to practice Kendo back then, so I would not be tortured like this.

The sword servant calmly said: "What method are you going to use to let me go?"


Yun Feiyang showed the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and smiled: "You and I are fighting right and wrong, I won, you surrendered, I lost, you and they can leave safely and unharmed."

The sword servant's eyes narrowed: "I agree."

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