Super God

Chapter 2123: Red Monster and Black Emperor

() Zhenwu God Territory is, after all, a large territory in the universe. If you want to destroy it, even if it is just the tip of the iceberg, you must have at least the strength of the upper emperor.

After Yun Feiyang merged the two laws, the erupting power could crush meteorites of equal strength, which shows how terrifying the power is.

It is no exaggeration to say.

With his current control of the power of the law, a punch on the real martial arts domain will definitely be able to directly smash a tenth of the area.

Remember, crushing space and crushing domain are two different concepts!

Only Yun Feiyang, who is the fifth-ranked emperor, can do what the superior emperor can do?

Because of the fusion of laws.

Although on the surface, the fusion of the Five Elements and the Law of Space did not bring him substantial help, it greatly raised the upper limit of the two laws.

After the fusion, the two rules look very fragile. In fact, the overall capacity rises, making the previous fullness instantly fall to the bottom.

After years of ingestion, the two laws have been enriched, and naturally will bring Yunfeiyang a stronger law power.

Simply put, two bottles filled with water fuse together and instantly evolve into a large tank.

of course.

After the law is merged, there is a more obvious advantage, that is, the intake speed is faster.

Now Yun Feiyang can not only form a terrorist force, but also ingest and recover faster, so that it is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Realizing the benefits brought about by the fusion of the laws, Yun Dachen God is more looking forward to fusing other laws.

It's just that this kind of thing requires opportunity and time. Therefore, after traveling in the vast universe for several years, the integration of other laws has not happened at all.

Also unmoved are the stomachs of women such as Liang Yin, and even Yun Da cheap **** doubted that the dragon pregnancy fruit given by the Dragon Emperor would be fake?


The laws are difficult to merge again, and the seeds can't be sown, and Yun Feiyang has no difference. He can only continue to hurry.

I don't know how long it took for the colorful rover to fly into a dark and unusually dark universe.

The universe was dark and dull, but Yunfeiyang was the first time to see the five fingers, so Xiannian was released and he was alert to the surroundings, worrying about accidents.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, several lights in front and back, two rainbow lights flashing, and the energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye rippled like ripples.

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked and hurriedly communicated with Aren in the Daoist space, quickly condensing out of the Dao world in front of the colorful Liuyun car.

After breaking through the emperor level, his understanding of Taoism has reached its peak, and the defense strength of the Tao Realm formed is also very strong.

However, when a wave of energy ripples swept through, and madly rushed out with the Dao Realm, Yun Feiyang's face was grim and bloody!


Just when it was difficult to support, he immediately used the power of the law to bless the crumbling Dao realm and make it tough.

Fortunately, the fusion of the two laws was achieved, and the resulting force instantly supported the Dao Realm and was not shattered by energy fluctuations.

"Oh shit."

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "Who is fighting?"

Suddenly, there were energy fluctuations. It was obvious that there were warriors fighting in the universe, and at such a distance, they could affect themselves. It must be a battle above the emperor!


Just at this moment, a loud noise came.

The originally dark universe was illuminated in an instant, and gurgling powerful energy fluctuated and swept again like a flood.

Yun Feiyang panicked and hurriedly manipulated the colorful streamer to explode to the rear and finally exited the dark area.

The run was fast, but the Yu Wei formed after the loud noise ended was still blasting on the road world, the strength was stronger than before, and he was spurting blood out on the spot.

Previously, the bullish force of law smashed the huge meteorite, but now it is affected by the aftermath of the battle, which is a bit too inferior.

It's already pretty good.

The power of Yu Wei formed by the battle just now was replaced by other mid-level fifth-grade emperor-level strongmen to bear, and the result will inevitably be hit hard.

"I'm still going around."

The arrogant Yun Daqian rare counseled once, and drove the colorful flowing cloud car to bypass this darker area.

However, it didn't take long.

Behind him suddenly appeared two horrors, sweeping towards himself.

Yun Feiyang Xiannian was always releasing and instantly caught that there were two rainbow lights chasing behind her butt, sometimes colliding together.

"Boom! Boom!"

The loud noise came from time to time, carrying terror energy fluctuations, like waves of waves.


The big monster Yun called out, and when the colorful streamer was about to be taken back, it turned into a streamer and fled at speed.

Qian Rushan's passing to him was perfectly reflected at this moment. At full speed, the speed was so fast that he couldn't even catch up with the energy fluctuations.


The two successive rainbow lights behind the buttocks stopped, revealing two quite old men, one of whom was full of red-haired old men wondered: "This kid's body is very mysterious."

"It's more than just body style."

The other person's eyes were hot: "Just as I had suffered from the two of you, it seemed that the power of the two laws of fusion had erupted."


The red-haired old man was surprised and said: "Every one of the five emperors has achieved the integration of laws?"

"Red monster."

Another old man grinned and said: "This kid, I am emperor fancy, you don't want to grab it."


The voice just fell and turned into a rainbow, chasing towards Yun Feiyang desperately fleeing.

However, the old man named Red Old Monster also chased in the past, and said coldly: "How can an old boy give you such a good boy!"

Heidi's face was slightly ugly, but he also said: "Whoever catches up first, who will this boy belong to!"

"it is good!"

Red boss agreed.

So the speed of the two strong men fully opened, and instantly turned into a rainbow to chase past.

Yun Feiyang, who was running away, had been releasing Xiannian, paying attention to the situation behind him. When he saw the two rainbow lights stop, he chased back together, and the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

Did his appearance disturb the fighting between the two emperors, so he pointed his finger at himself?

At that moment, Yun Da cheap God really wanted to shout at the power above the two emperors behind: "Senior, I just passed by!"

It is useless to call, because in the vast universe, the sound is difficult to pass through, so it can only be used to fly through the clouds and run wildly.

The red boss and the black emperor have been chasing behind the butt, realizing that the kid has a good speed and intentionally keeping a distance to see how long he can run and how far he can run.

Uncle Da Yun didn't know that the two great powers deliberately kept their speed, but when they couldn't catch up, they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to flee with all their might.

that's it.

A streamer was galloping in front, and two rainbow lights were chasing behind in a hurry, staged a very interesting cosmic chase battle.


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