Super God

Chapter 1894: Breakthrough, the big fairy king!

  Yun Feiyang While looking for the remaining two pieces of fairy king remnants, Zhuge Jin and many generals have been training soldiers in Zhentian Emperor City, and they are now on the right track.

  After half a million soldiers of the Ling nationality also stowed up, their strength has been greatly improved, and they have the ability to compete with the army in the region.

   Therefore, Yun Feiyang had plans to fight against the four kings and recapture the city originally controlled by the Imperial City.

   "Do you really want to fight?"

  After all the generals left, Zhuge Jinliu frowned slightly.

   She also hopes to go to war, after all, so as to prove her name as the **** of war.

   But the enemies he faced this time were not the Fanchen army, nor the emperor's heaven, but the four heavenly kings that had occupied the central region of the north for a long time.

   Zhuge Jin is not worried about fighting, but is worried that once the four kings unite, the battle will be very difficult.

   As a qualified commander, when considering victory or defeat, he often also considers war losses. If a large number of casualties are exchanged for victory, it is a little more than worth the loss.


  Yun Feiyang said firmly.

  Zhentian Emperor City is his father's, and the northern central area is also the area he once controlled. How can he tolerate others to occupy it.


   Since his man wants to fight, Zhuge Jin can only obey.

"of course."

  Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "We just knocked down the city with a radius of thousands of miles, and we don't need to fight the four heavenly kings."

   Zhuge Jindao: "I understand."


  Yun Feiyang decided to attack the city within the miles of the imperial city, but why should it be a month later?

  Because he wants to take advantage of this time, he is obsessed with understanding and practicing the complete Taohua scriptures, and strives to break through to the big fairy king in one fell swoop!

   From the pinnacle-level little fairy king to the big fairy king, for many people, not only takes a long time, but also needs chance.

   But for Yun Feiyang, it became very simple, because he had the time and the opportunity to need it.

  Time is the ring of creation.

   Opportunity is the complete Taohua sutra.

  The former can provide him with a time acceleration of two hundred times, while the latter can realize the Taoism faster, thus making it easy to break through.

of course.

   Time and opportunity have to be seen, but also depends on the efforts of the warrior himself, otherwise the bamboo basket will be empty.


   Yun Feiyang will hand over the preparations before the war to Zhuge Jin, and the people will enter the ring of fortune, and will be integrated into the realm of heaven and earth.

  In Lin Zhixi, embroidered from the king city, he learned that the husband was going to fight against the four kings, and he began to actively prepare and purchase weapons and equipment.

   During this time, Yunji has spread all over the cities in the Eastern Region. The business is very hot, and the amount of fairy stones accumulated is extremely large, which can provide high-quality equipment for half a million soldiers of the Ling clan.

   "City Lord."

   One day, Mr. Yi came to the study and said: "Yun Xiaoyou is afraid to fight against the four kings."

  Yunji firm purchased a large amount of equipment in the Eastern Region. As a counselor, it can naturally analyze what it is.

"So fast?"

   Mu City Lord surprised.

   He and Mr. Yi had previously speculated that Yunfei Yang was bound to fight against the four kings, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.


   Mucheng said: "What should we do now?"

  Mr. Yi said: "Yun Xiaoyou's war with the four kings will inevitably be a protracted war. I should provide equipment and immortality for the embroidered King City."

"it is good."

  City Master Mu agreed.

   He has already announced that he will form an alliance with Zhentian Emperor City. Yun Feiyang is going to fight, and he must have support.

  To tell the truth, Master Mu also has a lot of pressure. After all, once the Yunfei is aided, it will be completely opposite to the four heavenly kings.

   "City Lord."

  Mr. Yi seems to have guessed the pressure in Master Mucheng's heart and said: "This is a big gamble, and it is Yun Xiaoyou who has more potential."

   "Not bad."

   Mu City Lord nodded.


  The soldiers of the Emperor Zhencheng were actively trained under the command of the generals, and a large number of military supplies were also being sent in endlessly.

   The whole Zhenwu God Territory is as calm as ever, and no one would expect that the North Central Territory will soon be in flames.

   Let's talk about Yunfei, who flicked his hands.

   After he entered the ring of fortune, he isolated himself from a certain area within the heaven and earth, and began to retreat for a long time.

to be frank.

  It's the first time that the great cloud **** has retired so seriously since he flew to the spirit world. According to the previous law, as long as the retreat is closed, there will be big gains.

  Because the war is about to start, Luo Mu, Yunli and others are also actively practicing, relying on the heaven and earth Taoist array and the inexhaustible fairy stone, the realm can be said to advance by leaps and bounds.

  Xuanyuanwentian had to say that the fastest growth.

  After Yun Feiyang returned to Zhentian Emperor City, his strength had broken through to the level of Immortal Consummation.


   One day, the breath of strong promotion emerged.

   "Who broke through?"

   Luo Mu, Yunli and others who were practicing were shocked and looked down at the breath, they saw Xuanyuan Wentian who exuded the promotion breath.

   "Lying trough!"

   "This guy is going to break through the little fairy king?"

   Everyone's mouth twitched.

  At the same time, I finally realized that Xuanyuan asked why Tian was the top of the star list of the Pride Temple!

   Not long.

   The breath of promotion began to converge.

  Finally, Xuanyuan, who entered the ring of fortune, asked the heavens, and quickly made others one step first to become a small fairy king.

  Although Luo Mu and Yunli and others were a bit broken, they were deeply stimulated by the other party's breakthrough, and they became even more crazy.

  If you work hard, you pay.

   In the next time, Luo Mu, Yunli and other gods and souls, as well as the stars of the star list have stepped into the small fairy king.

   It can be said that during the period of Yun Feiyang's retreat, the ring of fortune staged a big play where the fairy king stepped into the fairy king.

Counting carefully, at least more than forty people broke through to the little fairy king. Counting the group of powerful people controlled by the night ghosts, the little fairy king in the city of Zhentian Emperor has broken through the It is no exaggeration to say that this powerful force is completely comparable to any ancient family in the domain.


  It was not long after everyone made a breakthrough, a magnificent breath suddenly appeared in the world.

   "Brother Yun is about to break through."

   Luo Mu and Yunli immediately judged that the sign of the sudden rise must have been Yun Feiyang, because they were so familiar!

   "What a terrifying momentum..."

   Xuanyuan Wentian, who was practicing, opened his eyes in shock.


   The breath of vastness is still madly diffused, and in a very short time envelopes the entire ring of fortune.

  I don't know how long it took, the breath started to be restrained, and finally it became plain.


In the closed formation, Yun Feiyang stepped forward with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Luo Mu and others who were among them, could immediately feel that Brother Yun's breath around him was obviously many times stronger than before.

   This means that he has successfully broken from the peak small fairy to the big fairy!



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