Super God

Chapter 2102: Once again into the Soro domain

() With the efforts of Yun Feiyang, Zhenwu God Territory not only fully covered the space teleportation array, but also popularized the fairy stone formation array created by Liu Rou.

There is no doubt that as time goes by, the martial arts in the domain obtains resources at a lesser price, and their strength will inevitably increase overall.

Later, Yun Feiyang set up nine large military bases in various domains, and arranged various training formations to strengthen the soldiers' combat effectiveness.

In the battle against the Barbarians, it is certainly not possible to rely on the strength of soldiers alone. The main thing is to have a stronger backbone.

Therefore, Yun Feiyang summoned all the king-level warriors to carry out unified training, so that they can improve their combat effectiveness in the shortest time.

"Oh my God!"

"The time flow rate here seems to be hundreds of times that of the outside world!"

In the time array method, the king-level warrior who had just walked in was suddenly shocked when he felt the time flow rate of different outside world.

However, what makes them even more shocked is that there are still far stronger world attributes and morals in the formation.

"This is definitely a treasure land!"

Many martial artists were very excited and immediately sat down to practice.

Under such a good cultivation environment, they will definitely not waste a minute and a second.

Time has passed, and the past two years have passed.

The king-level warriors in the real martial arts domain have further improved their strength under the acceleration of time and the cultivation of stronger attributes.

During this period, many warriors broke through to the little fairy king, and even the big fairy king, so that the core strength of the Zhenwu God Realm has been significantly improved.

Tian Dao, who was originally dissatisfied with the behavior of Yun Feiyang forcing many immortal emperors to go to the field, saw the overall strength of the domain improved and gradually changed his mind.


In just two years.

The strength of Zhenwu God Territory has been significantly improved, and the king-level strongman alone has broken from more than 10,000 before to more than 30,000 in one fell swoop.

The big Xianwang-level strongman has reached more than 5,000 from the scale of a thousand people.

Relying on the acceleration of the time of the ring of fortune and stronger morality, the four generals such as Huangfu Jian and Tie Yinghao also successfully entered the immortal emperor class.

After the soldiers were strong and strong, Yun Feiyang stood on the emperor city tower, looking at the nine vortexes hanging in the sky, saying: "It is time to send troops."

the next day.

Five million troops were assembled in the Imperial City.

Many of them are locals in the domain. After two years of Zhugejin training, they already have the strength to enter the battlefield.

There are also emperor and king-level strongmen from various domains on the school ground, all of which glance at the war intentions.

Two years ago, they knew they would be killed in the barbaric realm, so they prepared for the battle well in advance.

"You guys."

Yun Feiyang stood on the pedestal stand and said, "Going to the barbaric territory, you may fight the battlefield, but in order to stabilize the territory, we must fight blood to the end!"

"The **** battle!"

Millions of soldiers shouted in unison, the sound was trembling.


Yun Feiyang sacrificed the Hunyuan Qiankun sword. The sword pointed to a vortex and shouted: "Start!"



Emperor Po Guxian and Emperor Liuli flew out in one step, while Luo Mu and Yunli and others led a mighty army of five million to keep up.

In this attack on the Barbaric Realm, the True Martial God Territory sent out 36 emperor-level strong men, comparable to the 80 immortal emperor-level men, and 35,000 immortal kings!

And this is definitely the power of the whole world.


Shen Hao hanging in the sky, looking at the vast crowd, said with emotion: "The little guy actually pulled the strength of one domain to fight against other domains."

Yun Feiyang would definitely collapse if he heard it.

We are very serious in launching wars, why in your mouth, have you become a fight between scammers?


Solo domain.

After many emperors returned, they were upset.

Zhenwu God Territory suddenly added a second immortal emperor who killed the emperor-level strongman, which was a big threat to them.

Later, for this purpose, a meeting of imperial powers was deliberately held to discuss how to target Yun Feiyang.

Some Emperor Huang suggested that organizing all forces to attack Zhenwu God Territory, no matter how painful it is, it must be won.

Some emperors suggested that they should cultivate themselves and wait for the third invasion after the soldiers were strong.

After some intense discussions, the strong Solomon domain reached a consensus and chose to rest and recuperate. After all, from the perspective of the attributes of the two domains, our own side has an absolute advantage.

that's it.

Solo World began to rejuvenate.

However, two years later, Yun Feiyang led a five million army and many emperor-level strongmen to appear in the sky of the Solo World.

"not good!"

"That guy led the army and killed again!"

In the city below the vortex, many of the Solo Warriors saw Yun Feiyang, and their faces changed greatly.

Yun Dachen God had previously attacked Solo World and successively broke through cities, leaving them a huge psychological shadow.



In the sky, a famous emperor flew over and hung across the army, his face was extremely ugly.

Once they invaded the Zhenwu God Territory and crushed it with a huge advantage, but now they were killed by the other party to their own realm for the second time, which is really difficult to accept.

Especially the Emperor Huang, who had previously escaped from Zhenwu God Territory, saw Yun Feiyang, and his eyes flashed with deep fear.


Flying over the cloud, after stabilizing his body, he sneered: "Last time I let you run away, I dare to come over."

Many Emperor Huang's words suddenly twitched, and one of them hurriedly said: "This son is the murderer who kills two Emperors!"

Chasing the cloud shocked: "How is it possible!"

He learned from the return of Emperor Huangdi that there was an Immortal Emperor in Zhenwu God Territory, who shot successively, spiked and severely damaged two Huangdi Emperors.

At first, I was still thinking about what a formidable powerhouse.

Yun Feiyang, who was told that he had chased him, didn't believe it.

This is understandable.

After all, Yun Feiyang at that time, in the face of chasing the emperor such as chasing the cloud, can only flee in embarrassment.

In a short period of time, he was promoted to the emperor level and possessed the strength of killing the Emperor. Unless he saw it with his own eyes, no one would believe it.


Suddenly, the streamer flashed.

Yun Feiyang appeared in front of Chasing Cloud and said coldly, "This Emperor came to take your dog's life this time."


Between speeches, the vast Diwei carried the law of space, directly forming a strong binding force.

Chasing the cloud, who was still questioning, couldn't move his body, especially when he felt the horrible coercion, his face changed suddenly!

At this time, he believed!

A guy who was chased and killed by himself a few years ago now has the power over himself. How did he do it?

Chasing the cloud has no time to consider this issue, because Yun Fei banged with a punch, and the power he carried was extremely terrifying.

"not good!"

He was A strong breath of death came to my heart instantly.


Yun Feiyang punched through the cloud chasing the chest, protruding the palm of his hand, holding the latter's still beating heart.


Chasing the cloud eyes is about to break.

"All military orders."

Yun Feiyang grabbed the hot heart and said coldly: "In the shortest time, take all the cities in the whole region!"


Five million troops, led by Luo Mu and the Lunar calendar, landed in front of the city below and launched the most violent siege.

When his army attacked, Yun Feiyang crushed his heart, and at this point, Solo World once again lost a great emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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