Super God

Chapter 2103: Imperial chaos

() Yun Feiyang, who has just arrived in the Soro region, wiped out a desolate emperor-level strongman on the spot, which is quite strong.


He drew back his **** hands and looked at the other emperors in the distance, Lengsen said: "You are going to die too!"

The Solomons had a cold behind, but they also glared at Yunfei.

Admittedly, this kid's strength is terrifying, but in his own territory, there are so many emperors, how could he be afraid of him?

From the top strength, Solo World has the upper hand, because they have as many as seventy emperor-level strongmen, far higher than the thirty-six people on the side of Zhenwu God Territory.

"You guys."

A barren emperor shouted: "We must work together to fight against the enemy!"

This sentence has been recognized by all the emperor-level strongmen, and their own power of emperor power has erupted!

Once in the Realm God Realm, they can escape back to Solo World, but now at home, where can they escape?

Therefore, it is the wisest choice to fight against the enemy.

However, the emperor-level powerhouses of Zhenwu God Territory were not willing to show their weakness, and opened their own aura to form a confrontation with the other party.

"You guys."

Yun Fei said: "You can do it."



Po Guxian Emperor and others immediately flew away, each condensing the power of a strong emperor.

They were very excited, because instead of passively defending at their doorstep, they came to the enemy's side and burst into the realm.

When the powerful of the Real Martial God Realm moved, the emperors of the Solo Kingdom also shot one after another. In a moment, the two powerful domains immediately slayed together.

of course.

Yun Feiyang, who has the strength to kill the Emperor Seconds, has become the focus of many Emperors.



More than a dozen emperors flew by themselves and surrounded him.

"A group of garbage."

Yun Feiyang waved with one hand, offering the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, and a strong sword suddenly broke out around him.


More than a dozen Emperor Huang Qi shot together and immediately launched a devastating attack.

For a time, space was shattered.

Although Yun Feiyang is extremely arrogant, but a person faced so many emperors, he certainly wouldn't dare to make a hard connection, so he can only help him by crossing Yunbu.

Fortunately, the speed is fast enough to be able to escape, so that the other party can not help him.

Yun Feiyang dragged more than a dozen emperors.

However, Po Guxian Emperor and others were depressed. After all, the number of the powerful Solo Emperor Huang Emperor class was large, and the situation was immediately besieged by two Emperor Huang.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the heavens, Emperor Liuli stiffly carried the two emperors, but after a brief confrontation, he fell downwind and was beaten with no power to fight back.

The same is true of Changhong Immortal Emperor and Xingyue Immortal Emperor, who can only retreat under the attack of multiple Huang Emperors.

of course.

Not all immortal emperors are passive.

For example, the East Emperor Taiyi, a person fighting alone two emperors, crushing them extremely miserable.

Lin Zhixi, Liang Yin and Xuanyuan Wentian also performed very well, and pressed their opponents one after another.

From the perspective of the situation, the top strength of Zhenwu God Territory is passive as a whole, but there are also many flash points. The two sides want to divide the victory and defeat, and it will take time.


Between the heavens, the emperor-level strongmen of the two domains put their hands together, and the one they called was terrifying.

In the following city, Luo Mu and Yunli led the army and launched a fierce siege.

Unlike the former passive, the Zhenwu God Territory army with excellent equipment and super fighting power is like a sickle, madly harvesting a city.

Not only did the soldiers in the Soro region have no resistance, even the king-level strongmen who came to the rescue were also disarmed by the lost helmets killed by Luo Mu.


Seeing this, a waste emperor angeredly gathered the strength of the powerful prestige, and wanted to bomb all the enemy soldiers in the city.

However, before the shot was made, a strong sword gas burst from the left side.

Yun Feiyang shot, he certainly will not let the other party bombard his soldiers unscrupulously.

"not good!"

The Emperor Huang was shocked, and he would avoid it immediately.

However, the speed of Yun Feiyang's sword was extremely fast. As soon as the idea of ​​evading thoughts rose, the sword's breath came.


The sword gas flashed, bringing a **** rain.

The Emperor Huang who was about to escape, his right arm separated from his body instantly.


The screams came.


Yun Feiyang appeared in front of the Emperor Huang, who lost his right arm, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword suddenly slammed, directly cutting off the other party's head.

More than a dozen emperors from behind came to see it, and they all breathed air, but for the purpose of Solo World, even if they were afraid of the flying power of the cloud, they could not retreat at this time. Extinguish!


More than a dozen shortages broke out together, and all kinds of gorgeous quantities came from all directions.

Yun Feiyang smiled coldly, stepped on the cloud walk, flew out of the rain of bullets, and then looked for the next target.

With his current strength, he can't contend with more than ten Huang Di, but if he plays guerrilla tactics, he can definitely die one by one.

No, after avoiding the other party's attack, Yun Feiyang locked his eyes on the Huangdi who was fighting with Huangfu Jian, and then quickly rushed over.


The sword light flickered and it was sharp.

The Emperor Huang, who had just battled with Huangfu Jian, suddenly raised an ominous sign in his heart, and said horror: "Not good..."


Before he had finished, he carried the sword gas of supremacy on his back, and severe pain came instantly.

Later, Huang Fujian, who was keeping up, seized the opportunity and took one step. The vast force was poured into the spear and penetrated directly through the chest of the other party!

It is impossible for Huangfu Jian to break through to the level of Immortal Emperor, without Yunfei flying to help, and want to kill an old qualified Emperor.


Seeing another desolate emperor fall, dozens of powerful men chased after him.

They did not disperse or bombard Huangfujian, but continued to chase Yunfeiyang. After all, this talent is the biggest threat. As long as he is removed, the emperor-level strongman of Zhenwu God Territory is not worth mentioning!


Yun Feiyang, who has crossed the Yunbu, threw them several streets in speed, and trying to catch up is undoubtedly a dream.



Yun Da cheap **** relies on the rapid speed from time to time, sometimes from behind to attack the barking emperors.

In only half an hour, Po Guxian Emperor and others relied on his help to either bomb or kill their opponents.

Gradually, Zhenwu God Realm took the initiative.

But the emperors of Solo World are worried about being attacked The more they fight, the more they will become more and more passive, and the more they will be passive.

Another hour passed.

Under the attack of Yun Feiyang, six emperors have fallen.

Such a situation is definitely not conducive to the Soro domain, so the wild emperors who are chasing behind the buttocks begin to think about countermeasures, how can they limit the extremely fast guy.


Suddenly, a continuous mountain range below, surging waves of turbulence, and immediately saw a bearded old man coming at speed.

This person's eyes flashed sharply, and the power of Diwei exploded throughout his body, which was not inferior to that of Emperor Taiyi.

"this is……"

The emperors of the Solomon Territory stunned and immediately rejoiced: "Avatar of Dao Demon Ancestor!"

(End of this chapter)

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