Super God

Chapter 2122: Law fusion

() The colorful flowing cloud car travels slowly in the vast universe, Yun Feiyang enters the ring of fortune, and carefully looks at the dragon's pregnant fruit that reveals the divine atmosphere.

The fruit is similar to ordinary apples, but it contains a special flavor.

"Brother Yun, can you have a baby after eating this dragon fruit?"

Mu Ying asked.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Eating it can ignore the discipline of the world and the order."

"Then I'm better not to eat."

Mu Ying said weakly.

Witnessing the pain of Nangong Mo's childbirth, she was very afraid of having children.

Yun Feiyang collapsed and said: "I spent a lot of my mind on this fruit, how can I not eat it."

"Come on, each one of you."

This guy divided Long Yuguo into Mu Ying, Liang Yin and other women in turn.

Knowing that Yun Feiyang wanted to spread the leaves for the Yun family, all the women could only take the Long pregnant fruit, not to mention that it was quite sweet and delicious.

The role of Longyongguo not only makes women more likely to conceive, but also has the effect of wrinkle and beauty.

All the women had taken the youthful fruit before, but now they take the Longevity fruit, and they have a two-pronged approach, which makes their appearance more beautiful.

As for the Great God Yun, for the Yun family to open branches and leaves, began to work hard to sow, and to achieve even rain and dew.

However, after several months of giving, the women did not move at all, which made him suddenly depressed.

Nangong Mo said: "Taking Long pregnancy fruit just increases the chance of conception, and certainly not easy to succeed."


Yun Feiyang had no choice but to accept the reality, changing from a positive attitude to being free, and put half of his mind on the road.


In the vast universe, the colorful flowing clouds seem to be very slim as if they were in a lonely boat in the endless sea.

Yun Feiyang is always thinking, where is the cloud domain and how powerful is it?

"Dragon race is an ancient ethnic group, the dragon territory inhabited is so powerful, the cloud territory must be only high."

Combined with what Yun neutron said, and Long Zhenyu was despised by the Dragon clan, Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "When you arrive in the cloud, you will certainly not be seen."

Arrogant and arrogant, he certainly will not tolerate contempt, so he must find a way to deal with it.

What way?

The simplest is to prove yourself with strength.

"I don't know how long it will take to go to the cloud this time. I would rather take the opportunity to practice and break through to a higher level."

"Senior Shen once said that at the level of emperor level, if you want to make a breakthrough, you must understand more laws."

The martial arts after entering the emperor level can no longer be improved by relying solely on the attributes of heaven and earth. The most important thing is the law of enlightenment.

Yunfeiyang let the colorful flowing cloud car fly by itself, and the soul entered the ring of fortune, and instantly integrated into the vast universe.

The law is the existence that overrides the attributes and morality, and its perception must be peeped from the universe of heaven and earth.

Yun Fei, who united the mind and soul, just integrated the soul into the universe, and instantly felt the endless laws.

At the same time, the Five Elements Law, the Law of Life, the Law of Space, etc. in the body are infected and lightly flash.

Although Yun Feiyang has many laws of comprehension, compared with the endless laws of the universe, it is really the tip of the iceberg.

"With my current understanding of the law, I need better stability, not to understand the new law."

Greedy and chewy.

So instead of spying on the laws in the universe, he began to stabilize the laws he had mastered.

Yun Feiyang, who has achieved the emperor's rank, has mastered the rules of control, but because there are too many of them and they hold each other's side, all they have to do is integrate.

In the past, he could achieve attribute fusion, regardless of martial arts and kendo, but now he has to do the law fusion, so that he can use it more skillfully.

It's easier said than done.

Relying on the time of the ring of fortune to accelerate, for more than a decade, no progress has been made.

Yun Feiyang knows that this kind of thing is the same as asking for a child. The more anxious, the harder it is to succeed, so he gradually managed to calm down.

Not to mention, it is this kind of random mentality. One day later, his mind suddenly shivered, and the five elements rule and the space rule marvelously merged on their own.

The suddenness of happiness makes Yun Da cheap God rejoice.

When he peered into the depths of Dan Tian, ​​he saw that the two principles of five elements and space were intertwined and shone with a gentle light.


Yun Feiyang puzzled: "Why did the two laws merge? Why did it not bring any benefit?"

After the attribute fusion, not to mention the realm improvement, at least it can increase the strength. Now the rule fusion, nothing has changed, making him very depressed.

What is even more crashing is.

After the two laws were completely fused, Yun Feiyang found them very fragile, as if consuming a lot of energy during the fusion process.

"A bit fucking."

Yun Feiyang began to ingest the five elements and the laws of space in the universe, thereby expanding the laws of fusion.

However, after several years of transportation, the two laws are still in a fragile state, and it seems that they will never be full.

"What exactly is going on?"

Yun Feiyang collapsed a little bit. But he was in the vast universe. Without expert guidance like Shen Hao and Shen Tianxing, he could only continue to deliver energy to the two laws.


One day, Yun Feiyang suddenly discovered that when he ingested the five elements and the laws of space in the universe, his speed was much stronger than before!

"Could it be said that the benefits brought by the fusion of the laws are the faster intake of the two laws?"

A few years later, Yun Feiyang affirmed this idea.

Because as the law of fusion continues to enrich, my own uptake of the five elements and the law of space is getting faster and faster.

In the past, he still needed to release his soul to communicate, but now he doesn't need it at all. As long as his heart moves, the vast five elements and the laws of space will swarm.

What does this stand for?

Representing Yun Feiyang's comprehension of the two laws, he has reached the point of reaching the ultimate level from the extreme, and he can do everything he can, and let it go.



In the vast universe, Yun Fei stood proudly.

The power of vast laws roared, and they condensed around the owner, gradually forming a vortex.

The law contains five elements and space, with pure strength and strong attack power.

Yun Feiyang pointed with one The power of the magnificent law erupted like a turbulent wave, and finally enveloped a meteorite a few light miles away.


The hard meteorite cannot bear the squeeze of the law, crashing into pieces, and turning into small pieces of stone, scattered in the vast universe.

"not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

This is not only good, it is terrifying!

You know, that meteorite has been immersed in the universe for a long time, not only its area is huge, but its defense level is not weaker than the space barriers of the real martial arts domain.

Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved, and the two laws of fusion came rushing, and it was easy to crush it, which is equivalent to destroying half of the True Martial Gods!


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