Super God

Chapter 2124: 2 of us, who do you choose to talk to?

() In the vast universe, Yun Feiyang can be said to bring the Yundu to the extreme, and the speed is absolutely fast.

However, no matter how fast or how he sprints, the two emperors behind him are still chasing with ease.

Yun Feiyang collapsed and said: "There is no end!"

There is no way, for his own safety, he can only continue to escape and continue to ingest the laws that exist in the universe to supplement the energy consumed.


The black emperor chasing behind was surprised: "This kid has been running for so long, and his speed hasn't weakened in any way. It's strange."

The red old monster said solemnly: "This son must have realized the ultimate of the two fusion rules, and achieved the inexhaustible extent."


Heidi said with emotion: "This kind of thing that only the upper emperor level can do, a mid-level lower level will be mastered in advance, it is really commendable."

"Black monster."

The old man said: "You and I have played in this vast universe for decades, and we can meet such a good little guy, and it is a good chance."

Heidi smiled and said: "It is still the same sentence, whoever catches up with you will return to whoever."

"it is good."

Red old stranger said: "The old man is serious!"


As soon as the voice fell, the speed was fully on, and the Heidi did not give in, and the speed was also turned on.

Yun Fei, who fleeing hard, realized that the distance between the two and himself was a little closer, and his face suddenly looked hard.


Suddenly, he stopped.

The latter two are significantly faster than themselves, and even if they use their feeding power, they cannot escape.

Rather than stop, make it clear and let them know that they are really passing by!



In an instant, the old red monster and the black emperor flew by.

They stopped outside Yunfeiyang for ten feet and laughed in unison: "Little guy, why didn't you run away?"

"The strength of the two seniors is unpredictable, and the juniors can't run away."

Yun Feiyang said bitterly.

In the face of the two emperors, his share of enthusiasm has shrunk a lot, especially his predecessors, obviously wanting to win favor.


The red boss laughed loudly, his eyes flashed suddenly, and the power of the Cohesion Rule grabbed him.

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked.

But the opponent's strength is too strong, and the power of the law is extremely strong, and there is no ability to escape!


It was at this moment that Heidi stepped forward and broke the power of the condensed rule of the red old monster, and said with a smile: "Black old monster, how can you get one step ahead of the old man."

The two emperors lightly described each other, and formed extremely strong energy fluctuations. The closer Yunfei flew, and his face was suddenly blown pale.

This is still deliberately suppressed by the red boss and the black emperor.

If the energy fluctuations caused by the fierce confrontation are just like that, he will definitely be hit **** the spot.

Too strong, too strong.

With his own strength, it can't be shaken!

At close range, Yun Feiyang realized that his own median fifth-grade emperor-level, in front of the power above the emperor, turned out to be so vulnerable.

Of course, he is not a person who is waiting to be killed, thinking secretly in his heart, should he smash the dragon seal and call the Dragon Emperor?


At this moment, the Black Emperor once again waved the power of the Condensation Law and grabbed it, and the formation of the air wave instantly blown the sourness of Yun Da cheap God.

The red boss would naturally not look at it, and immediately tried to block again, and it was difficult for both of them to take a half step forward.

What's happening here?

Suffering from the turbulence of the waves, Yun Fei's eyes flickered in amazement.

I thought, don't both of them want each other to kill themselves?


He grimaced and said: "The junior just passed by just now, if there is any interruption, please forgive me."

With the character of Yun Da Da God, if he can shake Emperor a little bit above, he will certainly not be so full of complacency.

"Black monster!"

The red old monster didn't pay attention to him, but looked at Heidi coldly and said, "I'm fancy this kid, you better get out."

Heidi said coldly: "Unfortunately, I also took a fancy to him, it should be you who got out of it."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Do the old men above these two emperors have the habit of Longyang, do not like women, but like men who are so handsome?

"How about this."

The old man said: "You and I asked for his opinion."


Heidi looked at Yunfeiyang and said, "Boy, we two, who do you choose to follow?"

Yun Feiyang said bitterly: "The orientation of the two seniors and juniors is normal, and they don't like men."

Hearing this sentence, the old red monster and the black emperor stunned, and then understood what, Qi Qi shouted: "The emperor (old man) is also very normal, do not like men!"


Yun Feiyang stunned.

The old red monster exclaimed angrily: "Damn little fellow, we two are asking who you want to worship as a teacher. What are you thinking about just now?"

Worship them as a teacher?

Yun Feiyang suddenly understood that this was a fancy to his qualifications and he wanted to accept himself as a disciple.


I was scared to death.

Yun Dachen was immediately relaxed and smiled: "It turns out that this is the case, the junior just misunderstood just now."

Heidi glared at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and say who you are going to worship."


During the speech, the power of a gurgling powerful law exploded.

Obviously this is telling Yun Feiyang vaguely, boy, choose me or not, you can do it.

The red old monster did not give in, bursting out his breath, telling Yun Feiyang with cold eyes, boy, if you don’t choose me, the consequences will be ugly.

"This this……"

Under the impact of two terror forces, Yun Dachen was suddenly sweating.

I thought to myself, whoever I chose is unlucky.


Yun Dachen's mind turned around and immediately thought of it, laughing: "The strength of the two predecessors is definitely not weak, the younger generation is really difficult to choose, or else..."


Asked the red old monster and the black emperor.

Yun Fei Yang paused, rubbed his hands and smiled: "It is better to fight two seniors, whoever wins, the younger will worship who is the teacher."

The red old monster and the black emperor pondered a little, glanced at each other, and said in unison: "I look at it."

In the vast universe.

The two emperors were separated by tens of miles from each other, and the body radiated the power of the law of magnificence.

Yun Feiyang, who was far away, whispered secretly in his heart as he saw fear and fear: "When they are scorched, they will take advantage of this Suddenly two neuropaths catch up and let themselves worship them As a teacher, he certainly refused.

Moreover, although the realm of Yun Da cheap **** is not high, but his vision is high, in his view, the two emperors are not enough to be their masters.


It was at this time that the old red monster and the black emperor had already joined hands, and the power of the law was condensed, and the crazy collision, which can be described as an explosion.

Yun Feiyang backed away immediately, fearing that it would be affected.

However, what caused him to collapse was that after falling back dozens of miles, he hit the invisible defensive barrier.


Yun Feiyang shouted inwardly: "These two old guys have blocked the space!"


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