Super God

Chapter 1821: Nangongshan, Nangongjia

It turned out that Nangong Mountain was the hometown of the Aurora Immortal Emperor. He was born here and grew up here.

Yun Feiyang looked forward to saying: "If you can breed a fairy emperor, that mountain must have something extraordinary."

"Not bad."

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Nangong Mountain is the celestial blessing of Zhenwu God Realm, and its rich attributes are even better than the Imperial City."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang looked forward to it even more.

The places where the heaven and earth attributes are rich in the Zhenwu God Territory are all in the city. A mountain is even stronger than the imperial city. I dare not think about it.

The Aurora Fairy Emperor said again: "It's so blessed that it has already been occupied by outsiders, and outsiders are not qualified to enter, nor can they absorb the attributes without authorization, otherwise there is a danger of falling.

"Who dominated?"

Yun Feiyang curiously said.

Aurora Fairy Emperor's beautiful eyes flashed a bit of coldness and said, "Nangong Family."

"It turned out to be a family."

Yun Feiyang realized.

The Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Don't underestimate this family, even if your father did not dare to provoke."

Yun Feiyang shook his mind and said, "So powerful?"

In his understanding, Zhenwu God Territory is controlled by the Nine Emperors, and his father is the strongest of the Nine Emperors, so he dare not provoke a family?

Aurora Immortal Emperor said: "Nangong Family is one of the oldest families in Zhenwu God's Domain, and there are no less than ten strong immortal emperors."

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

A family, there are actually ten immortal emperor-level strongmen, this power is absolutely exploding.


Yun Feiyang suddenly remembered something and said, "Since the outsiders of Nangong Mountain cannot enter, why are your parents buried in it?"

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Because my father is a member of the Nangong family."

Yun Feiyang looked startled: "Then what is your surname Mo?"

The Aurora Fairy Emperor turned to look at him and said, "Introduce me formally, the Nangong family heir, Nangong Mo hurt."


Yun Feiyang almost fell.

It turned out that the woman's previous name did not add a surname, and she thought the surname was inexplicably hurt.


Yun Feiyang said with emotion: "I am an immortal emperor on the northern side, and there is a Nangong family behind him. I am afraid no one will dare to offend you in the domain."

"Someone dares to offend me."

Aurora Fairy Emperor Road.

"I go."

Yun Feiyang said with wide eyes: "Who is so afraid of death?"


As soon as his voice fell, he felt two powerful breaths erupt in front of him, and turned his head to look hurriedly, and he saw that the blurred mountain shadow had two streamers coming at a rapid speed.


Nine white jade fairy horses hissed and stopped in midair.

"Brush! Brush!"

After a while, two streamers flew.

When the light dissipated, two young men of extraordinary appearance were revealed.

Yun Feiyang Xiannian explored and found that the two looked very young, Shou Yuan was no more than a thousand years old, but his strength reached the level of a small fairy king.


A taller young man said with a curse: "Isn't this Immortal Emperor, how can I come to Nangong Mountain for free?"

Yun Feiyang stunned.

This guy is not guilty, so dare to ridicule such an immortal emperor.

However, what surprised him was that Nangong Mo was not angry, but said: "Come and worship his parents."


Another youth said: "My Nangong family doesn't welcome you, how can you come here, how can you go back."

"Can't you get along?"

Aurora Fairy Emperor Road.

Seeing that the woman was not only not angry, but also whispered, Yun Feiyang's face appeared surprised.

Isn't she Nangong's heir?

Moreover, it is the immortal emperor of the Northern Territory. Entering Nangong Mountain requires the consent of the Nangong family?

There are stories.

This woman must have a story.

Yun Feiyang thought secretly.

"Nangong is not hurt."

The man with a tall head said coldly, "Don't you forget the rules of the Nangong family for so long?"

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "I just want to worship my parents and not enter the main mountain. Isn't that all right."


The Nangong family is cold and cold.

At that moment, Yun Feiyang finally understood that it was the Nangong family who dared to offend this woman.

He shook his head and said: "It's obviously an immortal emperor, but he doesn't even have the right to worship his mother. It's really sad."


The two family members of the Nangong family found Yun Feiyang in the car and sneered: "Nangong is not hurt. You even brought outsiders to Nangong Mountain. It seems that the family rules have long forgotten."

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "He is my husband, this time I came to Nangong Mountain, I also want to worship my parents together."

The tall Nangong family hesitated and immediately laughed: "It turned out to be a little white face."

Another family heirloom said with a faint smile: "The strength of the little fairy king level has become the husband of the immortal emperor of the Northern Territory. There must be no less rhetoric."


Yun Feiyang said with a smile: "This is a bit hurtful."

It is undeniable that I am white, but if I say little white, I cannot agree.

Especially with rhetoric, Yun Feiyang is even more unacceptable. After all, becoming the husband of the Aurora Immortal Emperor completely passed the test she left behind without knowing it.


The Nangong family heir sneered coldly: "We didn't do it, it would be nice to hurt you."

Ay Ya I gi.

Yun Da cheap **** suddenly got angry.

And he was about to speak, but was stopped by the eyes of the Aurora Immortal Emperor, saying: "I also asked the two to give me half an hour to wait for my couple to worship the parents and leave immediately."

"Nangong Mo The taller Nangong family heirs said coldly: "The words are already very clear, how to come, how to go back! "


As soon as the voice fell, Yun Feiyang suddenly flew out of the car, and his big hand waved violently.

This move was quick, when the Aurora Immortal Emperor realized that the guy had been buckled on the neck of the Nangong clan's heir.


Yun Feiyang's five fingers pressed slightly, his eyes cold and said: "My woman's name, is it your kind of garbage shouting casually."

Very strong, very pretending!

The controlled Nangong family heir was shocked.

He had no idea why, as the little fairy king, the other party could appear in front of him so easily and restrain him.


Judging from the explosive momentum, it is enough to be comparable to the big fairy king!

After several months of training in the mountain forest, the current strength of Yun Da Bian Shen is completely enough to kill any small king, even in the face of the big fairy king, there is also confidence to fight one.


Aurora Immortal frowned: "This is Nangong Mountain, don't mess up, let him go quickly."

"Nangong is not hurt!"

Another Nangong family heir said angrily: "Your man made an unauthorized shot at the Nangong family, which has violated family rules..."

"Get out of here."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Feiyang waved his big hand and formed a scary palm print, which was taken relentlessly.


The palm print directly hit the Nangong family's lineage, and he saw him fall like a cannonball from the sky and sink deep into the ground for dozens of feet.

Seeing this, the Aurora Immortal Emperor, Liu Mei's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. First, he tried to control a sister-in-law, and now he started to beat people directly.

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