Super God

Chapter 1820: This is good

After possessing Taixuan Binghuo, Yun Feiyang naturally hopes to find three other five-element attributes as soon as possible, so that Feiyang God Realm can be sublimated.

And the aurora fairy emperor said that the core of German soil made him very excited.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Don't you just say that since you are a husband and wife, isn't your thing my thing?"

Aurora Immortal Emperor said: "This German soil does not help Wu Dao much, what you want it to do."

"Naturally is useful."

Yun Fei Yang said: "You can't speak without words?"

The Aurora Fairy Emperor gently raised his hand, flicked the blue silk, and smiled: "I am one of the nine emperors, and I will do what I say."

"That's good."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Unreasonably sent to the mountain forest to be punished, the result of which is to improve his strength and obtain a big fairy fairy beast. If he gets the core of German soil again, it will definitely be a big profit.


Emperor Aurora said again: "If you want to get the core of German soil, you have to do something for me."

"whats the matter?"

Yun Feiyang was alert.

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Take me to Nangong Mountain to pay homage to my parents."

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang readily agreed.

But in my heart, this woman, as a fairy emperor, why did her parents die early?


There is no cloud in the sky in the north.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Nine magnificent white jade fairy horses walked in the air, and behind them was a treasure car embellished by countless bright stars and stones, as if transformed into a dazzling light.

In the car, Yun Feiyang struck in white, like a handsome young man.

Next to him, the Aurora Fairy Emperor was wearing a purple dress, and the silk was coiled up, with a delicate jade hairpin, like a fairy in dust.

The male looks are heroic and the female country is heavenly and fragrant.

"I say."

Yun Feiyang said silently: "Where is this Nangong Mountain, and hasn't arrived after a day?"

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "In the north of the Northern Territory."


Yun Feiyang said nothing, but gently reached out his hand.

This time is definitely an excellent time to cultivate feelings.

However, when the hand was just stretched out, the Aurora Immortal Emperor bounced away gently, and then listened to her Dai Mei frowning slightly: "Although you and I are husband and wife, but only let me take the initiative, you can't take the initiative."

Yun Feiyang stunned: "Why."

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Because in the Northern Territory, women are superior to men."

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Husbands and wives normally hold hands, and they have to pay attention to women's respect for men and men. This custom in the Northern Territory is also awkward.

He was speechless: "If you don't let me take the initiative, how can I cultivate feelings?"

The Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said: "The so-called cultivation of feelings is to let me gradually fall in love with you in the future. As for whether you love me or not, it does not matter."

Hearing this sentence, especially the last two paragraphs, Yun Da cheap **** was defeated, completely defeated.

It turned out that after marrying her, she had absolutely no rights and was absolutely passive.

"Are you upset?"

The Aurora Fairy Emperor laughed.


Yun Feiyang said truthfully.

A cold woman like Lin Zhixi always stood behind him silently after becoming his wife.

The Aurora Immortal Emperor was too strong, so strong that it really made Yun Feiyang feel like a feminine male.

"If you're not happy, you must have a strong smile."

Immortal Emperor Aurora leaned lazily on the back of the seat and proudly said: "Because my strength, status and rights are higher than you."


She paused and smiled: "Will you surpass me one day, you will be qualified as a male to a female."

"I'm weird."

Yun Fei said: "Why do you care so much about the status of men and women? Shouldn't couples treat each other equally?"


The Aurora Immortal Emperor suddenly waved his jade hand and dragged him over, said coldly: "Isn't the position between men and women determined by you stinky men?"

"This one……"

Yun Feiyang was dumb.

"Whether the world, the world, or the territory, as long as there is someone, do you men all have absolute rights?"

"Women in your eyes are nothing more than playthings, come when you call, and go when you wave."

The beautiful eyes of the Aurora Fairy Emperor flashed Leng Sen.

Yun Feiyang chose silence.

In this world, it is an indisputable fact that men dominate power and women's status is low.

If a woman from a poor background has a certain appearance, she will be sold to the landlord's house, or even sent to a firework place.

Although the women in the big family have a higher status, how many can control their own destiny, rather than become a victim of political marriage.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Aurora Fairy Emperor Road.

Yun Feiyang said helplessly: "You hate men so much, and I say nothing in vain."

The Aurora Immortal released him and smiled, "So, before you have absolute power, you must obey me."

"Did you transfer the hatred of the man to me?" Yun Fei said.

"Aren't you a man?"

The Aurora Fairy Emperor looked at him.

As a man, being questioned by a woman as a man is definitely an unacceptable thing, so Yun Dazhi God stood up and said seriously, "I am a man!"

Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said: "Since it is a man, is there any difference between venting hate on you and other men?"

"There is a difference!"

Yun Fei Yang said: "I am different from other men. I always treat women with care, not as playthings, and I don't want to come out and go away."

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "As far as I know, there are at least twelve or three women you marry?"


Yun Fei Yang Yizheng said: "You only count ten!"

The Aurora Immortal glared at said: "The man with such a flowery heart said that he would take care of him with care, it's shameless."


Yun Feiyang wanted to explain.

Immortal Emperor Aurora did not give him a chance, impatiently said: "Don't me, just keep standing for me, if you dare to sit down on the road, see how I clean up you."

This is definitely a threat!

Under normal circumstances, in the face of threats, Yun Da cheap God is never afraid.

However, this time I was counseled, and I kept standing in the treasure car.

Forget it.

This woman is powerful and has the core of Germany and Germany she needs, so let it go first, and then after she becomes stronger, she will take care of her.

Yun Feiyang said the packing is not a fight, but the can understand it yourself.

The North of the North is far away.

After another day, it was still not reached.

Immortal Emperor Aurora could see Yun Feiyang still standing, not planning to sit down, saying: "Sit down."


Yun Feiyang sat down without hesitation.

Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said: "This is good."


Yun Feiyang said nothing.

Another day passed, and through the window of Baoche, I saw a vague mountain standing in the distance, as if to penetrate the world.

"There is Nangong Mountain."

Immortal Emperor Aurora changed his past laziness and looked seriously: "My hometown."

"Your hometown?"

Yun Feiyang couldn't help speaking.

There was a strange flash in the beautiful eyes of the Aurora Fairy Emperor, saying: "I was born here and grew up here."

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