Super God

Chapter 2107: Give Shen a face

"You are a trash."

The six words were thrown to the ground and passed through the sky so that any emperor-level strongman present could hear it.

Po Guxian Emperor and others suddenly twitched.

Worthy of being an arrogant fairy emperor, dare to humiliate by pointing at the other person's nose.

Lin Zhixi liow frowned, thinking, this guy started to die again, and this time he must be in big trouble.

"It's over, it's over..."

Eastern Emperor Tai Yi collapsed.

In his limited cognition, the descendants of the ancient Yun clan are mostly arrogant people. Yun Feiyang pointed to his nose and said that people's trash is definitely difficult to give up.

as predicted.

When the leader heard the words, there was a trace of anger in the eyebrows, and Shen said, "Are you talking about me?"


The whole body space becomes blurred, and the power of a gurgling strong power is beating wildly.

The cold sweat on Donghuang Taiyi's forehead increased again, because the other party released the law, and a strong pressure was invisible!

Behind them, the three Yun family members looked at Yun Feiyang in misfortune and secretly said: "Boy, you are so kind, you dare to humiliate Yun Qing, and you might be afraid of being tortured to die."

"no no."

Yun Feiyang shook his head.

The Emperor Dong was relieved.

It seems that this guy also realizes that the other party is too strong and is ready to admit.

"I mean."

Yun Feiyang glanced at the three Yun family members and said, "All four of you are rubbish."


The Emperor Dong was so dumbfounded.

In the distance, Po Guxian Emperor and others also opened their mouths one by one, and their hearts collapsed extremely.

This kid was not enough to humiliate one, and he also humiliated the other three Yun's descendants who could kill Emperor Famine. This is really fancy death!


Lin Zhixi shook his head and sighed.

With Yun Feiyang's arrogant and unruly character, she said nothing like this, and she was not surprised.

"A low-level sideline is so arrogant!"

"It's unbearable!"

The three Yun family members who were still in grief and grief heard the guy humiliating himself, and his eyes suddenly burst into anger.


Yun Qing clapped and smiled: "Dare to humiliate us so arrogantly, you are really brave.

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said: "No need to thank, I just let you know that in the world, some people dare to say that you are garbage."

Everyone almost fell.

Brother, you humiliate people so much, don't thank me, did you realize that it would only make the other party more angry!

Yun Feiyang doesn't care about the other party's anger or anger, and is unhappy because it is called the lowest sideline, so if he can stimulate with words, he will be stimulated fiercely.

Oh shit.

Lao Tzu is not born to lose money!

Yun Feiyang is very courageous and very deadly, so once again emphasizing that Yun Qing is garbage, the other party's eyes gradually become gloomy.


The power of the cohesive law of the whole body suddenly boils, making the space more twisted.

"Yun Qing is angry!"

"This kid is going to be unlucky!"

The three Yunshi descendants immediately stepped back to make room for him.


Breaking ancient fairy emperors and others cold sweat DC.

Yun Qing's momentum exploded, making the pressure in the space stronger, even if they were far away, it was a bit unbearable!

"This son!"

Emperor Dongyi hurriedly said: "Say something!"

Although he doesn't agree with Yun Feiyang until now, he is the daughter's husband and carefree father. He must come forward to protect him.

Yun Qing said lightly: "If it is the elder of the Donghuang family, I can still sell my personal feelings to you, but there is a minimum level of sideline, what is the right to nag here?"


The emperor of the Eastern Emperor's face was very green, and the Yun's sister-in-law was one of the most inferior. His speech was too unpleasant.

It is undeniable that although he awakened the bloodline, from the lineage, it really belongs to the side lineage, because the true lineage of the Donghuang family lives in the ancestral land.

"father in law."

Yun Fei said: "Ignore this garbage."

Hearing the word "garbage" again, Yun Qing's eyes flashed through a strong murderous opportunity, and then took a step forward, and his right hand suddenly darted out.

"Hoo!" As he moved like this, the power of the laws condensed around him instantly roared.

Yun Feiyang has been vigilant, but after the other party really started, he realized that he was not only incapable of avoiding, he didn't even catch his movement!

The strength is quite different!


Yun Qing grabbed it with his hands, and the erupting power and the resulting pressure directly shattered the pressure of the surrounding space.

Any emperor-level strongman on the scene, after being eroded by Yu Wei, the body's blood and blood suddenly boiled, and there is a possibility of squirting!

This Yun Family is too terrible.


A Yun's heir said: "Brother Qing's understanding of the handwriting of the Great Compassion has reached its peak."

Handprint of compassion.

The Yun family inherited martial arts.

Only after experiencing the blood pool development, and truly awakening, can you succeed in cultivation.

Every ancestor of the Yun Family will practice the handprint of compassion after awakening the bloodline, but there are very few who truly realize the summit.

"There have always been rumors within the clan. Yun Qing may be able to rise above the emperor within 15,000 years of Shou Yuan, and now it seems that it should be true."

"If it does, it will inevitably break the record of the youngest Yun clan breaking through the emperor."

The three Yun's heirs talked quietly, but they didn't even look at Yun Feiyang because they knew that this guy must die under the handprint of great compassion!


Yun Qing waved his hand and proudly said, "Today I am Yun Qing, on behalf of the Yun pronounce you the lowest sideline death penalty!"

"death penalty?"

The bound Yun Fei flew, his eyes split, and a stripe line appeared on his neck and face instantly, angrily said: "You **** old!"


A gurgling strong wave erupted from all around him, making him look as if he was running away!

"not good!"

Luo Mu, Yunli and others said in shock: "Brother Fei Yang burns the godhead!"

They possess the magical powers of the gods, and have 206 lines of gods.

Don't forget, Yun Feiyang also has his own God of War personality, and it has been perfectly repaired long ago!

He hadn't burned all the time.

Because the cost is too high, it is even more terrifying than the third deity of the God of War soul!

Not really.

The third change cost is nothing more than madness, people are at least alive, and the cost of burning the dignity is direct burping, direct soul flying!

Seeing Yun Feiyang burning his dignity, Lin Zhixi suddenly lost his face and shouted in a panic: "Fei Yang, stop now!"


It's too late.

Yun Feiyang's soul has already communicated with more than 200 gods, and he has begun to burn... Wait, I don't know when, Shen Hao stood in front of him, with one hand clasped on his wrist!

"call out!"

Powerful forces poured into the body instantly, overbearingly cut off the connection between the soul and the divine personality, and the rising flame suddenly extinguished.

"Senior Shen, can't you finally come out?" Yun Fei raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he was stopped in his expectation.

"Too foolish."

Shen Hao accused him, turned to Yun Qing and smiled, "This little friend, is it feasible to give Shen a certain face?"

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