Super God

Chapter 2121: Get a good dragon

Before dawn, the patriarchs and princes were ordered to rush into the dragon palace hall.

"Guo Lao, is my emperor summoning us so early? Is there anything important?"


The old man looked dignified.

There have been premature dynasties before, but this is the first time it has been encountered, so everyone thinks there must be an emergency.

Soon, everyone rushed to the hall and saw Yun Feiyang standing at the first place with his hands on his back and a smile on his face.

"Why is he here too?"

Everyone was even more confused.

You should know that outsiders should not participate in such deliberations.

"Long live my emperor!"

The princes and ministers came to the hall and saluted them respectfully.

Long Huang, who waited for a long time, waved his hand and motioned for his body.

"My emperor."

The old man got up and said, "Is there something going on in this early dynasty?"

"Not bad."

Dragon Emperor's expression solemnly said: "Great things."

Everyone heard the words and suddenly became serious.

In the middle of the night, the ministers were summoned. This matter must be very big and urgent!

The old man was shocked and said: "Dakunyu sent troops to kill?"

The Longyu ancestral land has hundreds of thousands of light in and out of it. There is a domain called Dakunyu. There have been grudges between the two, which have been fighting for tens of thousands of years.

In the view of Pao Lao, this major event must have been sent by the enemy again.

The Dragon Emperor shook his head and said, "No, no."


Pao Lao and everyone stunned.

Since Da Kunyu hasn't been killed, how big is the matter?

Reminiscing that Yun Feiyang was also there, the old man seemed to have a sense, and secretly said: "Does my emperor want to formally implement the previous plan to let Yun Feiyang marry my dragon daughter?"

The Dragon Emperor did not plan to sell Guanzi anymore, and said with a smile: "The major event that this Emperor wants to talk about today is related to the rise and fall of my Dragon Clan, and may even be recorded in history forever."


The corner of the old man's mouth twitched.

Isn't it just to let a human race nurture the talented and outstanding descendants of my dragon race?

The method is not feasible, and it is still difficult to determine, so my emperor vowed that he would definitely keep the history books forever?

"Yun Xiaoyou."

Long Huang smiled and said: "Show them to them."


Yun Feiyang nodded and waved lightly.

I saw a streamer flying out and landed smoothly on the stone platform in front of the temple. After the light dispersed, it showed an ore with four colors of light.

"what is this?"

Everyone was stunned.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "This is the dragon stone I condensed."

Dragon Stone?

Everyone immediately released the Long Nian exploration, and after touching the ore, they immediately felt that there was an extremely pure world dragon gas inside!

"Oh my God!"

"What a pure dragon spirit!"

"This intensity is at least dozens of times stronger than the dragon spirit of Dragon Field!"

The ministers all looked dull, and an incredible luster appeared in his eyes.

Although they haven't seen the former dragon stone, they know from the record that a common dragon stone contains at least ten times stronger dragon energy than the outside world.

The dragon stone that Yun Feiyang took out contained a dragon gas attribute that was dozens of times stronger than the outside world, and naturally shocked them.

The Dragon Emperor smiled secretly.

You know, he had witnessed Dragon Stone before, and the shock he showed was not weaker than everyone else.

"You guys."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's okay."

"Yun Xiaoyou..."

The old man said excitedly: "Is this dragon stone really made by you?"

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Not bad."

Pao Lao exclaimed: "It's incredible!"

"Sir Dragon Emperor."

Yun Feiyang grinned and said with a smile: "Yun Mou can pass the magic of condensing the immortal stone to the dragon tribe. As a benefit, please give me a hundred dragon pregnant fruits."

"Yun Xiaoyou."

The Dragon Emperor smiled and said: "Don't say a hundred dragon pregnant fruits, even if a hundred dragon pregnant trees, the emperor will give it away."

Being able to condense the dragon stone represents the martial arts of the dragon clan, which can have a more pure absorption of dragon gas to quickly break through.

This is related to the future rise and fall of the Dragon tribe, so let alone Dragon Pregnancy Fruit, what Yun Feiyang wants, the Dragon Emperor will try his best to satisfy.


"Have you heard? Yun Feiyang created Dragon Stone, the strength of the dragon gas inside is dozens of times stronger than the outside world!"

"Of course, I have heard of such a big thing, and I know that Lord Dragon Emperor has carefully selected thousands of people with strong souls and is practicing the method of condensing Dragon Stone with Yunfei."

All the cities in the Longyu ancestors are talking about Yunfeiyang and Longshi, which can be said to be the hottest topic nowadays.

of course.

They also learned that the Dragon Emperor thanked Yun Feiyang and gave him 100 Dragon Pregnancy Fruits and 100 Dragon Pregnancy Trees directly.

In fact, there were still thousands of dragon beauties, but they were declined politely by the **** Yun. After all, there are a bunch of vinegar jars in the house. This must be taken back.

A month later.

Yun Feiyang passed the idea of ​​condensing dragon stone to thousands of well-qualified dragon warriors without secret possession, so that he could condense dragon stone.

Because of their ability problems, their speed and precision of condensing dragon stones are relatively poor, but since then a new era of dragons has been opened.

Because of the development of the years, the dragon clan has a complete training system, and the endless second-generation dragon stones have been created to make the clan breakthrough easier.

As for whether Dragon Qi can be strong, this is not sure.

Because it is necessary to wait for more martial arts to benefit under the Dragon Stone before it can be gradually reflected.

"Sir Dragon Emperor."

Yun Fei said: "Condensing Dragon Stone's mentality, Yunmou has already taught, so he will leave first."

Not only the dragon pregnancy fruit but also the dragon pregnancy tree, and the task is considered completed, it is time to set off for the Yunyu ancestral land.

"Yun Xiaoyou."

The Dragon Emperor is grateful: "You have made such a great contribution to the Dragon Clan. The Emperor decided to make you a first-class Duke."


Yun Feiyang laughed: "I am an outsider, not very good."

The elders and the ministers said: "Yun Xiaoyou created the method of condensing the dragon stone, which has made great achievements and won the first-ranking duke of the dragon family. It is also justified."

They used to resist this human being, but now they admire it.

Yun Feiyang did not deny it, and he gladly accepted that the Dragon Emperor was granted the title and became the first non-Dragon First Duke of the Dragon Territory.

To be honest, he didn't care about the Duke of the first and second class.

The reason why I accept it is that the Dragon Clan is a big clan. Anyway, it is good and harmless to get along with it.

"Yun Xiaoyou."

Before leaving, the Dragon Emperor handed a jade card and said, "This is the Dragon Seal of the Emperor. If he encounters danger in the future, he can crush it. No matter where you are, the Emperor will rush in the first time. To."

"Thank you, Lord Dragon Emperor."

Yun Feiyang collected the dragon seal all, this is a protector above the emperor.

The Dragon Emperor continued: "You are the first-level Duke of the Dragon Territory, and if you need help in the future, my Dragon Clan will definitely go all out to help."


Yun Feiyang nodded and said secretly in his heart: "It seems that helping them create a dragon stone is not the only benefit of a dragon pregnant tree."

In the sight of the Dragon Emperor and the ministers, Yun Feiyang took control of the colorful flowing clouds, and slowly left the ancestral land of the Dragon Territory, and the matter about his creation of the Dragon Stone will definitely leave a deep ink in the history of Dragon Territory!


Long Zhenyu, in the dark mountain forest, looked at the fading light and firmly said: "When I meet again, I will definitely become stronger!"

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