Super God

Chapter 2104: Dao Ancestor Doppelganger

()In the endless mountain range, a stream of light flew out suddenly, and the power carried was extremely violent, as if the storm was blasting!


Yun Fei, immersed in the fun of sneak attacks, frowned as he felt the breath sweeping in.

Intuition tells him that the power carried in the streamer rushing up is far more than any of the emperor-level strongmen present!

did not expect.

There is such a strong man in Solo.

It was at this moment that Yun Feiyang heard many Emperors of the Wasteland exclaiming: "The ancestor of Dao De Patriarch!"


Dao Patriarch?

Yun Feiyang's complexion suddenly changed.

Nangong Mo injury, who is fighting other emperors, and many old family powerhouses also appeared shocked.

Yun Feiyang had never seen Dao De Patriarch.

However, it was learned from Gongye Lihe's mouth that it had been suppressed by Master Taiwu a long time ago.

"What a joke!"

Nangong Changsi said: "Isn't he suppressed by Taiwu's predecessors, why is he still in the barbaric domain!"

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched violently.

He is very mad and arrogant, but he also knows that the guy who can let the master personally suppress the crackdown is definitely terrifying!


It was at this time that the old man of Xufa rushed up, shrouded in horror waves, as if turning into a big hand covering the sky and the sun!

At that moment, the emperor-level strongman present felt the power of the law contained in the breath that swept through, all embarrassed and raised a strong sense of inferiority!


The old man of Xufa shouted: "Dare to offend me solo domain, next year will be your death day!"

The voice also contains the power of the supreme rule. Many emperor-level powerful people heard the words and suddenly turned their blood and blood!

"too strong!"

Everyone was horrified.

With just one sentence, he lost his mind, and the strength of this magic ancestor is absolutely above the emperor!

The emperors of the Solo World were extremely excited.

In their view, Dao Mo Ancestor's avatar shot, certainly can easily wipe out all the people of Zhenwu God Realm!


Yun Feiyang stood in the air and said coldly: "Any avatar, dare to speak in front of the Emperor?"

Admittedly, the breath is very powerful.

But he also understands that this is just an avatar, not a true deity.

Master Zuo can suppress the attack by himself. The Dao De Patriarch is certainly very powerful, but how can he be afraid of a doppelganger himself!


Yun Feiyang's eyes flickered with a strong fighting intent, and the mixed Yuan Qiankun sword gleamed in light.

"This guy……"

Po Guxian Emperor and others were startled and said: "Are you going to shoot?!"

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yun Feiyang was within a thousand feet of his body, and a stream of streamers appeared, turning into a sharp sword gas with extreme speed.

And after all the sword qi was fully presented, under the control of the master Xiannian, he quickly moved closer to the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and instantly formed a giant sword!


Yun Feiyang suddenly slashed and said: "Destroy me!"


The giant sword condensed by thousands of sword qi slammed down, and the horror sword intention carried by it seemed to tear the heaven and earth of Solo World instantly!

The fairy emperor and the waste emperor who witnessed this scene were all appalled.

Especially Changhong Immortal Emperor and Xingyue Immortal Emperor, when the two felt the sway of the sword, the heart was deeply shocked.

If he didn't give up the Western Regions at that time, this guy would do such an overbearing sword move, and he would definitely be dead!

After the achievement of Immortal Emperor, Yun Feiyang killed many emperor-level strongmen, but never really broke out.

Faced with the attacking Daozu ancestors now, he let go completely.

You can't let go, because the opponent is too strong, if you don't use the real one, there must be big trouble.


The giant sword crashed down, directly facing the ancestor of Dao De Patriarch, and the scattered forces first collided together.


Strong collisions produce disturbing sounds, and the surrounding space is even more shattered.


Suddenly, a deafening voice came.

Only saw the giant sword slashing in front of the majestic waves condensed by the Dao De Patriarch's avatar.

Suddenly, a violent wind swelled, and the force of fierce sword and law swarmed out, disturbing everything in the world.

At that moment, the rocks and vegetation turned into nothingness.

Among them, the emperor-level strongmen changed their faces one by one, and immediately turned their minds to resist that terrible power!

Look at the war zone again.

The giant sword formed by Yun Feiyang is glued to the gas field condensed by the Dao De Patriarch, and no one can help each other!

"how is this possible!"

Many Huangdi looks horrified.

The Dao Mo ancestor as the strongest existence of the Soro domain, as early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, has already reached the emperor, and why can the immortal emperor of the real martial arts domain contend with it? !

Many immortal emperors and powerful ancient families were also shocked.

Thinking in my heart, Yun Feiyang is now strong enough, can he compete with Emperor Emperor?


It was at this time that the powerful giant sword gained an advantage in the confrontation, severely tearing the line of defense against the waves and cutting a huge gap!

"Oh my God!"

Everyone exclaimed.


Yun Feiyang waved his sword again, cast his Ningjian decision, and gathered a giant sword to cut it off.


The second giant sword was chopped on the torrential weather wave, tearing it fiercely. After the latter suffered heavy damage one after another, it suddenly wiped out the world.

After the wave like a big hand was broken, Dao De Patriarch's avatar appeared, flashing and shocked in the muddy eyes.


There was stillness in the sky of Solo World, and all the imperial warriors were staring at Yun Fei.

It is hard for them to believe that such a young emperor-level warrior would actually destroy the two swords of the power of Emperor Dao and his ancestor!


Zhang Jianhong said in the Zhenwu God Realm, watching the battle through the endless starry sky: "After this kid became an immortal emperor, his strength really exploded."

Qian Rushan said: "I haven't used the secret technique of changing hair color, it should not be the strongest eruption now."

The war **** soul body of Yun Da cheap **** has changed three times, becoming the most representative move, so he guessed that as long as he didn't show it, he wouldn't explode in the end.

"The Dao Patriarch's avatar is too weak."

Shen Hao shook his was full of disappointment in his eyes.


Qian Rushan said with a smile: "I know, you want to fight against the strong man above the emperor, but don't expect the Dao Patriarch's avatar. After all, the deity was suppressed by Taiwu's predecessors, and the avatar's strength is definitely reduced."


Shen Hao spread his hands and said helplessly: "The current strength of this doppelganger is a little stronger than that of ordinary emperor-level strongmen, and it is far from the emperor."

It is no wonder that the two swords of Yun Da cheap **** broke the power of Emperor Wei.

In fact, he was aware of this point, so he dared to make a sturdy sword, otherwise he would have to flee.

Of course, Dao Mo's ancestors were suppressed by Taiwu after all. Although their avatars' strength was greatly reduced, they were not comparable to ordinary emperor-level strongmen. They were able to achieve two swords, and their strength is still worthy of recognition!

(End of this chapter)

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