Super God

Chapter 1893: The origin of the plane

Yun Feiyang's soul flew out of the ring of creation, and merged into the heaven and earth of the real martial arts world, as if it turned into air, and it seemed to turn into light.

The soul continued to rise, flew out of the domain, and merged into the vast universe.

Yun Feiyang was unaware of the whole process, because at this moment he was still in a state of disappearing thinking.

I do not know how long it has been.

His thinking began to converge, and he began to have a little sense of consciousness.

"what happened?"

After returning to thinking for a while, Yun Feiyang found himself in a dark universe, very puzzled.

He wanted to move.

But couldn't move.

The whole mind can only let the soul drift slowly like a wandering soul in the vast and endless universe.


One day, the roar came through.

Yun Feiyang tried to look at the past, and he saw a huge vortex in the vast universe, with a flash of light in the central area.


Soon after, a fictitious fist appeared slowly and stayed at the whirlpool.

Soon, the fist slowly spread out, which contained a piece of mud, and placed it in the vortex, the palm slowly disappeared.

"what is this?"

Yun Feiyang was at a loss, but because he could not act, he could only watch from afar.

A little time passed.

I don’t know how many years have passed since it appeared on the eddy soil, and new buds began to emerge, and two green leaves gradually emerged.

"this is……"

Yun Feiyang exclaimed: "The tree of life!"

The sprouts born out of the soil are indeed the tree of life, and he can recognize it because it was once cultivated.


The huge vortex began to spin, condensing a gurgling special force, gestating the tree of life just unearthed.

Time goes on.

Tens of thousands of years later, the tree of life, which was originally only in the form of buds, has grown into a small tree with special energy, and the branches and leaves have also increased.

During this period, Yun Feiyang has been watching and witnessing the growth of the tree of life. Although the process is very boring, it also gives him a bit of insight.

I do not know how many years have passed.

The tree of life finally grew into a towering tree, and the vortex gradually stagnate, and eventually evolved into one direction.

Seeing Yun Feiyang here, he understood.

The birth of a plane turned out to be such a process.

After the birth of the plane, the tree of life is still growing and blossoming, turning into a stream of light and flying towards the endless universe.

Yun Feiyang knew that it was a life spirit.

They traverse a long distance, take root in the dark universe and start to grow themselves, and eventually evolve a new plane.

Yun Feiyang's soul is in the universe, as if bystanders, witnessing the birth of planes in the long years.


It was the first big hand that made him really care and think.

After all, the subsequent planes were born and all originated here.

"who is it?"

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "In this endless universe, is there a seed of life for the birth plane?"

His heart shook and he was startled, "Doesn't that hand is Heaven's Way?"

"call out!"

Suddenly, the vision and vision disappeared.

Yun Feiyang's soul returned to the body, gently opened his eyes, murmured: "I understand."

What does this guy understand?

He understood that after running the complete Taoist scriptures, the soul merged into the universe, and what it saw was actually looking at the origin of the soul.

The big hand that appeared first was Heaven.

It is like the creator, first placing the tree of life, and then according to this, more planes are born.


After running a complete Taoist Scripture, why would you experience such a thing?

There is only one explanation. Such an unpredictable mentality is likely to be related to Heavenly Dao.


Yun Feiyang murmured: "The Daohua Jing is the evolution of the Dao."

The idea is bold and crazy.

If, as he guessed, Daohuajing evolved from heaven, no martial art in the real martial arts realm can be compared with it.

of course.

As the soul traveled the universe, Yun Feiyang also realized that the plane first nurtured by the tree of life, even if it is not the real martial arts domain, should belong to the same level.

As for the plane that was born later, it is similar to the world under the world and the branches.

"Since Heaven Dao can create planes like True Martial God Territory, it will definitely create more in the universe."

"In this way, the barbaric domain is just one of them. There are many unknown domains in the more distant areas."

"Since Heaven has hands, there must be a body. Where is it?"

"Or is there a stronger plane above the domain?"

Yun Feiyang thought a lot, but shook his head: "This kind of problem doesn't make much sense to me even if I know it now?"

He no longer thinks about it. After all, the realm is only a small fairy king. Even if he has a stronger plane, he is not qualified to consider and care.


Yun Feiyang spit out a turbid breath and concentrated on the Daohua Sutra. He soon discovered with joy that after the complete formula was formed, the control of Dao's meaning was even better!

The mysterious way of is to strengthen the understanding of Daoism by the warriors.

Therefore, when Yun Feiyang obtained the complete formula and successfully operated, no matter ingestion, perception or application, there has been a great improvement.

The benefits of the complete mentality may not be directly reflected, but if you continue to practice, it will be of great help to break through the realm in the future.

Yun Feiyang is very satisfied, and can even be sure that with the complete Taohua Sutra, the difficulty of breaking through the big fairy king will be greatly reduced.


Zhentian Emperor City, inside Xidaying.

Yun Feiyang stood in the coach's barracks. Generals Zhuge Jin and Hua Mofei were present.

Lanling Fairy King was also invited, but it was a bit embarrassing. He thought that it would be a bit inappropriate to participate in this kind of military meeting as soon as he arrived.

"You guys."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "During this time, you should have adapted to the army you command?"


Hua could wait for others to be in unison.

Each of these Eastern domain names will command a legion.

After taking over, I was shocked to see the invincible spiritual soldiers with extremely high military qualities.


Yun Fei said: "I will make a long story short. One month later, I sent troops to attack all the cities controlled by the Four Kings within the Imperial City."

Zhu Gejin looked stunned, apparently unaware that this guy came out of the ring of fortune and summoned himself and others to give an offensive order.

Hua Mofei and others are also a bit ignorant.

Although they knew that the four kings would fight after the meeting sooner or later when they turned to Yunfeiyang, they didn't expect it to be so fast.

The Lanling fairy king twitched at the corner of his mouth. )!!

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