Super God

Chapter 2063: Ares Soul Body 3 changed, bloodline martial arts?

"This one……"

Yun Feiyang was dumb.

To tell the truth, why did the practice break out, he did not know.

of course.

After a moment of hesitation, Yun Dache Shendao said: "Because, I care too much about you, so I broke through the realm restrictions and was able to release Xiu."

"If you have to give an explanation, I think..."

He paused and looked at Shen Xiaoyu affectionately: "This may be the power of love."


Really shameless.

You can say anything!

Shen Xiaoyu glanced at him fiercely and said, "It's really nauseating, it's disgusting."


Yun Feiyang was speechless.

What I said was so affectionate and so serious, I gave a touched expression anyway.

"That guy's weapon is eighth-order. There must be a lot of good things on his body. Hurry up and pick it up." Shen Xiaoyu said.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang hurried to Yuwen Kuo, took off the flashing armor, and took the space ring on his finger.

Don't say it.

This old yin is very fat.

There are quite a lot of weaponry and immortals on the ring, and the quality is above the third order at a glance.


"If you encounter more of these fat sheep, the brothers will have all their weapons."

Yun Feiyang said, coming to the eighth-order sky-splitting axe, holding a hand at the end of the handle, suddenly pulled out, and suddenly felt a force pouring into the body.


He said with emotion: "The quality of this weapon has definitely reached the level of the emperor. If they can control it, if Luo Luomu is in control, they will definitely be true to the Emperor Huanghuang."

After receiving Yu Wenkuo's equipment.

Yun Feiyang came to the three warriors who had been killed and searched all the things in them.

After careful calculation, this guy obtained sixteen different weapons and armor, and there were so many immortals.

"The emperor of Solomon, how should I thank you?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

If it weren't for the chase of the four emperors, he wouldn't go into the Jedi by mistake, and he wouldn't get so much equipment that is not weaker than comparable to Immortal Emperor level, even reaching Emperor level!

of course.

Yun Feiyang didn't get smug.

This killing game is not over yet, there are more than thirty participants in the game. Only when you live to the end, all the treasures will be taken out to win.


When he first entered the Jedi, Yun Feiyang was wearing a shabby clothes, and he was like a beggar.

Now wearing a high-level battle armor, holding an eighth-order split sky axe, wearing a nine-tier crossbow crossbow, can be described as quite remarkable.


He shook his head chicly: "Tell me truthfully, who is the most handsome person in the world?"

This was often said by Hao Shuai, and the people who heard it collapsed extremely. Instead, they said it from Yunfei Yang's mouth.

Shen Xiaoyu said with a sneer: "It's less smelly, let's go quickly, maybe, the fierce beasts will rush over again in a moment."

"Boom! Boom!"

As soon as the words were finished, the earth shook, and the herds standing in the grassland sprinted like crazy again.


Yun Feiyang took Shen Xiaoyu to sit on the cattle and beasts, and drove deep into the mountains and forests. As for the grass-colored clothes he had taken off.

At this time, he was very well equipped, and he must be meticulous, but he hoped to be discovered, and then he was positive with the participants.


On the way, Shen Xiaoyu puzzled: "Your hair color has recovered, aren't you weak?"


She has seen Yun Feiyang perform three changes of the God of War soul body, knowing that once the other party breaks out, she will enter a state of weakness.

"To deal with that kind of garbage, just a little burst can kill it, naturally there will be no side effects."

Yun Feiyang explained.

The side effects of the three changes of the God of War soul depends on his burning blood and the power of the explosion.

After the excitation just now, it only took a little bit of power, and the maintenance time was not long, so even if there are side effects, you can temporarily suppress it.

"So it turns out."

Shen Xiaoyu realized, but he was even more puzzled: "Your martial arts that enhance the strength was once exhibited in the Little God Realm, and now it reaches the level of the fairy king, and it can bring help. It is a bit magical."


Yun Fei Yang said: "I am also puzzled."

It stands to reason that the three changes of the God of War soul body was realized by relying on a certain martial art in God Realm. Although it is unique, after coming to the real martial arts domain, it must be very low-level compared with higher martial arts.

However, as his realm continues to improve, each time the God of War soul body changes, the strength increase is still very significant.

You know, as far as Yun Feiyang’s current strength is concerned, the previous martial arts have basically been eliminated. The three changes of the God of War soul can always help him, which is really incredible.

Shen Xiaoyu said: "You should have heard of blood awakening?"

"heard about it."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Shen Xiaoyu leaned on his chin and said, "According to my guess, your martial art that changes hair color and greatly improves its strength is very similar to the martial art after blood awakening."


Yun Feiyang's smile froze.

The three changes of his own God of War soul, is a martial art after blood awakening?

"Light rain!"

Yun Feiyang seriously said: "You mean, there may be a certain kind of blood in my body?"

Shen Xiaoyu shook his head and said: "This is just my guess. Only by entering the blood pool to verify, can you know if there is a certain blood line in your body."

"Blood pool?"

Yun Feiyang hurriedly asked: "Where?"

Suddenly, he was involved in the possibility that he may have ethnic blood, which made him eager to make sure!

Shen Xiaoyu spread his hands: "The bloodline pool is in the hands of my great-grandfather, who is not in the real martial arts realm, and you have no chance even if you want to test."

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

When he was in the Taiwu domain, he learned from Shen Hao's mouth that Master left the Zhenwu God Realm, and when he came back, there was no specific time at all.


With the improvement of the realm, the three changes of the God of War soul body can always maintain a certain strength increase, and Yun Feiyang noticed it from the beginning.

Today, Shen Xiaoyu suddenly pulled on the martial arts of blood awakening, and suddenly made him think about it irrationally.

"No, no."

"There must be a mystery!"

Sitting on the beast and animal, Yun Feiyang has been thinking about the past, thinking that he was confused and learned from other martial arts the three changes of the God of War soul At that time, he thought that he was talented, It can be transformed from the martial arts of others.

Now think about it, this is not normal.

The three changes of one's own God of War soul, if it is a blood martial art, then it can be understood and used now, it is reasonable!


Yun Feiyang was upset and said: "Master, where are you going to die, appear quickly, take out the blood vein pool, let me verify the blood vein!"

"Stop thinking."

Shen Xiaoyu said: "If you really have blood, even if you don't verify it, it's a fact. If you don't, you still haven't verified it. Treat it calmly."

This is true, but he wants to know urgently, if he has blood, what kind of race will it be?

"Maybe... handsome."

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