Super God

Chapter 2106: Yun's first clan lineage!

()Chapter 2106 The Yun Family Clan!

The giant sword that condenses countless sabers and several laws directly bombards the land of the Solo World, producing horrific sword marks.


The wind screamed in the sky, as cold as a sword.

Many emperor-level powerhouses not far from the war zone were trembling, and their eyes were horrified.

Yun Feiyang cut off with a sword, and the power he carried was absolutely the most deadly and terrifying for them!


The wind stopped.

The Great Sword bombardment area resumed as before.

The strong players in the field found that Dao De Ancestor's avatar was gone!

It's not that it wasn't that it was. After Yun Feiyang cut off with a sword, the avatar disappeared into nothingness on the spot.

no way.

The Yun Da cheap **** holds the Hundred Yuan Qiankun sword, and uses the God of War soul body to change one or two.

Shen Hao wondered: "The power that this kid just cut with a sword has been infinitely close to the median six-grade imperial level."

"Lying trough!"

Zhang Jianhong said: "So tough?"

Although I just knew the division of the emperor-level realm, it is also clear that at this level, the power improvement between the first grade is extremely terrifying and difficult!

Wang Jin said with his chin in his arms: "What secret method does the kid play, can he increase his combat power so much?"

Shen Hao thought for a while and said, "As far as I know, the ancient Yun clan has a secret method of the big soul blood veins, which will make the martial artists change their color when excited."

Qian Rushan surprised: "Is this guy a descendant of the Yun family?"


Shen Hao seemed to find something, and looked at the distant universe, then smiled and said: "I was not sure just now, and now I am convinced that the kid is a descendant of the Yun family."


The brothers were stunned.

Immediately captured in that vast universe, there are several streamers coming at extremely fast speed.

These are the four martial artists. They are wearing uniforms and have the word'Yun's' engraved on their chests, so they are surprised: "Yun's family descendants?"


Besides, Yun Feiyang, when he cut off the Dao De Patriarch ancestor, gently retracted the sword, and glanced coldly at the waste emperors of Solo World.


Emperor Huanghuang shuddered suddenly.

Even the ancestors of the ancestors were annihilated with a sword, they already realized that this young man's strength is terrible!

How to do?

Is it a fight or a flight?

Many emperors were entangled.

But thinking of here as your own home and your own territory, where can you escape?

"You guys!"

A waste emperor said angrily: "This son must have cast some kind of mystery just now. I'll wait for the shot together, and I can definitely wipe it out!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone agreed.

They broke out for cultivation, and their eyes were locked on Yun Feiyang.

At this time, the powerful Solomon domain already cared about breaking the ancient immortal emperor and others, but secretly decided that no matter what the price was paid, this young man with the most threats would be killed!

"A group of garbage, what is the right to kill me the Yun family clan?"

Suddenly, an arrogant voice came from the sky.

Many emperors were shocked and turned their heads together to see that the four children of the family wearing special costumes stood proudly.

Who are they?

When did it appear?

The emperor-level strongmen present, together with Yunfeiyang, did not capture the arrival of the four martial artists!

Of course, the most striking thing is the word'Yun's' engraved on their chests.

Dong Huang Taiyi frowned and said, "Yun clan lineage?"


The leader of the four warriors looked at Donghuang Taiyi, and said with a faint smile: "Unexpectedly, in this backcountry, I can still meet the descendants of the Donghuang family."

"Boom! Boom!"

As soon as the words fell, several emperors from the distance exploded into a blood rain.

At the first sight of the Emperor Dong, cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

In the middle of speaking, it is easy to kill several emperor-level strongmen, the descendants of the Yun family, the strength must have reached the upper emperor level!

After solving several emperors, the leader looked at Yunfeiyang and smiled, "What's your name?"


Yun Feiyang replied.

Leading humane said: "Without the blood pool cultivating, you will excite the secret method of the big soul blood vein to the third change. You have a little skill."

Yun Feiyang was silent.

He doesn't think this guy is boasting about himself.

The leader looked at the bottom, and then at the strong players of Solo, and said with a smile: "If you guess right, you seem to be in trouble."

Yun Fei said: "The trouble is, but the problem is not big."

The leader said with a smile: "Although you are a side branch, but you can also be regarded as the same race, these are all left to us to deal with."

"Brush! Brush!"

Behind the three Yun family clan descendants flew, and gathered the power of terrifying Emperor Wei and the law!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In a very short period of time, dozens of great emperors were either exploded or killed directly.

Po Guxian Emperor and others looked shocked, after all, they were not weaker than their own emperor-level powerhouses, and were so easily abused and killed.

Yun Fei raised his brows tightly.

At this moment, he will not doubt that the four young people who belong to the Yun family are far stronger than himself!

At that moment, I finally understood why Yun neutron went to the cloud domain with emperor-level realm, why was he expelled!


After a quarter of an hour.

All the emperors in the Solo region were killed.

Even if they run away, even if they join forces to resist, it will not help, and they will not be able to escape.

Witnessing the killing of all powerful men of the same emperor level, the hearts of the ancient Emperor Po and others were shocked.

Emperor-level is the strongest existence in the domain, but in front of the Yun clan's lineage, it has become so vulnerable that it has caused them great blows.

Ordinarily, the top powerhouses in Solo World were killed, it should be a happy thing, but Yun Feiyang was not happy, but instead frowned.

Intuition tells him that these Yun's descendants who are related to himself are by no means helping themselves!


After solving the Solomon Power, the leader said lightly: "Don't think that we are helping you, just don't want others to bully the descendants of the Yun clan at random, even if you are the most insignificant sideline."

"The lowest sideline?"

Yun Fei raised his brow tighter.

In the case of pure blood theory, he said that he was a sideline. He had no opinion, but adding a minimum to the front was obviously an insult.


Lin Zhixi secretly said.

He knows Yun Feiyang's character very must be hard to tolerate such insults by others.


The leader smiled faintly: "Say you are the lowest sideline, are you not happy yet?"

Yun Feiyang shrugged: "If someone says you are a trash, would you be happy to accept it?"

"Ay Ya I gi."

"This kid is a little arrogant."

The three sisters behind him suddenly grinned.

The leader said lightly: "This problem does not exist because no one dares to say it in front of me."

"is it."

Yun Feiyang raised the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, pointing at the arrogant young man, throwing a voice: "You are a garbage."

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