Super God

Chapter 2062: Xiu Wei broke out

() In the mountains of the Jedi, a gurgling energy spread like crazy, like a stone falling into the water and causing ripples.

Seeking to kill Yun Feiyang's martial artists, feeling the energy fluctuations escaping from the forest, they stopped and their faces appeared horrified.

They are one of the best in the world, and can judge that this breath of sudden appearance is definitely from Dantian Energy Core!

That is, someone in the Jedi can use his power!

"Oh my god!"

"How can you still play this!"

Many warriors collapsed and became crazy.

In this environment, everyone picks up equipment and can survive if they are lucky.

If someone inspires their own energy core, even if it is just an ordinary king-level warrior, it is definitely a super scary existence!


Because the weapons scattered in the Jedi are of high quality, and then the energy of the warrior is poured, the combat power formed will be extremely terrifying!

To put it simply, the big guy picked up the weapon, regardless of the quality, because the fairy core was sealed, the erupted power came only from the weapon itself.

"who is it!"

"Cultivation can be exploded!"

The shocked participants rushed along in a breath, and saw a half-purple, half-gold young man standing on the spot, his long and narrow eyes flashing with anger.

"Oh my God!"

"It's Yunfeiyang!"

Many warriors took a breath.

The people who chase themselves can break out for cultivation, and can reveal such terrifying power, how can they play?

They are relatively far away.

Yu Wenkuo, who stood in front of Yun Feiyang, could really feel that the strong breath and anger scared his legs to tremble.

He is just an ordinary wasteland king, knocking down Shen Xiaoyu, relying on hiding in the dark, relying on the eighth order weapon.

Now it is absolutely terrifying to face the irresistible change of the Soul Body of God of War and the violent cloud flying!

Yu Wenkuo wants to run now, because he knows that if he still stands here, even if he has a superb equipment, he may be in danger of falling.

Not afraid, but sure.

Yun Feiyang raised his battle halberd and came over with a cold voice: "Lao Tzu will crush your bones today."


The halberd waved, forming strength and tearing the space instantly!

Without power blessings, even if the participants' weapons are strong, they just stir up the airflow.

Now Yun Feiyang can control his fairy core, not to mention the good quality halberd, even the first-order bamboo stick can also shatter the space.

No matter how good the weapon is, it must have strong power to control, otherwise it will be no threat like a child holding a knife.

Although Yu Wenkuo's face was scared pale, but his desire to survive was still there, so he immediately raised the eighth-order sky axe to welcome the fierce battle halberd!


A heavy loud noise came.

A series of ripples spread wildly again in the mountains and forests, and the warriors who were far away all looked horrified.

In the area where they met, the space was sparsely rotten, and the surrounding vegetation instantly turned into nothingness.

They have seen this situation before, and they can do it themselves even when fighting, but it is absolutely unbelievable to be in a Jedi that is restricted.

"Oh, uh!"

Yu Wenkuo took a split sky axe and exploded back dozens of steps, finally stabilizing his body, his body and blood rolled violently.

"Oh my God!"

"Actually resisted!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

In their view, Yun Feiyang's attack was absolutely terrifying. Even if he was alive, he would never be able to contend!

Yu Wenkuo was able to resist, not for his own sake, but because the weapon he held was an eighth-order sky-splitting axe, and even his armor had reached eighth order!

This is definitely a superb equipment.

Yun Feiyang no matter how good the opponent's equipment is, there is only one thought in his heart at this moment, that is, to kill Shen Xiaoyu's murderer.


He stepped out again, and the halberd in his hand was under the infusion of power, flashing the shining light that he should have!

Yu Wenkuo pressed the boiling blood and forced his scalp to resist.


The battle halberd slammed down again, and the old Yin forced to retreat again for dozens of steps. When he stabilized his body, a whey of blood spurted out.


Yun Feiyang didn't give him a chance to breathe, the halberd waved bravely, and rolled up a strong wind.


Yu Wenkuo resisted again.

However, this time the person not only flew out, but also released the eighth-order split sky axe.

In the face of absolute power, there is a superb equipment that can only save him from immortality. It is impossible to contend.


Yu Wenkuo fell to the ground in awkwardness, severe pain came from his arms and chest, and his face became abnormally grim.

The eighth-order sky-splitting axe twirled and stuck on the ground not far away.

The warrior hiding in the dark saw his eyes flashing hot, thinking about whether to rush over and **** the weapon away?

Forget it.

Although the weapons are of high quality, Yun Feiyang is even more terrible. If he is discovered, he will definitely be unlucky.

The greed of many warriors dissipated immediately, and started to slip away as quickly as possible. This was to worry that the guy would come to trouble himself.

Not long after everyone had left, Yun Feiyang raised his halberd and struck Yu Wenkuo's forehead, causing his plasma to fly around and die on the spot.


Text emerged from the light curtain-Yun Feiyang killed Yu Wenkuo with a third-order war halberd.

"Oh my God!"

"Third-order battle halberd, killed Yu Wenkuo who possessed the eighth-order sky axe?"

The warriors in other areas of the Jedi looked at the words on the light curtain, and their eyes were rounded one by one.


After exterminating Yu Wenkuo.

Yun Feiyang came to Shen Xiaoyu, who was seriously injured, picked her up and blamed herself deeply: "I'm sorry."

She could have been safe, but she helped herself to block the previous blow before she ended so.

Shen Xiaoyu said weakly: "I'm so tired... I want to sleep..."

After finishing speaking, snuggling in Yun Feiyang's arms and closing her beautiful eyes gently, her jade hand gradually hung down.


Yun Feiyang was struck by lightning, and the whole person was in place.


He held Shen Xiaoyu, roaring and roaring angrily, as if irrational.


Suddenly, laughter came out.

Shen Xiaoyu opened her beautiful eyes, blinked, and said playfully: "What are you screaming about?"


Yun Da cheap **** suddenly confused.

After a short time, he suddenly realized that the woman had just closed her eyes deliberately and hung her hand down deliberately.


Yun Fei said: "You just took a It should be a serious injury, why do you still have a joke with me?"

Shen Xiaoyu said: "When you picked me up, a warmth struck, and the injury on my body soon healed."

Yun Feiyang was at a loss.

He didn't use the laws of life at all.


Shen Xiaoyu shouted: "I'm fine now, can you put me down first."


Yun Feiyang was a little embarrassed when she was about to let go.

Shen Xiaoyu was also blushing, but she asked curiously, "Isn't your realm suppressed, why can you still use cultivation practices?"


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